
#64 Impossible to review first version from subversion

Tom Denley

Using Codestriker it is impossible to set up a topic for the review of the first version of a file held within a subversion repository.

I have just created a new file in my project, and checked it into my SVN source control, and I want to submit that new file for review in codestriker. I hit "create new topic" and enter the module location, then I put the SVN version into the start tag box, or the end tag box, or both, but whatever I do I get errors. I tried entering 0/HEAD 1/HEAD HEAD/HEAD etc. but still no joy.

The errors vary between:
svn: 'filename' was not found in the repository at revision 1
svn: Syntax error in revision argument '1234:'
Problem generating topic text:

This seems similar to the request made in 1666133:

but I feel sure that it is a bug for a code review system not to accept version 1 of a file for an initial review.


  • David Sitsky

    David Sitsky - 2007-10-23

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    If you want to review a new file, you should do an "svn add" of the file first, then do a "svn diff" to generate the topic text, and then upload that into Codestriker. That is the right way to review new files, not by trying to check them in first, then subsequently review them.

    If you still check in a new file into svn, as say its revision is 1000, then you should supply 999 as the start_tag, and 1000 as the end tag.

  • David Sitsky

    David Sitsky - 2007-10-23
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Tom Denley

    Tom Denley - 2007-10-24

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Firstly, I'm working on an agile project, and our developers will be checking in many small, incremental, changes before wanting to create a review topic. Our system of continuous integration will pick up these incremental changes, build, deploy, and test them, all before a code review is carried out. The "right way" that you suggest is just not practical for most modern day development life-cycles.

    Secondly, your suggestion of supplying the revision before a file existed is only going to work if your topic's module is set up as the directory containing the modified file, as you can't run a svn diff for a specific file against a repository revision that did not contain that file. If multiple files have been checked in as a single change-set, but you only want to review one of them, then entering the directory isn't going to be specific enough, but entering the complete file name doesn't work.

    Suggestions welcome, but I still think this is a bug. I would expect to be able to just enter a start tag and have Codestriker pull the whole source at that revision for review.


  • David Sitsky

    David Sitsky - 2007-10-24

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    Originator: NO

    I've just committed into CVS a new version of lib/Codestriker/Repository/ which will allow this. Try grabbing it from CVS, plonk it into your local Codestriker installation, and let me know if it works. Make sure you restart apache unless you have deployed as CGI.

    Please let me know how you go.

  • Tom Denley

    Tom Denley - 2007-10-24

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Cool, thanks.

    I'm just getting our tools team to upgrade our Codestriker to the latest release (1.9.4) so we can apply your modification. I'll get back to you with confirmation of the fix as soon that's done.


  • Tom Denley

    Tom Denley - 2007-11-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Our tools team have just finished the upgrade. I've asked them to plonk in your modified file now. Hopefully that won't take them long, so I can let you know if it works soon.


  • Tom Denley

    Tom Denley - 2007-11-02

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I've now tested your new version of, and it works fine.

    Thanks for your help,


  • Tom Denley

    Tom Denley - 2007-11-02
    • status: closed-invalid --> closed-fixed

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