User Activity

  • Posted a review on VirtuaWin - Multiple virtual desktops
  • Modified ticket #4 on Xfce ClassicLooks

    Fork over to GitHub?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on Xfce ClassicLooks

    absolutely, i don't plan to update it for gtk4 anyway (i just don't have the time anymore), so if you think you can do this it would be great. if you fork it let me know the URL so i can place the link on the sourceforge page cheers

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on Xfce ClassicLooks

    never say never, but most likely no, gtk3 is probably the end of classiclooks

  • Modified a comment on ticket #3 on Xfce ClassicLooks

    Hi Francois, This 2.2 version is the last classiclooks i'll be involved with. gtk4 is on its way with loads on changes needed from gtk3, so i no longer maintain classiclooks. it's open source, i'd be glad if anybody will be willing to take over, but it's end of the road for me. PS maybe i'll still release some ridiculously simple tweaks now and then, like increasing a width with a pixel or dimming a button, but no more that that, and i have no plans whatsoever for a gtk4 version (from me).

  • Modified a comment on ticket #3 on Xfce ClassicLooks

    Hi Francois, This 2.2 version is the last classiclooks i'll be involved with. gtk4 is on its way with loads on changes needed from gtk3, so i no longer maintain classiclooks. it's open source, i'd be glad if anybody will be willing to take over, but it's end of the road for me. PS maybe i'll still release some ridiculously simple tweaks now and then, like increasing a width with a pixel or dimming a button, but no more that that, and no gtk4 version from me.

  • Modified ticket #3 on Xfce ClassicLooks

    XFCE 4.16?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on Xfce ClassicLooks

    Hi Francois, This 2.2 version is the last classiclooks i'll be involved with. gtk4 is on its way with loads on changes needed from gtk3, so i no longer maintain classiclooks. it's open source, i'd be glad if anybody will be willing to take over, but it's end of the road for me. PS maybe i'll still release some ridiculously simple tweaks now and then, like increasing a width with a pixel or dimming a button, but no more that that.

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Personal Data

2006-10-15 10:43:01
Romania / EEST


This is a list of open source software projects that gyll is associated with:


This is a list of skills that gyll possesses:

  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • Qt
  • Prolog
  • SQL-based

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