User Activity

  • Committed [38e591]

    Changing to Ada 2012 Address synthax

  • Committed [9990b2]

    Petite réorganisation du code, histoire d'etre plus beau

  • Committed [a82a1e]

    Some modification with Xavier's code

  • Committed [250b76]

    Removing useless stuff

  • Committed [afcf3a]

    Initial commit

  • Committed [r2]

    Code commit

  • Committed [r1]

    Add initial directories

  • Committed [80ae9d]

    Ajout lovelace-console et lovelace-exec

View All

Personal Data

2012-11-01 13:28:40


This is a list of open source software projects that Ciceronne is associated with:

  • Copops Operating system in C++ Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Wasabee A Web browser with safety focus Last Updated:
  • ZPLUtil   Last Updated:
  • ada4hurd   Last Updated:
  • eDTS   Last Updated:

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