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  • Posted a comment on ticket #1628 on BibDesk

    I'm impressed. Especially as I've forgotten about this bug (report), but it's also not been happening -- maybe b/c I've left pref alone -- in recent months... But, I hope that the fix is useful for stability :)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1628 on BibDesk

    Yeah. I was changing lowercase to upper (and vv) The other changes also have no effect. Seems “stable” (annoying but better than crashing!) David Zetland +31 6 2890 9774 On 13 Dec 2021, at 15:47, Christiaan Hofman wrote: The crash report does show an actual crash. Although one that should not happen if Apple were doing things right (we do...). Perhaps you could also try to see if changing either of the lowercase options in the Cite...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1628 on BibDesk

    Lots of Qs! First problem: I can't reproduce the crash. I tried *In the General preferences, does changing any of the Warnings options work, and does changing the "Edit imported publications..." * I tried changing other settings in prefs. Nothing. I'm guessing that a reboot may have "fixed" something. It may, indeed, be a case of Monterey's instabiliy. You can close this ticket (for now :)

  • Created ticket #1628 on BibDesk

    Crash on updating preferences

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1528 on BibDesk

    More: I just spent another 2 hours trying to track this bug down. I installed dropbox on my admin account and COULD save the file there, so it's definitely a permissions issue. I know that there are .plist files for my admin and user accounts, but I can't think of a conflict between them. I also updated from TeXLive 2017 to 2018, but that didn't seem to make any difference :( Overall, it must be (IMO) related to the limited permissions of my user (not admin) account, but I've got no idea of where...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1528 on BibDesk

    That doesn't seem to be it. After I make a change to mstr.bib and hit save: A zero-byte mstr-1.bib file is created It's also sync'd to dropbox I get this error message: ​Curiously, auto-save DOES work. I just cannot manually save. (That's not a solution, as I'd need to exit without save, then delete the old file and rename the auto-saved file to replace it... This is very frustrating, as I do not have this issue with any other programs :( Best David On 28 April 2018 at 21:25, Christiaan Hofman

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1528 on BibDesk

    I'm not sure of the difference between shared and sync'd, but it's here: MacDrive/Users/david/Dropbox Maybe it's an update between the two versions? On 28 April 2018 at 17:11, Christiaan Hofman wrote: Again, I cannot believe this is a problem with the latest release, because saving did not change for a long time. Perhaps it is with the latest os? And where is you Dropbox folder located? Shared folders are not the same as folders that contain "shared" (i.e. synchronized)...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1528 on BibDesk

    Hi Christiaan, I just spent an hour trying different things... Setup: I'm running Version 1.6.10 (4171) @ work and have admin privileges I'm running Version 1.6.14 (4490) @ home and do not have admin priviliges Diagnosis: At work, I can open, edit and save the file (mstr.bib) At home, I can open but can only save a changed file under a new name. Once I save it, I cannot edit that either (need to save to a new name). In short, I can only save changes by renaming (save as) the file. Aha! I then made...

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