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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Jadex BDI Agent System

    Dear Developer, I have a source code (quite big in Jade). I want to transer it to Jadex. I am looking for the following libraries in Jadex. import jade.content.AgentAction; import jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour; import jade.content.Concept; import jadex.concept; import jade.content.ContentElement; Thanks in advance

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Jadex BDI Agent System

    Dear Developer, I have a source code (quite big in Jade). I want to transer it to Jadex. I am looking for the following libraries in Jadex. import jade.content.AgentAction; import jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour; import jade.content.Concept; import jadex.concept; import jade.content.ContentElement; Thanks in advance

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Jadex BDI Agent System

    Is it possiable to set up a network of agents in Jadex (something like a graph), which agents are connected to eachother and get influnce by each other. Ameneh

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Jadex BDI Agent System

    Thank you Lars, Is there any example avaialbe that I can have a look?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Jadex BDI Agent System

    Dear Jadex Developer, This is not really a help related question. But, I want to set up a belief set not only based on the observation but also feed by a knowledge based outside the jadex environment. My question is: Can I do that? and how? Thank you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Jadex BDI Agent System

    Dear Developers, I am looking for an example of normative agents which developed with Jadex. I am wondering if you know a link or example that can be used as a toturial. thanks

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Jadex BDI Agent System

    check the chat example, it may help you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Jadex BDI Agent System

    Hello All, I am using the booktrading example as my benchmark to develop my own project. When I run my project I see that Jtable of each agent (e.g. seller or Buyer) it has only two rows instead of four rows as I configure in the XML. What am I doing wrong? One agent: <component type="Controller"> <arguments> <argument name="initial_orders"> new Order[] { new Order("All about agents", new Date(((IClockService)SServiceProvider.getLocalService($component.getComponentIdentifier(), IClockService.class,...

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2015-12-07 14:19:15


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