
#149 Can't instrument HTTPRequest with new DCR instrumentation


When using Grinder3.3 with Jython2.5 the datalog file is empty and the test results are missing from the outlog file at the end of a test. The details are given below:

So grinder3.3 + Jython2.5


12/22/09 3:47:12 PM (process localhost-0): The Grinder version 3.3
12/22/09 3:47:12 PM (process localhost-0): Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.6.0_16-b01: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (14.2-b01, mixed mode) on Linux i386
12/22/09 3:47:12 PM (process localhost-0): time zone is PST (-0800)
12/22/09 3:47:13 PM (process localhost-0): worker process 0
12/22/09 3:47:13 PM (process localhost-0): instrumentation agents: byte code transforming instrumenter for Jython 2.5; byte code transforming instrumenter for Java
12/22/09 3:47:13 PM (process localhost-0): executing "" using Jython 2.5.1rc3 (Release_2_5_1rc3:6809, Sep 23 2009, 21:40:34)
[Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)]
12/22/09 3:47:14 PM (process localhost-0): registered plug-in net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPlugin
12/22/09 3:47:14 PM (process localhost-0): starting threads


             Tests        Errors       Mean Test    Test Time    TPS          Mean         Response     Response     Mean time to Mean time to Mean time to
                                       Time (ms)    Standard                  response     bytes per    errors       resolve host establish    first byte  
                                                    Deviation                 length       second                                 connection               

Totals       0            0                        0.00                                             0                                    



12/22/09 3:49:26 PM (process localhost-0): The Grinder version 3.2
12/22/09 3:49:26 PM (process localhost-0): Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 14.2-b01 on Linux i386
12/22/09 3:49:26 PM (process localhost-0): time zone is PST (-0800)
12/22/09 3:49:27 PM (process localhost-0): worker process 0
12/22/09 3:49:27 PM (process localhost-0): executing "" using Jython 2.2.1
12/22/09 3:49:27 PM (process localhost-0): registered plug-in net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPlugin

             Tests        Errors       Mean Test    Test Time    TPS          Mean         Response     Response     Mean time to Mean time to Mean time to
                                       Time (ms)    Standard                  response     bytes per    errors       resolve host establish    first byte  
                                                    Deviation                 length       second                                 connection               

Test 1       19           0            119.63       7.48         0.32         5399.00      1709.34      0            0.58         1.26         118.11        "Request resource"

Totals       19           0            119.63       7.48         0.32         5399.00      1709.34      0            0.58         1.26         118.11


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Simple script to duplicate the issue


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