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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PhpGedView

    On 15/12/2018 03:36, xiaofo wrote: Data security is the most important thing on a genealogy website. How to maximize data security? I have disabled certain functions of php from running, and the firewall configuration can only be linked to mysql natively, hiding the source station through a reverse proxy. . 1. Can I restrict the execution of php scripts to certain directories through apache or nginx? I'm running on nginx and have the php side of things running via phpfpm which restricts where things...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    On 25/10/2018 05:43, xiaofo wrote: I want to know, the old data that is overwritten in the upload replacement, what does it mean?After I updated the gedcom file, do I have to re-upload all the data, or do I only need to send new data?How is the coverage of old data judged and covered? Is it numbered by @l? As far as I am aware there is no incremental update. Any changes you have made in PGV will update the gedcom file, and that new master gedcom file can be opened in third party programs like Gramps....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    On 02/10/2018 12:58, Gerry Kroll wrote: I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by using these services. Gerry Using central services for providing files like jquery, bootstrap and the like reduces the load and bandwidth use on our own servers. About half of my 'traffic' is provided by and the likes of china has local hosting of some of these services where overseas services are blocked. xiaofo I had a look at switching over my copy of PGV, but volume of traffic is...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    On 17/06/18 09:07, Rod McInnes wrote: -- -- Database: |maxbegg_mcinnes| -- CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS |maxbegg_mcinnes| DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci MySQL said: Documentation 1044 - Access denied for user 'maxbegg_rodmci'@'localhost' to database 'maxbegg_mcinnes' Which presumably means that this is the wrong login. MySQL has it's own methods of controlling access, and one should be able to use the login to access the server in general via PHPMyAdmin so you can test that...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    On 01/06/18 10:42, David Latter wrote: I also have lost the Admin password - tried a fix to change the email but it still presumably goes to my defunct email address. is there anyone who I can pay to do this work? My original web programmer is no longer available and I wish to revive the project without manually inputting all the data. I have one working Guest login. Happy to use Cisco Webex to login together. Thanks David I can't help with the MySQL setup, although it should be possible to 'clone'...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    Given the problems we have had KEEPING access to Sourceforge over the last few years, you must have been replying to messages to restore your account at times. The current unsubscribe route is the evelope symbol to the right of the header of the messages, but you need to be looking at the forum summary to unsubscribe from the whole forum. If you are looking at this on-line, click on the blue 'Help' just below '3 Years Trying' and you should get the summary. Then click on the envelope ...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PhpGedView

    Sergey ... I'm in much the same position with a number of legacy websites which are working perfectly on PHP5.2 and PHP5.3. Moving their code to even PHP5.4 takes time and often results in strange niggles, so we have resorted to ensuring that any identified security problems with the PHP are addressed and leaving alone. In the case of PGV, I've only moved the old data to a new copy of PGV on the PHP7 server. I'm not sure the SVN copy of PGV will work on a legacy version of PHP but experiance tells...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PhpGedView

    My first question would be have you added images which you have then deleated as that is normally where the gaps come from. There is little reason to change then numbers, but '34' is probably stored as the next number anyway. There are a number of places where the database stores numbers and simply changing the gedcom record will not update them, so you are safer leaving them alone. I have sorted this type of problem in the past, but invariably after a few months it's as bad again so as long as the...

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2001-03-16 07:39:33
Evesham / Britain (UK) / BST


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