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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    there is an alternative way to handle this: change simply the entry of old items from "item name" to "zzzitem-name" Then the old entrys are at the end of the list. This works also if you usea version of keepass without folders and subfolders. We use this system also to put items on the top of the list ... for this we put a - sign before the item name : "-item name". Then all the items with a - sign are listed on the top of the list.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    I would that the developers add the possibility of a "master password". Same system like on SIM-cards where exists a second level of the PIN. Please have a look to They have also a possibility of a second possibility to recover the password of her cloud system: the password is the key to decrypt the cloud contents and it is possible to save a recover key in. A file. We store this file at a specific place as fail safe recovery key

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    The update check at this place is not the real problem. the problem is that keepass do not ask for the update before the key. At this moment it must also be possible to skip the update or to delay the update:skip the update and reask again in x days.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Ditto

    @Harry Samuel Probably you need to edit the keyboard definition filefile: .0 Brainstuff

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    NO, you must upgrade the running old version on the USB key (if the update Programm can do this) or you must update a running Version on a R computer and then you must copy the contents of the whole folder who contents the program on the computer into the Programm folder. If the settings of the Programm on the USB stick are not the same as in the folder of the computer, you must preserve the concerned files. best regards brainstuff

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    You can copy the kbx file to an USB stick and use it from there. But jou need that the program is installed on the computer or it must have the portable version of keepass on the USB stick. But then it works only on a windows computer. And:USB sticks are not very reliable. The better way is to put the data file on a cloud server and to work with this and to have a security copy on the local computers and also on the USB stick (with the portable version of keepass ). brainstuff

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Yes, this would be a very interesting feature. Create links and queries is the main feature of the informatics science.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Ditto

    À groub is like a sub folder in windows. Hierarchical folders are one of the best ideas in the computer science. Brainstuff

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2008-05-19 00:28:43


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