User Activity

  • Modified a comment on ticket #37 on PDF-Shuffler

    I maintain a mirror here: It contains sources from here (sourceforge) and the one which were on Unfortunnatly this is currently a personnal and not official initiative. EDIT: hum you actually already knows it.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #37 on PDF-Shuffler

    I maintain a mirror here: It contains sources from here (sourceforge) and the one which were on Unfortunnatly this is currently a personnal and not official initiative.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on jCAE error: cannot cast from type...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on jCAE

    Ok there is a bug in OccJava: OCC_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 && OCC_VERSION_MINOR >= 8 is...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on jCAE

    while waiting for getting my pull request accepted Merged ! And it's the best contribution...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on jCAE

    I'm not suggesting you to pull it at this stage (of course you can if you feel like...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on jCAE

    My first question is of course if this is the right place to discuss above? Yes this...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on jCAE

    To find missing DLL I always use this tool:

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Personal Data

2002-11-25 17:24:43


This is a list of open source software projects that Jerome Robert is associated with:

  • jCAE   Last Updated: