
#46 request failed code: 500

tv_grab_na (15)
Mike Baird

Trying to set up xmltv on a WinXP Pro machine
over a wireless 'G' connection behind a linksys
broadband router. have tried numerous settings
with port forwarding, firewall on/off, encryption
on/off etc, etc..

Always 'fail to get current release information'
and always get 'request failed code 500 internal
server error'. all other internet services work
fine, my other computer running WinXP Home
and plugged directly into the router can connect
and gather channel listings without any problems!

Am I missing anything, or what might the differences
be with WinXP Home directly connected Vs. WinXP Pro
with a Wireless 'G' connection?



  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2004-02-22
    • assigned_to: jveldhuis --> rmeden
  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    Wireless G shouldn't make any difference.

    "failed to get current release information" should not be a
    fatal error... it should still get the listings. TV_GRAB_NA
    does allow you to bypass that check.

    Does Internet Explorer work? Is anything checked on Internet
    Explorer's Connection/LAN Settings?

    What is the exact command you executed and what were the
    exact results?


  • Mike Baird

    Mike Baird - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    here is all of the command not working correctly the router is
    running dhcp for both the wireless and directly connected
    computers, internet explorer works, in the connection/lan
    settings 'automatically detect settings' is checked:

    " tv_grab_na --configure
    --auto-new-channels add --auto-missing-channels remove
    Timezone is -0600
    Welcome to XMLTV 0.5.29 (tv_grab_na V3.20040101) for
    Canada and US tv listings

    Please report any problems, bugs or suggestions to:

    For more information consult
    checking XMLTV release information..
    Warning: failed to get current release information from:
    If this problem persists, look for a new XMLTV release.

    starting manual configuration process..
    how many times do you want to retry on www site failures ?
    how many seconds do you want to between retries ?
    what is your postal/zip code ? 60655

    getting list of providers for postal/zip code 60655, be patient..
    request failed with code: 500:Internal Server Error
    if problem persists, examine browser settings and
    try setting 'http_proxy' environment variable
    otherwise post problem to for

    " tv_grab_na --listings x
    mltv\TVDatapre.xml --days 3 --listings-overwrite true
    Timezone is -0600
    using config file ./.xmltv/tv_grab_na.conf
    tv_grab_na: Config file ./.xmltv/tv_grab_na.conf does not
    exist, run me with --configure

    " tv_sort --by-channel --
    output xmltv\TVData.xml xmltv\TVDatapre.xml
    Timezone is -0600
    xmltv\TVDatapre.xml: Couldn't open xmltv\TVDatapre.xml:
    No such file or directory at /PerlApp/ line 588

  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    strange... what happens if you uncheck "automatically detect
    settings" and reboot?


  • Mike Baird

    Mike Baird - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    unchecked the box, same thing happens...i don't know,
    maybe some servcie or xp itself needs re-installing...

  • Paul Webster

    Paul Webster - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    Is there a firewall on the problem PC?
    (perhaps silently blocking access to the network for

    What happens if you TRACERT

    (If you add --debug to the XMLTV command line you will see
    a lot of things including the URLs that it is trying to GET from.)

  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    Do you have Zone Alarm or some other software firewall that
    prevents "unknown" applications from accessing the internet?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't have a software firewall set up, only the one on the
    lynksys router, and if i turn it off, same thing happens. if i run
    tracert for it leaves my ip, hits my isp's ip
    and times out. if i run with the --debug in the command line i
    get the extra comment (bad protocol 'tcp'). argh


  • Mike Baird

    Mike Baird - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    btw, this is the second ip on the tracert test (
    but the same thing happens when i tracert for


  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    hmmm tracert to google doesn't work either huh...

    I've never seen this.. looks like something is blocking
    command line tcp/ip.

    I think the best way to handle this is to let me (or
    someone) connect to your system and troubleshoot.

    Drop me an email at and I'll set up a webex
    meeting and work with you on it.


  • Robert Eden

    Robert Eden - 2004-02-22
    • status: open --> closed
  • Mike Baird

    Mike Baird - 2004-02-22

    Logged In: YES

    You guys are great!

    Thanks Robert for all your help.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I was having the same error in one computer but the other
    clone was ok.

    Here is the FIX!!!!!

    Need to have in Windows/system32/drivers/etc/
    the File "Protocol"

    Inside "protocol" should have this (make a file with notepad
    named protocol)

    # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
    # This file contains the Internet protocols as defined by RFC
    # (Assigned Numbers).
    # Format:
    # <protocol name> <assigned number> [aliases...]

    ip 0 IP # Internet protocol
    icmp 1 ICMP # Internet control message protocol
    ggp 3 GGP # Gateway-gateway protocol
    tcp 6 TCP # Transmission control protocol
    egp 8 EGP # Exterior gateway protocol
    pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol
    udp 17 UDP # User datagram protocol
    hmp 20 HMP # Host monitoring protocol
    xns-idp 22 XNS-IDP # Xerox NS IDP
    rdp 27 RDP # "reliable datagram" protocol
    rvd 66 RVD # MIT remote virtual disk

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-08-26

    Logged In: YES

    Adding from my previous comment now that I'm log
    in, "protocol" is the only file that gives that problem, the rest
    in that directory can be removed.

    I hope this solves the problem to some people.


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