
#506 Housekeeping - Process to delete historic information

Carlos Ruiz

Hi, as discussed in this thread

GlobalQSS is sponsoring the development of this FR, developer is d_ruiz.

The spec is like this:

Table -> AD_HouseKeeping with the normal 12 adempiere columns plus:
* AD_Table_ID -> table to be deleted (i.e. AD_ChangeLog, AD_Issue, AD_Note ...)
* Where (where clause of the records to be deleted - i.e. "Created<Sysdate-15 AND IsCustomization='N'"
* IsSaveInHistoric - If this option is checked then the records are passed to a HST_[table] (same structure than original table)
* IsExportXMLBackup - If this option is checked then the records are exported before deleted in XML format to a file in BackupFolder
* BackupFolder
* Processing (Process Now)
* LastRun
* LastDeleted (number of rows deleted last time)

I dropped the FrequencyType and Frequency from the table as we can manage that via the scheduler.

Process HouseKeeping with just one parameter AD_HouseKeeping_ID

The process must pass to HST_[tablename] if the IsSaveInHistoric flag is enabled.

The process must save records to be deleted in XML format in the BackupFolder, if the IsExportXMLBackup flag is enabled.

If the previous processes went right then the process do the DELETE FROM [tablename] WHERE [whereclause], and update the lastrun and lastdeleted.


Carlos Ruiz - globalqss


  • Diego Andres Ruiz Gomez

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  • Diego Andres Ruiz Gomez

  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2008-09-18
    • status: open --> pending
  • SourceForge Robot

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  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending --> closed

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