
#213 Wrong Position Display

Matt Shaver

Environment: Ubuntu/EMC 8.04-- EMC2.3.3 -- AXIS -- Mesa 5I20 Card
What Happens: After homing the position displays read X0.0000, Y0.0000, and Z0.0000, even though there are offset values in the emc.var file for the G54 (default) coordinate system. If a program is loaded and run, the part is machined correctly, but the position display is still wrong. It appears that the machine position is displayed, rather than the relative position as expected. I tried changing the displayed position via the AXIS menu from relative to machine and back with no change in the display. Once the program reaches the end, and an M2 is executed, the position display changes to the correct, relative values and remain that way. If the machine is powered up and homed, an M2 may be executed in MDI and the position display will immediately change from all zeros to the expected relative (G54) positions. As a workaround I tried putting [RS274NGC]RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE = M2 in the .ini file, but this caused the startup of EMC2 to hang with no display or error message. This may be a separate bug, but I have included it here as it occurred as a result of the other problem.

Matt Shaver


  • Chris Radek

    Chris Radek - 2011-03-17

    I think this was a problem with lathe configs, which long ago did not open a preview program by default because AXIS didn't have a lathe splash screen. Now, the interpreter always opens a stub program, so I think this bug is gone. Let me know otherwise.

  • Chris Radek

    Chris Radek - 2011-03-17
    • status: open --> closed-fixed