
#480 throw new WrongValuesException(WrongValueException[])


This feature will be useful for show to an user the mandatory field of a form leaved blank.


  • Tom M. Yeh

    Tom M. Yeh - 2007-07-12
    • summary: throw new WrongValueExceptions(WrongValueException[]) --> throw new WrongValuesException(WrongValueException[])
  • pascal

    pascal - 2008-01-15

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    I second this feature request.

  • madruga0315

    madruga0315 - 2008-04-08

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    Very good feature indeed.

  • pascal

    pascal - 2008-04-08

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    Or even more, show all invalid fields values when user hits OK.

  • madruga0315

    madruga0315 - 2008-06-03

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    Hey guys,

    Is this feature too complex to implement?

    I see that most of web app has forms so that the user can input the data, and then the validation of all the fields are done after user click in a "OK" button.
    So I believe that this feature is quite important.

    And if is too complex or by some reason won´t be implemented,
    can someone suggest how to implement the feature in my web app?


  • kato

    kato - 2008-09-04

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    I would like to vote for this as well. I don't mind having to do multi-field validation myself, but I would like to be able to decorate more than one component at a time.


  • Marcos de Sousa

    Marcos de Sousa - 2008-09-05

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    So we are: paskos, madruga0315, dastulz, tommasofin and now sousa1981

    I actually using Hibernate Validator to do this job, so it will be ease to change when JSR 303: Bean Validation comes out.

    Hibernate Validator is supposed to be independent of Hibernate Core, but it means we must use JDK 5.0.

    It would be good if when implementing this feature consider the use of some way to map to Hibernate Validator. I remember that I have see integration between Hibernate Validator and Spring's validator.

    Other things is that we may decorate each fields or not or we may popup an tree showing an complete list of error.

  • Jumper Chen

    Jumper Chen - 2008-10-16
    • milestone: --> 3.6.0
    • status: open --> closed
  • Jumper Chen

    Jumper Chen - 2008-10-16

    Ready since 10/16.

    For example,
    Please click the "Throw All Exceptions" button, and then all the error boxes should appear.
    <intbox id="t1"/>
    <intbox id="t2"/>
    <intbox id="t3"/>
    <intbox id="t4"/>
    <intbox id="t5"/>
    <button label="Throw All Exceptions">
    <attribute name="onClick">
    WrongValueException[] wves = new WrongValueException[] {
    new WrongValueException(t1, "Error, 1"),
    new WrongValueException(t2, "Error, 2"),
    new WrongValueException(t3, "Error, 3"),
    new WrongValueException(t4, "Error, 4"),
    new WrongValueException(t5, "Error, 5")
    throw new WrongValuesException(wves);


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