
#132 allow more {} variables in generated JavaDoc


This is the way Sun suggests in their Javadoc "style
guide". For the @param tag, they write: "The @param tag
is followed by the name (not data type) of the
parameter, followed by a description of the parameter.
By convention, the first noun in the description is the
data type of the parameter."

Earlier, they suggest: "Keywords and names are offset
by <code>...</code> when mentioned in a description.
This includes: Java keywords, package names, class
names, method names, interface names, field names,
argument names, code examples."

Put the two guidelines together and you have:
@param name <code>data type</code>

I admit Sun is not so specific for @return values, and
I do concur that @return parameters may be better
served by providing a description of what's returned,
rather than just the data type. However, I thought that
providing the data type would be good as a default.

Sun also gives as an example for boolean return values:
<code>true</code> if ...; <code>false</code> otherwise.


Include adding lots of variables to replace the {0}
style variables available at the moment, which are
rather inconsistent. Probably including:

{user} - user name (as per login)
{altuser} - alternative user name (say for instance a
mailto: address).
{class} - the class name
{class.enc} - the enclosing class name
{method} - the method name
{type} - the parameter (or return) type
{date} - the current date
{?} - the stripped name for a getter/setter
{?} - the stripped name for a getter/setter with
initial letter in lowercase
{?} - the stripped name for a getter/setter split into
{?} - is 'class' or 'object' depending on whether the
method is static.

where {?} is where I haven't decided what to call them.


produce canned JavaDoc for:

String toString()
boolean equals(Object o)
int hashCode()
Object clone()


handle copy constructors.


handle Listener methods (i.e addActionListener()),
events and actions, as special JavaDoc.


static SomeClass instance().



  • Mike Atkinson

    Mike Atkinson - 2003-10-08

    Logged In: YES

    Additional variable for "addXxx" comment

    Add name of the parameter broken into words, similar
    to get and set.

  • Mike Atkinson

    Mike Atkinson - 2003-10-08

    Logged In: YES

    Comments for add / remove listener methods looks
    strange (feature?). Example:

    * Adds a feature to the MachineListener attribute of
    the Machine object
    * @param l The feature to be added to the
    MachineListener attribute
    public synchronized void addMachineListener
    (MachineListener l) {

  • Mike Atkinson

    Mike Atkinson - 2003-10-08

    Logged In: YES

    Add removeSomething template

  • Mike Atkinson

    Mike Atkinson - 2003-10-08
    • priority: 7 --> 9
  • Mike Atkinson

    Mike Atkinson - 2003-11-20
    • priority: 9 --> 3
    • summary: Improve automatic text generation --> allow more {} variables in generated JavaDoc

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