
#5186 MP: cellular component parts


The following should be straightforward in the manner of the
regulation xps. See

"podosome" [GO:0002102] is_a "cytoskeletal part" [GO:0044430]
"extracellular matrix part" [GO:0044420] is_a "extracellular region part" [GO:0044421]
"thylakoid part" [GO:0044436] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"axoneme part" [GO:0044447] is_a "organelle part" [GO:0044422]
"microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450] is_a "cytoskeletal part" [GO:0044430]
"dosage compensation complex" [GO:0046536] is_a "chromosomal part" [GO:0044427]
"glycoprotein network" [GO:0048222] is_a "cell wall part" [GO:0044426]
"core TFIIH complex portion of holo TFIIH complex" [GO:0000438] is_a "nucleoplasm part" [GO:0044451]
"core TFIIH complex portion of NEF3 complex" [GO:0000440] is_a "nuclear part" [GO:0044428]
"SSL2-core TFIIH complex portion of NEF3 complex" [GO:0000442] is_a "nuclear part" [GO:0044428]
"SSL2-core TFIIH complex portion of holo TFIIH complex" [GO:0000443] is_a "nucleoplasm part" [GO:0044451]
"MIS12/MIND type complex" [GO:0000444] is_a "chromosomal part" [GO:0044427]
"ER ubiquitin ligase complex" [GO:0000835] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"ER ubiquitin ligase complex" [GO:0000835] is_a "endoplasmic reticulum part" [GO:0044432]
"inner acrosomal membrane" [GO:0002079] is_a "vacuolar part" [GO:0044437]
"outer acrosomal membrane" [GO:0002081] is_a "vacuolar part" [GO:0044437]
"caveolar macromolecular signaling complex" [GO:0002095] is_a "plasma membrane part" [GO:0044459]
"cytoplasmic microtubule" [GO:0005881] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"neurofilament" [GO:0005883] is_a "axon part" [GO:0033267]
"axoneme" [GO:0005930] is_a "organelle part" [GO:0044422]
"axoneme" [GO:0005930] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"synaptic vesicle" [GO:0008021] is_a "synapse part" [GO:0044456]
"proteasome activator complex" [GO:0008537] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"Holliday junction helicase complex" [GO:0009379] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"flagellin-based flagellum basal body, distal rod" [GO:0009426] is_a "microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450]
"flagellin-based flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring" [GO:0009427] is_a "microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450]
"flagellin-based flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring" [GO:0009428] is_a "microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450]
"flagellin-based flagellum basal body, proximal rod" [GO:0009429] is_a "microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450]
"flagellin-based flagellum basal body, MS ring" [GO:0009431] is_a "microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450]
"flagellin-based flagellum basal body, C ring" [GO:0009433] is_a "microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450]
"plasmodesmatal endoplasmic reticulum" [GO:0009511] is_a "endoplasmic reticulum part" [GO:0044432]
"photosystem" [GO:0009521] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"photosystem I reaction center" [GO:0009538] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"photosystem II reaction center" [GO:0009539] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"photosystem I antenna complex" [GO:0009782] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"photosystem II antenna complex" [GO:0009783] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"chloroplast outer membrane translocon" [GO:0010278] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"chloroplast outer membrane translocon" [GO:0010278] is_a "chloroplast part" [GO:0044434]
"syntrophin complex" [GO:0016013] is_a "plasma membrane part" [GO:0044459]
"dystrobrevin complex" [GO:0016014] is_a "plasma membrane part" [GO:0044459]
"inaD signaling complex" [GO:0016027] is_a "cell projection part" [GO:0044463]
"subrhabdomeral cisterna" [GO:0016029] is_a "cell projection part" [GO:0044463]
"proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex" [GO:0019773] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex" [GO:0019774] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"organelle inner membrane" [GO:0019866] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"proteasome-activating nucleotidase complex" [GO:0022623] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"proteasome accessory complex" [GO:0022624] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"chloroplast large ribosomal subunit" [GO:0022628] is_a "chloroplast part" [GO:0044434]
"chloroplast small ribosomal subunit" [GO:0022629] is_a "chloroplast part" [GO:0044434]
"plasma membrane-derived photosystem I" [GO:0030094] is_a "thylakoid part" [GO:0044436]
"plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II" [GO:0030096] is_a "thylakoid part" [GO:0044436]
"integral to synaptic vesicle membrane" [GO:0030285] is_a "synapse part" [GO:0044456]
"synaptic vesicle membrane" [GO:0030672] is_a "synapse part" [GO:0044456]
"flagellin-based flagellum basal body, rod" [GO:0030694] is_a "microtubule organizing center part" [GO:0044450]
"transmembrane collagen" [GO:0030936] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"mitochondrial mRNA editing complex" [GO:0031019] is_a "mitochondrial part" [GO:0044429]
"plastid mRNA editing complex" [GO:0031020] is_a "plastid part" [GO:0044435]
"platelet dense tubular network membrane" [GO:0031095] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"Tea1 cell-end complex" [GO:0031500] is_a "cell cortex part" [GO:0044448]
"Tic complex" [GO:0031897] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"microbody membrane" [GO:0031903] is_a "intracellular organelle part" [GO:0044446]
"organelle outer membrane" [GO:0031968] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"deep fiber" [GO:0032123] is_a "cell projection part" [GO:0044463]
"cleavage apparatus septin structure" [GO:0032161] is_a "cell cortex part" [GO:0044448]
"mating projection septin band" [GO:0032162] is_a "cell projection part" [GO:0044463]
"plastid acetate CoA-transferase complex" [GO:0032283] is_a "plastid part" [GO:0044435]
"plastid biotin carboxylase complex" [GO:0032284] is_a "plastid part" [GO:0044435]
"stereocilium" [GO:0032420] is_a "organelle part" [GO:0044422]
"stereocilium" [GO:0032420] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"cuticular plate" [GO:0032437] is_a "cell cortex part" [GO:0044448]
"SREBP-SCAP-Insig complex" [GO:0032937] is_a "endoplasmic reticulum part" [GO:0044432]
"endosomal scaffold complex" [GO:0032969] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"rhoptry membrane" [GO:0033016] is_a "extracellular region part" [GO:0044421]
"acidocalcisome membrane" [GO:0033102] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"attachment organelle membrane" [GO:0033111] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"ER-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane" [GO:0033116] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"cytoskeletal calyx" [GO:0033150] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"cytoskeletal calyx" [GO:0033150] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"microneme membrane" [GO:0033163] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core CF(1)" [GO:0033174] is_a "chloroplast part" [GO:0044434]
"chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core CF(1)" [GO:0033174] is_a "thylakoid part" [GO:0044436]
"chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor CF(o)" [GO:0033175] is_a "chloroplast part" [GO:0044434]
"chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor CF(o)" [GO:0033175] is_a "thylakoid part" [GO:0044436]
"proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, proton-transporting domain" [GO:0033177] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, catalytic domain" [GO:0033178] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"transcription factor TFTC complex" [GO:0033276] is_a "nucleoplasm part" [GO:0044451]
"protein C inhibitor-acrosin complex" [GO:0033282] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"protein C inhibitor-acrosin complex" [GO:0033282] is_a "vacuolar part" [GO:0044437]
"HULC complex" [GO:0033503] is_a "chromosomal part" [GO:0044427]
"monopolin complex" [GO:0033551] is_a "chromosomal part" [GO:0044427]
"acidocalcisome lumen" [GO:0033985] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"exomer complex" [GO:0034044] is_a "Golgi apparatus part" [GO:0044431]
"exomer complex" [GO:0034044] is_a "cytoplasmic vesicle part" [GO:0044433]
"pre-autophagosomal structure membrane" [GO:0034045] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"Cdc48p-Npl4p-Ufd1p AAA ATPase complex" [GO:0034098] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"Cdc48p-Npl4p-Ufd1p AAA ATPase complex" [GO:0034098] is_a "endoplasmic reticulum part" [GO:0044432]
"luminal surveillance complex" [GO:0034099] is_a "endoplasmic reticulum part" [GO:0044432]
"plasma lipoprotein particle" [GO:0034358] is_a "extracellular region part" [GO:0044421]
"Pwp2p-containing subcomplex of 90S preribosome" [GO:0034388] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"Vps55/Vps68 complex" [GO:0034424] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"Vps55/Vps68 complex" [GO:0034424] is_a "endosomal part" [GO:0044440]
"monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer" [GO:0034430] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"EGO complex" [GO:0034448] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"EGO complex" [GO:0034448] is_a "vacuolar part" [GO:0044437]
"GSE complex" [GO:0034449] is_a "endosomal part" [GO:0044440]
"t-UTP complex" [GO:0034455] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"UTP-C complex" [GO:0034456] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"Mpp10 complex" [GO:0034457] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"glycosome lumen" [GO:0034468] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"hydrogenosome lumen" [GO:0034492] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"microneme lumen" [GO:0034494] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"cytoplasmic RNA cap binding complex" [GO:0034519] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"rhoptry lumen" [GO:0034591] is_a "extracellular region part" [GO:0044421]
"rhoptry lumen" [GO:0034591] is_a "cell part" [GO:0044464]
"synaptic vesicle lumen" [GO:0034592] is_a "synapse part" [GO:0044456]
"peribacteroid membrane" [GO:0043661] is_a "cytoplasmic vesicle part" [GO:0044433]
"peribacteroid fluid" [GO:0043662] is_a "cytoplasmic vesicle part" [GO:0044433]
"DNA polymerase III, proofreading complex" [GO:0043845] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"DNA polymerase III, DnaX complex" [GO:0043846] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"DNA polymerase III, DnaX complex, chi/psi subcomplex" [GO:0043847] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"kinetochore-associated DASH complex" [GO:0043926] is_a "nuclear chromosome part" [GO:0044454]
"fimbrial part" [GO:0044443] is_a "cell projection part" [GO:0044463]
"axoneme part" [GO:0044447] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"external encapsulating structure part" [GO:0044462] is_a "extracellular region part" [GO:0044421]
"cytosolic tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme complex" [GO:0045246] is_a "cytosolic part" [GO:0044445]
"cytosolic electron transfer flavoprotein complex" [GO:0045247] is_a "cytosolic part" [GO:0044445]
"cytosolic oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex" [GO:0045248] is_a "cytosolic part" [GO:0044445]
"cytosol pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex" [GO:0045249] is_a "cytosolic part" [GO:0044445]
"cytosolic pyruvate dehydrogenase complex" [GO:0045250] is_a "cytosolic part" [GO:0044445]
"proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk" [GO:0045265] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core" [GO:0045267] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk" [GO:0045269] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"virion transport vesicle" [GO:0046816] is_a "virion part" [GO:0044423]
"glycosome membrane" [GO:0046860] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"pectic matrix" [GO:0048217] is_a "extracellular matrix part" [GO:0044420]
"hemicellulose network" [GO:0048223] is_a "extracellular matrix part" [GO:0044420]
"lignin network" [GO:0048224] is_a "extracellular matrix part" [GO:0044420]
"suberin network" [GO:0048225] is_a "extracellular matrix part" [GO:0044420]
"Casparian strip" [GO:0048226] is_a "extracellular matrix part" [GO:0044420]
"chromatophore ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex" [GO:0048494] is_a "cytoplasmic vesicle part" [GO:0044433]
"presynaptic active zone membrane" [GO:0048787] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"cortical microtubule" [GO:0055028] is_a "cell cortex part" [GO:0044448]
"gamma-tubulin large complex, equatorial microtubule organizing center" [GO:0055031] is_a "cell division site part" [GO:0032155]
"stereocilium membrane" [GO:0060171] is_a "organelle part" [GO:0044422]
"stereocilium membrane" [GO:0060171] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain" [GO:0000220] is_a "vacuolar part" [GO:0044437]
"vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain" [GO:0000221] is_a "vacuolar part" [GO:0044437]
"organellar ribosome" [GO:0000313] is_a "intracellular organelle part" [GO:0044446]
"lytic vacuole within protein storage vacuole" [GO:0000327] is_a "vacuolar part" [GO:0044437]
"kinetochore microtubule" [GO:0005828] is_a "chromosomal part" [GO:0044427]
"cytoplasmic dynein complex" [GO:0005868] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"microtubule cytoskeleton" [GO:0015630] is_a "cytoskeletal part" [GO:0044430]
"clathrin coat of synaptic vesicle" [GO:0030129] is_a "synapse part" [GO:0044456]
"perinuclear theca" [GO:0033011] is_a "membrane part" [GO:0044425]
"perinuclear theca" [GO:0033011] is_a "cytoplasmic part" [GO:0044444]
"plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex" [GO:0033181] is_a "plasma membrane part" [GO:0044459]
"microtubule-associated DASH complex" [GO:0043925] is_a "chromosomal part" [GO:0044427]
"intermediate filament cytoskeleton" [GO:0045111] is_a "cytoskeletal part" [GO:0044430]
"presynaptic cytoskeletal matrix assembled at active zones" [GO:0048788] is_a "intracellular organelle part" [GO:0044446]
"nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex" [GO:0055029] is_a "nuclear part" [GO:0044428]
"neurofilament cytoskeleton" [GO:0060053] is_a "axon part" [GO:0033267]
"kinocilium" [GO:0060091] is_a "organelle part" [GO:0044422]
"kinocilium" [GO:0060091] is_a "intracellular part" [GO:0044424]
"perinuclear theca" [GO:0033011] is_a "intracellular organelle part" [GO:0044446]


  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2008-07-22
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jl242
  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2008-09-24

    As far as I can tell, these are all fine to add so yes, lets have a go at doing it automatically with OE2...

  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2008-10-08


    If no one edits between now and when you read this, you can safely do a

    cd go
    cp scratch/xps/go_withXpart_links.obo ontology/editors/gene_ontology_write.obo

    (note that the notes after the ! marker will disappear next edit)

    You may want to do a unix diff or obodiff before doing this, but I guarantee it's fine.

    If there have been additional edits in the time between me posting this and you reading it we can either obomerge or I can regenerate immediately using the protocol posted above

  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2008-10-09
    • milestone: --> TermGenie
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2008-10-09

    Looks like Midori committed this, so will close.


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