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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    --- Much needed. I'm so gled to see this effort coming about. I've found having a good up-to-date manual a tremendous aid to use when off-line. --- The PDF cited by kewapo in the post looks like an excellent start for something to have in a FreePlane online reference library.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    -- Follow up on FP-1.9.0-pre... preview series: ref: FreePlaine-Fix_FileLock-v0426a_copy.pdf -- After apparent first download -pre20/Mac-intel version & install, it has been functioning O.K. so far. This, upon good performance of -pre17 for my use cases (with exceptions cited below). -- That said, I am only in very preliminary stages of evaluating this version. I do anticpate potential of similar issues with Apple...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    latest FP-1.9.0-pre20: -- Tried the "Freeplane-1.9.0-pre20-apple.dmg" version, but discovered that Intel CPU MacOS will not run it. (white "do not enter" logo over the new v-1.9.0 logo). Probably a good idea to change the" to something like "...appleM!.dmg"

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    --- Have continually had same issue with errors being reported in v 1.8.... versions of FP. I've had to revert to using v 1.6.15 to get any real work done. Fortunately, the .mm file structure has not changed enough to permit that still to work. -- I've been limping along with v 1.8.6 when v 1.8.10 just became too unstable. My jury rig solution: save after EVERY significant MindMap edit. Then, when the error flag pops up, drop FB & all other apps on the Mac (OSX), shut down & reboot. Then, upon restart,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    --- Have continually had same issue with errors being reported in v 1.8.... versions of FP. I've had to revert to using v 1.6.15 to get any real work done. Fortunately, the .mm file structure has not changed enough to permit that still to work. -- I've been limping along with v 1.8.6 when v 1.8.10 just became too unstable. My jury rig solution: save after EVERY significant MindMap edit. Then, when the error flag pops up, drop FB & all other apps on the Mac (OSX), shut down & reboot. Then, upon restart,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    I actually like the cross pollinating bee logo. I have long been seeking how to bring it back for my installation. Much preferred in my book to the silly frog face.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------- Original message --------From: sfpcom Date: 12/10/20 14:39 (GMT-05:00) To: "[freeplane:discussion]" Subject: [freeplane:discussion] New application icon and splash screen suggestion to replace the Freeplane...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    --- I like the old "Read Only" label. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------- Original message --------From: Dimitry Polivaev Date: 12/18/19 05:30 (GMT-05:00) To: "[freeplane:discussion]" Subject: [freeplane:discussion] Readonly mode and readonly maps Hello community, I think that the new feature needs better names, a better icon and may be a better implementation. I would like to write about it here...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    -- A simple solution: create the answer as subordinate nodes under the question. clicking on the question head node reveals the subordinate answer node(s). Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone null

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2010-10-23 21:47:00


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