User Activity

  • Modified a comment on ticket #329 on ReadyMedia

    Because almost everytime I put a new movie my php stop parsing the xml document I made a horrible modification (worst code ever written), please adapt to your coding style and the rules of the programing code, or take it as example. Not tested with 383/384 or 385 bytes strings, just with less length and more length, but was tested OK with words and html elements like " in the middle of the cut. File: upnpsoap.c near Line: 1011 if( comment && (passed_args->filter & FILTER_DC_DESCRIPTION) ) { //ret...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #329 on ReadyMedia

    Because almost everytime I put a new movie my php stop parsing the xml document I made a horrible modification, please adapt to your coding style and the rules of the programing code, if you want. Not tested with 383/384 or 385 bytes strings, just with less length and more length, but was tested OK with words and html elements like " in the middle of the cut. File: upnpsoap.c near Line: 1011 if( comment && (passed_args->filter & FILTER_DC_DESCRIPTION) ) { //ret = strcatf(str, "<dc:description>%.384s</dc:description>",...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #329 on ReadyMedia

    I think a good method will be back from the end up to the first space, but with more than 3 chars then append three dots. For example Example: Hi how are you?, alongword anotherlongword Back from the end counting chars up to the first (last space), if more than 3 chars was counted, cut at that position (space char position) and append three dots. Result: Hi how are you, alongword...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #329 on ReadyMedia

    Another example of a problematic xml document for some xml parsers, look the last &quot, it's not ended properly due to string truncate. <dc:description>Londres, 1593, reinado de Isabel I Tudor. William Shakespeare, joven dramaturgo de gran talento, necesita urgentemente poner fin a la mala racha por la que está pasando su carrera. Por mucho que lo intenta, y a pesar de la presión de los productores y de los dueños de salas de teatro, no consigue concentrarse en su nueva obra: "Romeo y Ethel, la...

  • Created ticket #140 on ReadyMedia

    Allow friendly browsing of resources from web page (Access Control Allow Origin)

  • Created ticket #329 on ReadyMedia

    Invalid XML document using localized NFO files.

  • Created ticket #139 on ReadyMedia

    Feature: Read year from nfo when no capturedate

  • Created ticket #328 on ReadyMedia

    Problems parsing NFO file

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2014-01-13 20:16:14


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