
#1717 Fix for IE page-widening bug

Slash 2.3/2.4
Comments (601)

Put the following into your lameness filter table:

INSERT INTO content_filters (regex, form, modifier,
field, ratio, minimum_match, minimum_length,
err_message) VALUES ('(?:\\s+\\.[^\\s]+)',
'comments', 'gi', 'postercomment', 0.0000, 5, 0,
'That\'s an awful lot of dotfiles there, Klerck.');

And Klerck's latest .page .widening .exploit should
be put to rest.


1 2 > >> (Page 1 of 2)
  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2002-03-05

    Logged In: YES

    No, that's not the right way to fix this. It was discovered when a user posted a legitimate list of dot-files from a unix directory; a fix should impact that as little as possible.

  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2002-03-05
    • labels: --> Comments
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jamiemccarthy
    • milestone: --> Slash 2.3/2.4
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    how many times has someone pasted a list of dotfiles to
    slashdot in three years? compare that with the number of
    times klerck has posted the page widening post using this
    mechanism in the past two weeks.

    the lameness filter is known to restrict legit content. if
    someone wants to post a list of dotfiles, they could convey
    the dotfiles without the preceeding dot.

    more people read slashdot with IE than without. a fix has
    been provided, so just fix it, would you?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    If you don't want to catch it with the lameness filter,
    have the comment-munging code do something like
    s!(\s)\.!$1<span></span>.!g (or use a similarly-invisible
    HTML sequence) in order to break apart the space and

  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2002-03-05

    Logged In: YES


    Yeah, that's more or less what we've been thinking, we just haven't gotten around to it. Part of the problem is that none of the Slash programmers use Windows, so testing this would be a pain.

    "the lameness filter is known to restrict legit content"

    Obviously we want that to happen as little as possible -- and I'm not inclined to inconvenience all our users just to work around one of Microsoft's bugs that only affects a tiny number of users.

    We'll fix this eventually but it's not my highest priority at the moment.

  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2002-03-05
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    href=><tt>.I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .
    all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide
    .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you
    .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worr
    y .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .d
    on't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .suc
    ks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lam
    e .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .
    how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .cer
    tainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .i
    s .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK
    .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .
    wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .
    than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .be
    cause .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .fi
    lter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charate
    rs .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .an
    d .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeat
    er .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .re
    ad .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .a
    nnoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .be
    cause .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .w
    ish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .
    wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages
    .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to
    .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .y
    ou .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really
    .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some
    .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .won
    der .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I
    .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .Th
    is .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .
    BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be
    .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .coo
    ler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .readin
    g .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lamenes
    s .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .ch
    araters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happen
    s .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .d
    efeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .wil
    l .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .does
    nt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginnin
    g .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages
    .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .
    you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .p
    ages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have
    .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .th
    at .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .r
    eally .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put
    .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i
    .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comme
    nt .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .peopl
    e .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING
    .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could
    .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much
    .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .r
    eading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .la
    meness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enoug
    h .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .h
    appens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filt
    er .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people
    .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it
    .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beg
    inning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .p
    ages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .d
    ont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narr
    ow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont
    .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .yo
    u .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .th
    at .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to
    .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .the
    re .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .
    comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .
    people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDE
    NING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .
    could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are
    .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .
    to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .th
    e .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .
    enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .th
    at .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness
    .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .p
    eople .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope
    .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the
    .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wi
    de .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .th
    is .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those
    .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .
    dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .tellin
    g .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .lin
    e .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have
    .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in
    .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .wh
    ole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .m
    any .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE
    .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pa
    ges .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages
    .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .u
    sed .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .abou
    t .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .h
    ave .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .whe
    n .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lame
    ness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .ma
    ny .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly
    .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just
    .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .lik
    e .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .a
    s .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .t
    hose .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .
    you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .t
    elling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per
    .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you
    .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .tex
    t .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .thi
    s .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .t
    oo .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .
    PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .al
    l .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .p
    ages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .a
    re .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry
    .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don
    't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks
    .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame
    .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .ho
    w .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certa
    inly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is
    .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I
    .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wi
    de .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .th
    an .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .beca
    use .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filt
    er .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters
    .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and
    .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater
    .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read
    .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .ann
    oy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .beca
    use .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wis
    h .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wi
    de .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .y
    ou .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .w
    orry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you
    .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .
    sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .
    lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonde
    r .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .
    certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This
    .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BA
    CK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .a
    s .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .coole
    r .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading
    .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness
    .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .char
    aters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens
    .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .def
    eater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will
    .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt
    .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning
    .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I
    .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .yo
    u .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pag
    es .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .
    to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that
    .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .rea
    lly .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .s
    ome .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .
    wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment
    .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people
    .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .I
    S .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .
    be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .
    cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .rea
    ding .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lame
    ness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough
    .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .hap
    pens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter
    .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .
    will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .d
    oesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .begin
    ning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pag
    es .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .don
    t .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow
    .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .h
    ave .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you
    .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that
    .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .p
    ut .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there
    .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .co
    mment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .pe
    ople .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENI
    NG .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .co
    uld .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .m
    uch .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to
    .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the
    .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .en
    ough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that
    .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .f
    ilter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .peo
    ple .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .
    it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .
    beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide
    .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this
    .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .n
    arrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .do
    nt .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling
    .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line
    .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .
    to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .
    there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whol
    e .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .man
    y .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .W
    IDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .page
    s .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .a
    re .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .use
    d .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about
    .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .hav
    e .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when
    .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lamene
    ss .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many
    .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .h
    ope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .
    the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like
    .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as
    .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .tho
    se .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .yo
    u .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .tel
    ling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .
    line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .h
    ave .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text
    .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this
    .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too
    .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PA
    GE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all
    .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pag
    es .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are
    .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .a
    bout .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't
    .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .
    when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .l
    ameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how
    .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certain
    ly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .j
    ust .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .
    like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide
    .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than
    .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .becaus
    e .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter
    .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .
    per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .y
    ou .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .
    text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .
    this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy
    .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .becaus
    e .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish
    .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide
    .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you
    .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .wor
    ry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .
    don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .su
    cks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .la
    me .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder
    .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .ce
    rtainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .
    is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK
    .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as
    .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler
    .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .b
    ecause .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .f
    ilter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charat
    ers .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .a
    nd .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defea
    ter .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .r
    ead .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .
    annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .b
    ecause .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .
    wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you
    .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages
    .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to
    .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .
    you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .reall
    y .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .som
    e .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wo
    nder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .
    I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .T
    his .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS
    .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be
    .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .co
    oler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .readi
    ng .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lamene
    ss .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .c
    haraters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happe
    ns .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .
    defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .wi
    ll .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doe
    snt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginni
    ng .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages
    .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont
    .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .
    pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .hav
    e .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .t
    hat .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .
    really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put
    .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .
    i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comm
    ent .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .peop
    le .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING
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    xt .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .th
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    ater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .
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    o .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .t
    here .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole
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    s .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many
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    ve .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .
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    hen .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .la
    meness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .
    many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainl
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    ext .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .t
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    ks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lam
    e .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .
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    d .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeat
    er .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .re
    ad .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .a
    nnoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .be
    cause .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .w
    ish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .
    wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages
    .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to
    .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .y
    ou .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really
    .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some
    .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .won
    der .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I
    .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .Th
    is .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .
    BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be
    .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .coo
    ler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .readin
    g .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lamenes
    s .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .ch
    araters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happen
    s .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .d
    efeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .wil
    l .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .does
    nt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginnin
    g .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages
    .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .
    you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .p
    ages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have
    .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .th
    at .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .r
    eally .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put
    .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i
    .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comme
    nt .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .peopl
    e .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING
    .IS .BACK ..I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .coul
    d .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .muc
    h .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .
    reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .l
    ameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enou
    gh .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .
    happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .fil
    ter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .peopl
    e .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it
    .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .be
    ginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .
    pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .
    dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .nar
    row .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont
    .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .y
    ou .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .t
    hat .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to
    .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .th
    ere .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole
    .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many
    .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WID
    ENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages
    .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are
    .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used
    .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .t
    he .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have
    .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .t
    hat .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness
    .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .
    people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hop
    e .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .th
    e .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .w
    ide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .t
    his .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those
    .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you
    .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telli
    ng .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .li
    ne .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .hav
    e .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .i
    n .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .w
    hole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .
    many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE
    .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .p
    ages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages
    .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .
    used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .abo
    ut .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .
    have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .wh
    en .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lam
    eness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .m
    any .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly
    .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .jus
    t .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .li
    ke .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .
    as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .
    those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because
    .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .
    telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .pe
    r .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you
    .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .te
    xt .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .th
    is .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .
    too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because
    .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .a
    ll .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .
    pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .
    are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry
    .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .do
    n't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .suck
    s .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame
    .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .h
    ow .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .cert
    ainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is
    .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .
    I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .w
    ide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .t
    han .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .bec
    ause .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .fil
    ter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charater
    s .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and
    .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeate
    r .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .rea
    d .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .an
    noy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .bec
    ause .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wi
    sh .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .w
    ide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .
    you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .
    worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .yo
    u .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really
    .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some
    .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wond
    er .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I
    .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .Thi
    s .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .B
    ACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .
    as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cool
    er .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading
    .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness
    .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .cha
    raters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens
    .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .de
    feater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will
    .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesn
    t .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning
    .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .
    I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .y
    ou .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pa
    ges .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have
    .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .tha
    t .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .re
    ally .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .
    some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i
    .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .commen
    t .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people
    .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .
    IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could
    .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much
    .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .re
    ading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lam
    eness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough
    .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .ha
    ppens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filte
    r .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people
    .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .
    doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .begi
    nning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pa
    ges .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .do
    nt .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narro
    w .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .
    have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you
    .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .tha
    t .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .
    put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .ther
    e .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .c
    omment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .p
    eople .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDEN
    ING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .c
    ould .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .
    much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .t
    o .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the
    .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .e
    nough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .tha
    t .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .
    filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .pe
    ople .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope
    .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the
    .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wid
    e .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .thi
    s .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .
    narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .d
    ont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling
    .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line
    .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have
    .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in
    .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this .who
    le .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .ma
    ny .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .
    WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pag
    es .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .
    are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .us
    ed .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about
    .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .ha
    ve .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when
    .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lamen
    ess .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .man
    y .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .
    hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just
    .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like
    .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as
    .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .th
    ose .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .because .y
    ou .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .te
    lling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per
    .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .
    have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text
    .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read .this
    .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .to
    o .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .because .P
    AGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all
    .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pa
    ges .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .ar
    e .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .
    about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you .don'
    t .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks
    .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .
    lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how
    .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .certai
    nly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .
    just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I
    .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wid
    e .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .tha
    n .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .becau
    se .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .filte
    r .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .charaters
    .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .and .
    you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defeater
    .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .read
    .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .anno
    y .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .becau
    se .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish
    .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wid
    e .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .pages .yo
    u .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .to .wo
    rry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that .you
    .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .really .s
    ucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .some .l
    ame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder
    .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment .I .c
    ertainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .This
    .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BAC
    K .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .be .as
    .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .cooler
    .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .reading .
    because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lameness .
    filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .chara
    ters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happens .
    and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter .defe
    ater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .will .
    read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt
    .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginning .
    because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I
    .wish .all .pages .could .be .as .wide .as .this .dont .you
    .wide .pages .are .much .cooler .than .those .narrow .page
    s .you .are .used .to .reading .because .you .dont .have .t
    o .worry .about .the .lameness .filter .telling .you .that
    .you .don't .have .enough .charaters .per .line .that .real
    ly .sucks .when .that .happens .and .you .have .to .put .so
    me .lame .lameness .filter .defeater .text .in .there .i .w
    onder .how .many .people .will .read .this .whole .comment
    .I .certainly .hope .it .doesnt .annoy .too .many .people .
    This .is .just .the .beginning .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS
    .BACK .I .like .wide .pages .I .wish .all .pages .could .b
    e .as .wide .as .this .dont .you .wide .pages .are .much .c
    ooler .than .those .narrow .pages .you .are .used .to .read
    ing .because .you .dont .have .to .worry .about .the .lamen
    ess .filter .telling .you .that .you .don't .have .enough .
    charaters .per .line .that .really .sucks .when .that .happ
    ens .and .you .have .to .put .some .lame .lameness .filter
    .defeater .text .in .there .i .wonder .how .many .people .w
    ill .read .this .whole .comment .I .certainly .hope .it .do
    esnt .annoy .too .many .people .This .is .just .the .beginn
    ing .because .PAGE .WIDENING .IS .BACK

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    "Obviously we want that to happen as little as possible -- and
    I'm not inclined to inconvenience all our users just to work
    around one of Microsoft's bugs that only affects a tiny number
    of users."

    Jamie, you are so full of shit. Referrer logs have
    consistently shown that IE is the most widely used browser
    on slashdot. I seriously doubt that people are less likely
    to read comments with IE than with mozilla.

    And that lame comment about slash developers not using
    windows is not true, malda has said many times on slashdot
    that he has a windows partition for games.

  • Jon Anderson

    Jon Anderson - 2002-03-06

    Logged In: YES

    I'm at a bit of a loss as to what you want me to do. You
    guys are always wont to say "If you want a feature, submit a
    patch." Well, I submitted a patch; now why the hell are you
    making up excuses and evading any reasonable attempt to get
    this bug fixed? I hate Internet Explorer and Microsoft just
    as much if not more than your average Slashbot, but I'm not
    blinded by zealotry to the point that I can't see that more
    than 90% of the average Web audience uses IE. A
    "browser-specific" bug which affects 90% of your audience by
    no means "affects a tiny number of users." I studiously
    avoid using Windows as much as I can help, but for those
    times when I absolutely must boot into that horrible OS,
    Internet Explorer is the only reasonable browser choice
    available; this page-widening exploit annoys me to no end.
    Please put a stop to it.

  • Jon Anderson

    Jon Anderson - 2002-03-06

    Logged In: YES

    I'm at a bit of a loss as to what you want me to do. You
    guys are always wont to say "If you want a feature, submit a
    patch." Well, I submitted a patch; now why the hell are you
    making up excuses and evading any reasonable attempt to get
    this bug fixed? I hate Internet Explorer and Microsoft just
    as much if not more than your average Slashbot, but I'm not
    blinded by zealotry to the point that I can't see that more
    than 90% of the average Web audience uses IE. A
    "browser-specific" bug which affects 90% of your audience by
    no means "affects a tiny number of users." I studiously
    avoid using Windows as much as I can help, but for those
    times when I absolutely must boot into that horrible OS,
    Internet Explorer is the only reasonable browser choice
    available; this page-widening exploit annoys me to no end.
    Please put a stop to it.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    slashdot is my toilet and the comments are my diposed
    toilet paper



  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2002-03-06

    Logged In: YES

    The tiny number of users is those who read at -1.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    what is the point of a lameness filter? if only a few
    people read slashdot at -1, then why not allow ascii art

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Jamie, a quick look at your website seems to reveal that you are in
    fact running *Internet Explorer* on MacOS X. And as a
    Slashdot Editor, it is surely in your best interest to
    browse at -1 (to spot moderation abuse, flag bad posters,
    and all that). So you should have more than ample reason
    to fix this patch, for your own sake!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Jamie, a quick look at your website seems to reveal that you are in
    fact running *Internet Explorer* on MacOS X. And as a
    Slashdot Editor, it is surely in your best interest to
    browse at -1 (to spot moderation abuse, flag bad posters,
    and all that). So you should have more than ample reason
    to fix this patch, for your own sake!

  • The_Messenger

    The_Messenger - 2002-03-08

    Logged In: YES

    Jamie the Slashdot loser wrote, "none of the
    Slash programmers use Windows." Oh really, Jamie? Well then
    how does Taco play those "l337" Windows games that he's
    always babbling about? He was on the Diablo II ladder
    during the beta, quite a few months before it was ported to
    Mac OS IIRC. He's enjoyed similar forays into the worlds of
    The Sims and Black and White. Can't you idiots drop your
    rabid anti-Windows sentiment long enough to understand that
    no matter how much IP Miguel de Icaza steals from
    Microsoft, more than 50% of your crappy site's readers will
    always be using a Microsoft OS? Your unsuccessful attempts
    to make yourself look elitist only make the rest of us
    laugh harder.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I like reading \. at -1 (I have +ve karma, I just like the
    more inventive trolls) and Klerk's page widening is a real
    pain in the arse.

    At least he has the decency to use his account - I think he
    want to collect foes - but when an AC copies him I can't
    read that thread - at work at any rate have to use IE and
    Windows there.

    Good job I'm not paying per page loaded or it would really
    piss me off.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'm sorry if I have caused a disturbance in Slashdot, I
    shall never do it again

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    No, I'll definitely continue to do it!


  • Ian Wienand

    Ian Wienand - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    1) I am a subscriber
    2) I am forced to use IE at work
    3) I enjoy reading at -1

    It now costs me *real money* when I try to read the
    comments and must reload because of these posts. It has
    clearly annoyed me enough to come here and complain. How
    many times does someone need to post not just a directory
    listing but a directory listing full of . files?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hey! Another reason to not fix the bug! It forces reloads.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    It's not a bug, it's a feature...

    I think I'll keep flooding Crashdot with these page
    widening posts. Thanks for letting me know how much they
    piss everyone off.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Jamie, as moderators aren't we supposed to be reading at -1
    to watch for moderation abuse? I am no longer willing to
    browse at -1 until this is fixed. It's not worth it.

    Furthermore, what if someone with a +1 bonus decided to do
    this? Similar things have happened before... or have you
    forgotten what Pascal Q. Porcupine did... or Signal 11...
    or Enoch Root... or others.

    Frankly, this is an important bug. /Please/ fix it.
    You've been given the patch, all you have to do is stick it
    into slashcode.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Quite honestly guys, I think the page widening posts are
    hilarious. But of course, I am running Mozilla, so it
    doesn't happen to me. They were original when they first
    came out, but now it's just funny that you guys are taking
    so long to fix what any large corporation would consider a
    Sev2 ticket.

    And you know you browse at -1 to bitchslap users, and you
    know that most of them use IE cause they're at work, and you
    know that absolutely everyone can't stand page lengthening,
    but yet we should be reading at -1 to help your
    pay-for-better-useage site look better to the majority of
    readers? You guys are stupid.

    Also, while I'm at it: Why is it ok to mirror all those
    story submissions on a site like AlterSlash, but not the
    comments? They're all coming from other people, which means
    they should all be 'copyright of the poster' not your site.
    You guys suck.


  • George Howell

    George Howell - 2002-03-13

    Logged In: YES

    You don't mind screwing up links, which are posted in
    nearly every story, yet you don't want to mess up someone's
    ability to enter a list of dotfiles?


    "I can see that words are coming out of your mouth, but all
    I hear is 'blah, blah, blah'"

    How about CT use some of that magic mojo that he uses to
    tell us what percent of users read comments, and tell us
    what percent of users use IE?

    How about at least being honest and putting a "Page best
    viewed WITHOUT IE" link on the pages?

    How about not being such a collection of twats? I'm gonna
    buy something from VA, when they don't have a single
    machine with a Microsoft OS available? Here's a hint: take
    a ratty old box, buy a copy of Windows '98 from one of the
    vendors on pricewatch for ~$100. You can do the occasional
    page view from a Pentium 133 or thereabouts. Certainly
    somebody must have a collection of old computer parts that
    would let you put together a system for no other reason
    than to view a page with the most popular browser in the
    world. Or are you 1337 uber-hax0rs incapable of putting
    together your own box and installing Windows? Now we know
    where all of the comments about the difficulty of
    installing Windows comes from (FWIW, I just walked my
    *mother* through a Win'98 install over the phone.)

    I no longer feel the slightest twinge of remorse over ad-

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