
#317 Transparent images with ARGB visual enabled

Code (277)

I'm using Conky 1.8.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 with Compiz enabled and I'm having the following problem. With "own_window_transparent yes" and "own_window_argb_visual yes" any image that is loaded with ${image} becomes transparent as well. The background gains real transparency as expected, but the images aren't supposed to be transparent.

Note: Transparent images are not noticeable with a black desktop background.


  • Serrano

    Serrano - 2010-08-14

    Output of conky -v

  • Max Eng

    Max Eng - 2010-10-25

    Yes, I confirm this problem with version 1.8.1. Conky use with compiz in Arch.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It appears to be (mistakenly) using values from the background image to apply transparency to the $images. Against a white region of background the images are completely transparent. $images over darker regions are partially-transparent, and over a black region it's properly opaque. Obviously the images should be opaque regardless of the background image.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It also affects the colours of the various graphs.

  • Serrano

    Serrano - 2013-06-18

    This problem is still present in Conky 1.9.0 on Ubuntu 13.04.

  • Dan McCombs

    Dan McCombs - 2015-03-11

    Same issue with 1.9.0 on current Arch Linux.

  • Dan McCombs

    Dan McCombs - 2015-03-12

    This is being caused by blending being enabled when imlib2 renders to the drawable, which makes sense when using fake transparency but not for argb visuals.

    Attached is a patch that disables it when own_window_argb_visual is enabled, while leaving it enabled if fake transparency is in use. This fixes the problem for me.

    I've also attached a screenshot showing 2 ARGB conky windows overlaying each other without the image wash-out and partial transparency.

    I'm not sure how active conky development is with the last release being 3 years ago, so I'll give this a little while but if I don't hear from anyone I'll see about getting this included as a patch in some distribution's packages instead.

    I'd like to hear feedback from others testing this as well.

  • Dan McCombs

    Dan McCombs - 2015-03-17

    This patch is now included in the official conky package in Arch Linux as of version 1.9.0-5. I'll try to get it included for the Debian package next.

  • Brenden Matthews

    Please submit a PR for this at

  • Dan McCombs

    Dan McCombs - 2015-03-18

    Thanks Brenden, that github isn't too obvious with sourceforge coming up at the top of search results - is there any way to close this sourceforge project and redirect to the new github one?

    It looks like a fair amount has changed since the last release and the current github code, I'll rework the patch for it.


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