User Activity

  • Committed [94af7c]

    Commit Inicial

  • Committed [6e804f]

    Retorno al estado Anterior

  • Committed [b946dd]

    Actualizacion de despido

  • Committed [9224e2]

    Inserts Entrega IV.

  • Committed [b2c6ff]

    Constrain CH_FR_Type

  • Committed [f13dc2]

    Modificacion y coreecion de reportes

  • Committed [e98333]

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

  • Committed [e70687]

    -Agregacion de campo en entidad Filter Report

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Personal Data

2011-05-19 00:20:17


This is a list of open source software projects that Rómulo Rodríguez is associated with:

  • AGI-C-API   Last Updated:
  • Global Store Web que engloba las tiendas de aplicaciones y Contenidos Moviles. Last Updated:
  • IvrServer Fast-AGI Server for Asterisk. Last Updated:

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