
#13 Incorrect return code when delivery fails

daemon (84)

Man page specify :

"If the error involved an error in calling the delivery agent, the exit value of the delivery agent will be returned."

However dspam (3.6.8) returns 255 when delivery agent fails with error code 75. See this line of Postfix log :

Command died with status 255: "/usr/local/bin/dspam". Command output: 86436: [05/25/2009 19:54:32] Delivery agent returned exit code 75: /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver


  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2009-05-25

    Can you reproduce this error with 3.8.0 or git version?

  • Thomas Martin

    Thomas Martin - 2009-05-25

    Reproduced with dspam 3.8.0 :

    # cat /tmp/somemail | /usr/local/bin/dspam --user user@domain.tld --deliver=innocent,spam
    66028: [05/25/2009 22:20:03] Delivery agent returned exit code 75: /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d user@domain.tld
    # echo $?

  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2009-05-25

    Can you check your dspam.conf and look what value you have set for the option "LMTPLDAErrorsPermanent"? Can you set it to "off" and try again?

  • Thomas Martin

    Thomas Martin - 2009-05-26

    Same effect with "LMTPLDAErrorsPermanent off". Note that i don't use server mode nor LMTP.

    Here is my config (based on FreeBSD default config file) :

    Algorithm graham burton
    AllowOverride enableBNR
    AllowOverride enableWhitelist
    AllowOverride optIn optOut
    AllowOverride showFactors
    AllowOverride signatureLocation
    AllowOverride spamAction spamSubject
    AllowOverride statisticalSedation
    AllowOverride trainingMode
    AllowOverride whitelistThreshold
    Debug *
    Feature whitelist
    HashAutoExtend on
    HashConnectionCache 10
    HashExtentSize 49157
    HashMaxExtents 0
    HashMaxSeek 100
    HashRecMax 98317
    Home /var/db/dspam
    LMTPLDAErrorsPermanent off
    MaxMessageSize 307200
    Notifications on
    OnFail error
    Opt out
    PValue graham
    Preference "showFactors=on"
    Preference "signatureLocation=message" # 'message' or 'headers'
    Preference "spamAction=quarantine"
    ProcessorBias on
    PurgeHapaxes 30 # Tokens with less than 5 hits (hapaxes)
    PurgeHits1I 15 # Tokens with only 1 innocent hit
    PurgeHits1S 15 # Tokens with only 1 spam hit
    PurgeNeutral 90 # Tokens with neutralish probabilities
    PurgeSignatures 14 # Stale signatures
    PurgeUnused 90 # Unused tokens
    StorageDriver /usr/local/lib/
    SystemLog on
    TestConditionalTraining on
    TrainingMode teft
    Trust daemon
    Trust dspam
    Trust mail
    Trust mailnull
    Trust root
    Trust smmsp
    TrustedDeliveryAgent "/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d %u"
    UserLog on

  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2009-05-26

    I am today out of office and can not look deeper into your problem right now. Would it be possible for you to submit the output of the following command:
    ls -la /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver

  • Thomas Martin

    Thomas Martin - 2009-05-26

    # ls -la /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver
    -rwsr-x--- 1 root mail 652148 May 17 12:31 /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver

    dspam is run as dspam:mail via the following entry in Postfix :

    dspam unix - n n - 1 pipe flags=Rqu user=dspam:mail argv=/usr/local/bin/dspam --user ${recipient} --deliver=innocent,spam

    Note that the failure of /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver is volunteer during my tests.

  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2009-08-02

    Thomas. Can you please try to reproduce this error with 3.9.0 BETA1?

  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2009-10-11
    • status: open --> pending
  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2009-10-11
    • assigned_to: nobody --> sbajic
    • labels: --> daemon
  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending --> closed

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