User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Artists Wanted on SourceForge Support

    I'm just a random passer-by that would like to share my 2c: Firstly, although it's not my sort of game, your game looks pretty cool. Good work on that. Re the "chan" feedback - the best thing to do IMO is don't feed the trolls. Just delete and ignore silly comments by script kiddies pretending to be big bad hackers. Most of those with the actual skills to do that sort of thing, don't waste their time making empty threats to little indy game projects. It's most likely just some rando incel angry at...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #635 on Adminer

    FWIW the maintainer of the docker-adminer container has noted that the Database does not support password. with MongoDB (using the mongodb PHP driver) is a current limititation of Adminer.

  • Created ticket #635 on Adminer

    Can't connect to local Mongo database - Adminer4.6.3 / PHP7.0 (w/mongodb PHP driver) / Mongo 3.2

  • Posted a comment on discussion Get Help on Scrollout F1

    The error message is giving you clues! From my reading of it, it looks like line 55 of your /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/scrollout_old.conf is trying to call /etc/nginx/snippets/fastcgi-php.conf and it can't find it (either it doesn't exist, or the path is wrong). So my guess is that you don't have fastcgi-php set up properly.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    According to this page: All recent versions of Webmin are under a BSD-like licence,...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Documenters Wanted on SourceForge Support

    Hey Chris, I work with TurnKey Linux: Like many open...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Documenters Wanted on SourceForge Support

    Hey Chris, I work with TurnKey Linux: Like many open...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4676 on Webmin

    Not neccessarily. apt-cache show package will show the version installed and any...

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Personal Data

2009-06-05 13:20:25
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