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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Hi, If I compile this file with asy -V -f pdf test.asy warning: /home/fab/context/tex/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf:49: (kpathsea) No cnf value on line: OSFONTDIR =. dvips: warning: no config file for `download35' dvips: ! Couldn't find header file: /home/fab/Asymptote/share/asymptote/plain_shipout.asy: 87.10: runtime: shipout failed import three; size(8cm,0); currentlight.background=black; material White(real x, real y){ return material(diffusepen=gray(.05+.1x+.3y), emissivepen=gray(.05+.1x+.3y));...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Hi, I check if the installation of Asymptote is correct. If I compile the file test-1.asy it works with a pdf output but if I compile the file test-2.asy it does not work and the pdf file is empty. Both files compile with OpenGL output fab@debian:~$ asy -V -f pdf test-1.asy warning [version]: using possibly incompatible version 2.41 of plain.asy pen[][] p={{rgb(black),rgb(black)}, {rgb(red),rgb(green)}}; latticeshade((0,0)--(0,2cm)--(2cm,0)--cycle,p); fab@debian:~$ asy -V -f pdf test-2.asy warning...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Hi, I check if the installation of Asymptote is correct. If I compile the file test-1.asy it works with a pdf output but if I compile the file test-2.asy it does not work and the pdf file is empty. Both files compile with OpenGL output fab@debian:~$ asy -V -f pdf test-1.asy warning [version]: using possibly incompatible version 2.41 of plain.asy pen[][] p={{rgb(black),rgb(black)}, {rgb(red),rgb(green)}}; latticeshade((0,0)--(0,2cm)--(2cm,0)--cycle,p); fab@debian:~$ asy -V -f pdf test-2.asy warning...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Hi, I finally installed Asymptote in my home from the source code. How to correct the warning message ? Thank you Fabrice fab@debian:~$ asy Welcome to Asymptote version 2.42-12 (to view the manual, type help) warning [version]: using possibly incompatible version 2.41 of plain.asy >

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Hello, My system is Debian Stretch and I installed texlive 2017 in my home. If I run asy I get this asy: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Thanks Fabrice

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Hello, My system is Debian Stretch and I installed texlive 2017 in my home. If I run asyI get this asy: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Thanks Fabrice

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Asymptote

    Hello, I use Emacs as editor. Since yesterday, when I try to open a file test.asy,...

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2009-05-05 15:06:44


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