
#426 The Achilles-heel of most ERP solutions

Inventory (22)


first, thank you very much for developing an
open-source ERP system - it is a great blessing for
those consultants who plan to start a private enterprise.

I am working as an ERP system consultant for a
commercial ERP system. I am interested in Compiere as
a professional hobby, and maybe later I might make a
private enterprise with it and become independent. I
have experience with several ERP systems and would like
to share my experience with you.

I think the most important feature of all ERP systems
is the inventory costing engine. It is not a key
selling point as customers expect it to be always
"correct". (Actually it can never be 100% correct as
all costing methods are in truth inventory movement
_estimation_ methods... )

But customers can be very upset about inventory value
and COGS as actually the reason they buy an ERP system
is mostly analysis, controlling and business planning.
The most important analysis data is the margin
(profits) by items, item groups, services, service
groups, customers, customer groups, salespeople and
business branches, and it comes from sales and COGS and
if it is not correct, then you can quickly find
yourself hacking day and night with the customer
constantly threating of not paying the implementation
project and even suing you. Sales is bloody simple, but
COGS and inventory value are hellishly complicated
issues. If you have a good costing engine, then you can
lean back and relax, because everything else is just
customization. But if you don't have it, then you can
have 1000 good features, your project will still be

So the goal of this topic is to exchange information: I
will tell how I think a decent costing engine
should/could be and in turn you tell me how it is
currently working. Deal? :-)


  • Rain

    Rain - 2004-11-01

    Logged In: YES

    A) The basics of a FIFO-engine

    Let's assume you have a table where you have all your
    inventory movements. I will call it inventory ledger.

    First you need anothe table, I will call it FIFO application
    table. The FIFO-application table shows N:N relationships
    between incoming and outgoing inventory movements. When
    something moves out of your inventory, you should not even
    try to calculate FIFO cost - it will be bloody slow.
    Instead, create a field in the item table called last FIFO
    cost, and update it at every running of the FIFO adjustment
    batch job (discussed later). All outgoing inventory
    movements simply take this cost. You also need a field in
    your inventory ledger called remaining FIFO quantity. It is
    redundant, but you need it for speed.

    So, all outgoing inventory movements move out on the last
    FIFO cost field in the item table, and you write a double
    WHILE-cycle, that takes all incoming entries to the same
    warehouse, checks the remaining FIFO quantity field, sets it
    to zero or to the outgoing quantity, and creates entries in
    the FIFO application table showing what incoming entry is
    applied to what outgoing entry, and the quantity and date.
    The cycle ends when either all your outgoing entries are
    applied or you are out of inventory. In the later case, if
    you allow negative inventory, then the outgoing entry should
    have a negative remaining FIFO amount and should be tried to
    apply it again later with the FIFO adjustment batch job.

    Then you need a FIFO adjustment batch job, that can be run
    by the user or they can set it up to run automatically f.e.
    every day at midnight.

    The batch job first tries to apply all unapplied (negative
    remaining FIFO quantity) outgoing inventory movements. Then
    it takes the FIFO application table, and adjust the cost of
    outgoing entries.

    Ideally, you would have a table, maybe called inventory
    ledger costs, with N records for every 1 record of inventory
    ledger, where you have the values, and in the inventory
    ledger the cost fields have no actual data but just SQL
    queries or something like it, to read the inventory ledger
    costs table. If it works this way, the the adjustment batch
    just needs to create new records in the inventory ledger
    costs table.

    What to take care:

    - reservations must be "stronger" than FIFO
    - You need to allow the user to make manual applications and
    actually they MUST do it when doing credit notes / return
    shipments - it must be MANDATORY or else you will have a mess!
    - These manual application must not be item number -
    dependent. For example a user may change item numbers if the
    make some technical modifications to their goods: then they
    move out from the inventory the old goods and move in the
    inventory new item numbers. Then they apply the incoming
    movement to the outgoing one and this way they can ensure
    correct costs.
    - take care of unit of measure conversions

  • Rain

    Rain - 2004-11-01

    Logged In: YES

    B) Additional costing issues 1

    1) If you have functionality to move goods within a
    warehouse , from one shelf to another, then please take care
    to not use you inventory ledger table but make another one.
    Make a totally separate shelf-level inventory application
    area. If you don't do this, you FIFO adjustment batch job
    will be too slow.

    2) Actually it is a very good idea to have N inventory
    cost/value records for 1 inventory movement record. ERP
    software who don't have look really stupid compared to the
    ones that have it. Assume the following scenario: you buy
    something for 10 EUR. Then you have a shipping charge of 2
    EUR, and you have to add it to the cost of the previous
    items. It should be booked by a vendor invoice, and the cost
    to be assigned to the original movement. To help the user,
    you should make automatic cost distribution funtions: they
    select the movement records they want to assign the shipping
    charge (or other costs), and then they can choose to
    distribute the cost 1) evenly 2) by value 3) by weight
    (typical for shipping charge) 4) by volume (also for
    shipping charges) 5) by approximate tariff (duty) amount.

    The later one is for tariffs (duties). It is very important.
    If you have an import purchase, the tariff is usually
    calculated by "total landed cost on the border" * tariff
    percentage. "Total landed cost on the border" means purchase
    price + the shipping charge until the border. It means you
    must have a boolean field in your inventory cost/value
    records showing it is a shipping charge until the border,
    and an SQL-query field in your inventory movement table
    called landed cost on the border, summing up purchase price
    and these records, and then when you post a vendor invoice
    which is actually a duty (tariff), then you multiply this
    value by the tariff % in you item table and make this value
    the base of automatic cost distribution.

    3) You must allow your user to manually revalue wrong
    entries. Typically much of the starting inventory at going
    line is wrong, as users often can't get out correct cost
    from their old software. Then they have to revalue the
    entries. Revaluation is simply a new item cost/value record.
    You revalue incoming entries and the FIFO adjustment batch
    job will take care of the outgoing ones.

    4) Please lean back and think over how your users can mes up
    their inventory values and COGS. There are 5 kinds of
    typical incoming inventory movements: 1) from a vendor with
    invoice 2) from manufacturing 3) by a manual inventory
    adjustment 4) from a sales return/credit note 5) transfer
    form another warehouse.
    1) Vendor invoice: no problem, if they mess it up, it is
    their fault. They must correct it with a vendor credit
    2) Manufacturing: you don't have it yet, so don't worry.
    3) Manual inventory adjustment: the BIGGEST mess! A
    typical situation is when the warehouse wants to ship
    something but there is not enough inventory, because
    they forgot to receive something. Then they make a
    incoming adjustment and usually don't care about the
    costs... suggestion: use the last FIFO cost.
    4) Return / credit note. Users MUST apply it to ensure
    the exact reversal of costs.
    5) Movements between warehouses: no problem, just
    make 4 records for all movements: out from the first
    warehouse, into the truck upon shipping, out from
    the truck, into the second warehouse upon receiving.
    Apply all of them to each other and everything
    should be right.

  • estlouis

    estlouis - 2004-11-12

    Logged In: YES
    # Post-ERP depression

    ERP systems often wreak cause havoc in the companies that
    install them. In a recent Deloitte Consulting survey of 64
    Fortune 500 companies, one in four admitted that they
    suffered a drop in performance when their ERP system went
    live. The true percentage is undoubtedly much higher. The
    most common reason for the performance problems is that
    everything looks and works differently from the way it did
    before. When people can't do their jobs in the familiar way
    and haven't yet mastered the new way, they panic, and the
    business goes into spasms.

    Why do ERP projects fail so often?

    At its simplest level, ERP is a set of best practices for
    performing different duties in your company, including
    finance, manufacturing and the warehouse. To get the most
    from the software, you have to get people inside your
    company to adopt the work methods outlined in the software.
    If the people in the different departments that will use ERP
    don't agree that the work methods embedded in the software
    are better than the ones they currently use, they will
    resist using the software or will want IT to change the
    software to match the ways they currently do things. This is
    where ERP projects break down. Political fights break out
    over howor even whetherthe software will be installed. IT
    gets bogged down in long, expensive customization efforts to
    modify the ERP software to fit with powerful business
    barons' wishes. Customizations make the software more
    unstable and harder to maintain when it finally does come to
    life. The horror stories you hear in the press about ERP can
    usually be traced to the changes the company made in the
    core ERP software to fit its own work methods. Because ERP
    covers so much of what a business does, a failure in the
    software can bring a company to a halt, literally.

    But IT can fix the bugs pretty quickly in most cases, and
    besides, few big companies can avoid customizing ERP in some
    fashionevery business is different and is bound to have
    unique work methods that a vendor cannot account for when
    developing its software. The mistake companies make is
    assuming that changing people's habits will be easier than
    customizing the software. It's not. Getting people inside
    your company to use the software to improve the ways they do
    their jobs is by far the harder challenge. If your company
    is resistant to change, then your ERP project is more likely
    to fail.

  • Rain

    Rain - 2004-11-13

    Logged In: YES


  • Rain

    Rain - 2004-11-29
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Rain

    Rain - 2004-11-29

    Logged In: YES

    Is anyone actually interested in this stuff? Should I write

  • Rain

    Rain - 2004-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    Jorg, Kathy, anyone...

    please say something, should I continue this or not?... Do
    you need my ideas or not?...

  • Rain

    Rain - 2004-12-04
    • priority: 7 --> 8
  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2004-12-16
    • priority: 8 --> 4
  • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

    Logged In: YES

    Hi shenpen,

    Please continue with your thoughs.
    I'm interested.


  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2007-01-16
    • status: open --> closed
  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2007-01-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    costing is included in current release


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