
#2145 Wrong behavior of non-automatic commit

UI Swing (244)
Carlos Ruiz

Tools -> Preference -> Disable Automatic Commit checkbox


Open Unit of Measure window

Create a NEW record - fill with any values the UOMCode and Name. Don't save.

1 - try to navigate to a different record using next/previous button
CORRECT -> a window appears asking if the user wants to save - if user answers No then the edited record is kept in screen

2 - try to navigate to a different tab (i.e. Conversion) pushing in the tab, or the "Detail record" button
CORRECT -> a window appears asking if the user wants to save.
WRONG -> if user answers No then the edited record is lost

3 - Navigate to the FIRST record in UOM (it must be 6PK)
change any value (i.e. change description) - don't save
navigate to the next record
WRONG -> the record is saved without asking user
This wrong behavior is present in any window on the first record


Carlos Ruiz


  • Virtual University OSS Community

    Hi Carlos

    Yap it is a potential bug and i am working to fix it out.

  • Virtual University OSS Community

    Hi Carlos

    while creating the new record when we will select the next or prev ... button and system ask for data save and if we will select no then system should not return with the save record, it should move to the concern record (like next or previous etc) without saving the current.

    What do you say?


  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2009-11-04

    Hi Vosscom,

    > while creating the new record when we will select the next or prev ...
    > button and system ask for data save and if we will select no then system
    > should not return with the save record, it should move to the concern
    > record (like next or previous etc) without saving the current.

    Yes, I think that's a correct behavior. User is answering that he doesn't want to save the record, so IMHO it implies he wants to move to the next/prev record.


    Carlos Ruiz

  • Virtual University OSS Community

    Hi Carlos
    we have done till this issue and now resolving the 2nd issue (Mentioned above).
    As some students are still working on the 1st issue so will share the solution with the community in a few days.


    VOSS Com (Virtual University Open Source Software Community)

    Lahore Pakistan.

  • Virtual University OSS Community

    Hi carlos

    Following is the solution of the 1st bug mentioned above:

    if ((newRow > m_currentRow) && (m_mTable.getNewRow()!=-1))


    it should be pasted inside "if (m_mTable.dataSave(newRow, false) == false)"
    "int org.compiere.model.GridTab.navigate(int targetRow)"

    Following is getNewRow() getter which should be included in the GridTable class:

    public int getNewRow(){return m_newRow;}

    Waiting for comments:


    VOSS Com

  • Virtual University OSS Community

    hi Carlos
    Solution of 3rd bug:

    In dataSave (boolean manualCmd) function of GridTable class we are passing ' 0' as old value in the following method call:

    m_vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange(PROPERTY, 0, m_rowChanged);

    we have hard coded the 2nd argument to '0' and the value of m_rowChanged is '0' as well in case of 1st record of each tab of each window, so that's why it save the modification without asking, if we modify '0' to -1 then our issue will be resolved.

    waiting for your response.
    VOSS Com

  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2009-12-17

    Thanks a lot VOSS Com!

    Solved the test case [3]
    Committed revision 11162.


    Carlos Ruiz

  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2009-12-17

    Sorry, commit 11162 was to fix test case [1] - test case [3] still open ....

  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2009-12-17
    • assigned_to: nobody --> globalqss
    • status: open --> pending-accepted
  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2009-12-17

    Thanks a lot VOSS Com!

    > we have hard coded the 2nd argument to '0' and the value of m_rowChanged
    > is '0' as well in case of 1st record of each tab of each window, so that's
    > why it save the modification without asking, if we modify '0' to -1 then
    > our issue will be resolved.

    You were totally right - I changed it and worked.

    Committed your solution with revision 11163


    Carlos Ruiz

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).


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