
#500 nonmembers can post after upgrading

2.1 beta

After upgrading to current CVS (2.1b2+), nonmembers are
now allowed to post to a list that used to be
members-only (in MM 2.0.11).
The member_posting_only config variable is not
propagated to the generic_nonmember_action variable
when upgrading. This caused me a lot of trouble... :)
The fix is probably trivial, but my lack of python
experience prevents me from submitting a patch... ;)


  • Barry Warsaw

    Barry Warsaw - 2002-07-31

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, I'm sure the fix is anything /but/ trivial since
    the semantics and interaction of the MM2.0.x
    member_posting_only, posters, and moderated attributes is
    simply too confusing. I'm not sure I got it right the first
    time, and I'm not even sure that my current thinking on the
    subject is correct.

    Here is my current thinking about the steps needed to do an
    upgrade. I'd love to have someone else sanity check this,
    but I'll understand if no one does or can. We're not going
    to "fix" 2.1b2 lists, but this might fix things for lists
    that are upgraded from 2.0.x to 2.1b3. None of this is
    tested yet -- or even implemented -- since I need to think
    on it some more and see if this is correct. Have any comments?

    Oh yeah. I need to put a nice big warning in the UPGRADING

    # Now convert what we can... Note that the interaction
    between the
    # MM2.0.x attributes `moderated', `member_posting_only',
    and `posters' is
    # so confusing, it makes my brain really ache. Which is
    why they go away
    # in MM2.1. I think the best we can do semantically is
    the following:
    # - If moderated == yes, then any sender who's address
    is not on the
    # posters attribute would get held for approval. if
    the sender was on
    # the posters list, then we'd defer judgement to a
    later step
    # - If member_posting_only == yes, then members could
    post without holds,
    # and if there were any addresses added to posters,
    they could also post
    # without holds.
    # - If member_posting_only == no, then what happens
    depends on the value
    # of the posters attribute:
    # o If posters was empty, then anybody can post
    without their
    # message being held for approval
    # o If posters was non-empty, then /only/ those
    addresses could post
    # without approval, i.e. members not on posters
    would have their
    # messages held for approval.
    # How to translate this mess to MM2.1 values? I'm sure
    I got this wrong
    # before, but here's how we're going to do it, as of
    # - We'll control member moderation through their
    Moderate flag, and
    # non-member moderation through the
    # hold_these_nonmembers, and accept_these_nonmembers.
    # - If moderated == yes then we need to troll through
    the addresses on
    # posters, and any non-members would get added to
    # accept_these_nonmembers. /Then/ we need to troll
    through the
    # membership and any member not on posters would get
    their Moderate flag
    # set. Then generic_nonmember_action gets set to 1
    (hold) so nonmembers
    # get moderated, and default_member_moderation will be
    set to 1 (hold)
    # so new members will also get held for moderation.
    We'll stop here.
    # - We only get to here if moderated == no.
    # - If member_posting_only == yes, then we'll also set
    # generic_nonmember_action to 1 and we'll turn off the
    Moderate flag for
    # members. Then we troll through the posters
    attribute and add all
    # those addresses to accept_these_nonmembers. We'll
    stop here.
    # - We only get to here if member_posting_only == no
    # - If posters is empty, then anybody could post without
    being held for
    # approval, so we'll set generic_nonmember_action to 0
    (accept), and
    # we'll turn off the Moderate flag for all members.
    We'll also turn off
    # default_member_moderation so new members can post
    without approval.
    # We'll stop here.
    # - We only get here if posters is non-empty.
    # - This means that /only/ the addresses on posters got
    to post without
    # being held for approval. So first, we troll through
    posters and add
    # all non-members to accept_these_nonmembers. Then we
    troll through the
    # membership and if their address is on posters, we'll
    clear their
    # Moderate flag, otherwise we'll set it. We'll turn on
    # default_member_moderation so new members get
    moderated. We'll set
    # generic_nonmember_action to 1 (hold) so all other
    non-members will get
    # moderated. And I think we're finally done.
    # SIGH.

  • Barry Warsaw

    Barry Warsaw - 2002-07-31
  • Barry Warsaw

    Barry Warsaw - 2002-07-31

    Logged In: YES

    Ugh, that last comment looks horrible. I'm attaching the
    plain text to this followup.

  • Barry Warsaw

    Barry Warsaw - 2002-08-01

    Logged In: YES

    I've now implemented this and it seems to work "correctly"
    for some definition of correctly. So I'm going to go ahead
    and commit this algorithm.

  • Barry Warsaw

    Barry Warsaw - 2002-08-01
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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