
#7 Wrong size when having folder path greater than 260 car.

v. 1.0.x

The folders which path is greater than 260 cars are ignored, and the parent folder so has a wrong total size.

This can happen when a folder in the following conditions:
The managed API only gives access to files/directories limited to 260 chars in length. This is a major flaw in the managed APIs, which every other administrator of a file server out there should agree on. This is the common scenario:
1. Create a folder like E:\CompanyData\Management on the server.
2. Share this as Management
3. The user mount this from his client PC to a drive letter like F:
4. The user creates directories and files below this F:. The user then has acess to a new 260 char length.
5. If the user creates a file with a name of e.g. 250 chars or with a combined length of subdirectorie names and file names of up to 260, these files will not be visible in Windows Explorer on the fileserver AND NOT be visible to the 'FileInfo' and 'DirectoryInfo', as well. In fact those API's blows up with an exception when encountering this situation.

HDGraph use the managed API of the .NET Framework and is so completely concerned by this problem (it uses the 'FileInfo' and 'DirectoryInfo' objects).


  • jyl

    jyl - 2007-03-07

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I'm currently working on this...

  • jyl

    jyl - 2007-10-08

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Will be fixed in a later version of HDGraph.

  • jyl

    jyl - 2007-10-08
    • status: open --> closed-later

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