
#207 Excel processing error

Bug (232)

At least from POI 3.2-FINAL Released (2008-10-19)
method org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell.getEncoding() is depricated!!

Error is
method Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell.setEncoding(S)V

Information about deprication from:\()


  • matthias g

    matthias g - 2008-11-11

    As you can see in the dbunit pom.xml we are building the 2.3 release and the current trunk against poi 3.1-FINAL from the maven repository. Using this version should be okay.
    If you look at the latest trunk for the next 2.4 release you can see that I already removed the "HSSFCell.getEncoding" call (svn rev 822).

    When I have some more time I will update to POI-3.2 - it is not so simple because some dbunit tests are failing with the new POI.

    If you want to use the preview of the upcoming dbunit 2.4 you can get it from the parabuild server at

    Thanks and regards,

  • matthias g

    matthias g - 2008-11-14
    • assigned_to: slecallonnec --> gommma
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • matthias g

    matthias g - 2008-11-14

    I updated to apache poi 3.2 in revision 875/trunk. Therefore I also changed the code so that Date objects are stored as numbers to XLS sheets as well as Date values read from an XLS sheet are provided as numbers in dbunit ITable objects. This was necessary since POI's handling of Date objects is not consistent. I.e. writing a java.util.Date and afterwards reading it again via HSSFCell#getDateCellValue() provides non-equal Date objects. If this leads to any kind of problems please let me know.


  • Alexander A. Sokolov

    Gommma, Thank you for support!
    It was helpful!
    As you recommended I using dbunit 2.4, it works fine

  • Alexander A. Sokolov

    • status: closed-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Alexander A. Sokolov

    Gommma, Thank you for support!
    It was helpful!
    As you recommended I using dbunit 2.4, it works fine

  • Alexander A. Sokolov

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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