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  • Posted a comment on discussion Ayuda (Español) on OpenXava

    Hola!, tengo este mismo problema, pero no puedo actualizar la versión de Xavapro. Tengo un modulo que al reiniciar el servicio desaparece de oxmodules y correspondientemente de su relación con el rol. Si vuelvo a reiniciar vuelve a aparecer. No hay error ni información en el arranque. Esta aplicación está hecha con 5.3.2 (esta muy desactualizada, pero no es posible actualizarla en este momento). Si fuera posible, agradecería una pista de donde se hace la carga y la corrección a aplicar.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    I thought that it could be because when adding a controller to the stack, when closing the modal window, it returns to the original entity. I have put before the setControllers returnToPreviousControllers(); and it seems to be working. I don't know if it's the right way or if it works by chance Regards

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Thank you Javier for your answer! I have added it but now another symptom has arisen. The modal window that I open changes the controls after they are managed by setControllers. I have added the "Dialog" control to this when changing controllers, but when I close it, it changes the controls of the main window to the default controls of the entity of the modal window This is the action that executes in modal window and had to change the controller. public class Validate extends SaveAction { @SuppressWarnings("unused")...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hello, I have an action that extends a ViewBaseAction that opens a modal window. The actions that are loaded in the view of this action vary depending on the circumstance of the entity and the user. The problem is that when closing the dialog, it restores the default actions instead of the ones the user had before opening the modal window. My code is: public class ViewDuplicated extends ViewBaseAction{ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void execute() throws Exception { String document =(String)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Ayuda (Español) on OpenXava

    Hola a todos. Tengo una entidad con una propiedad con un estereotipo "Archivo" que...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Tess4J

    Hi!, It's my first comment. Hello all!. I'm using Tess4j version 3.02. When I try...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Debate (NOT FOR HELP) on OpenXava

    Básicamente, esta entidad siempre se ha comportado de la misma manera. Los requeridos...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Ayuda (Español) on OpenXava

    Buenas tardes, Tengo una entidad que con el tiempo en ciertos casos, los campos que...

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2012-03-05 14:46:57


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