
#275 Copy/Paste don't work in Nedit under KDE


Here's a relevant listing on ubuntu's site:

Copy and paste functions don't work in nedit. I'm using Kubuntu Dapper. What points to this as being a lesstif problem is that when you link Nedit against OpenMotif, the problems completely go away.

Some people have attributed this to a conflict with Klipper, KDE's clipboard manager.

Others have found that Firefox seems to be a factor, where quitting firefox makes the problem go away.

Please fix this. This is a long-standing problem that's making life very difficult for many people. I've tried using alternatives like Kate, but none of them have the kinds of editing features I need.



  • Timothy Miller

    Timothy Miller - 2007-01-26
    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Timothy Miller

    Timothy Miller - 2007-01-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Sorry for making this such a high priority, but I haven't been seeing any progress on this, and it's a HUGE interoperability problem. I realize that the KDE guy who writes klipper is arrogant and wants to blame everyone else for the problems and not lift a finger to cooperate with others to fix it, but let's not let this one guy ruin things for everyone else. I would hope that the Lesstif developers are better than this.

  • Mark Thomas

    Mark Thomas - 2007-03-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I can confirm that this is a problem in Fedora Core 6 (x64) also, with lesstif 0.95.0. Firefox doesn't seem to be a culprit for me, copy/paste just doesn't work at all in nedit.

  • Timothy Miller

    Timothy Miller - 2007-09-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    That patch is for a completely different bug! First of all, I'm using a 32-bit system, and that bug is a 64-bit problem. Second, the problem I'm having has do to with incompatibilities between Kipper and Lesstif. Don't close this bug.

  • Joerg Fischer

    Joerg Fischer - 2007-09-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Please notice that there are two completely different things. There is a Klipper fault to take over the PRIMARY selection (called by the Klipper folks but also others simply 'clipboard') w/o user interaction while there is a valid one on the screen, so that you lose your selection inside nedit while doing some editing operation like shifting to the left, see

    There is no relation to Motif or Lesstif whatsoever with this.

    Then, there is the effect that copy/paste (the real clipboard, ie the CLIPBOARD selection) stops working due to a locked clipboard, and this is a Lesstif problem, which seems to be fixed by the patch submitted to nedit's bugtracker (link posted below).

    There might even be a third problem that could be related to clipboard polling by Klipper.

    Now, the description of the problem here is rather unclear to me. Moreover, there aren't even version informations other than 'Kubuntu Dapper', so who is supposed to fix what exactly?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Using KDE and Nedit since several years, I just upgraded to KDE 4.2: I can confirm this very annoying bug.
    Reading all the messages here and on other bug tracking systems, I feel sad there's no good spirit to solve the problem. At least, such a problem is not very frequent, usually open source developpers are far better to solve issues ;-)

  • Paul Gevers

    Paul Gevers - 2009-08-17

    Just a "might work" work-around for the time being:
    configure klipper to ignore actions from nedit and allow the clipboard to be empty:
    In klipper -> Configure -> Actions -> Advanced -> Disabled Actions for Windows of Type WM_CLASS : nedit
    In klipper -> Configure -> General -> UNMARK "Prevent empty clipboard"

    Or change/add the following in your klipperrc (~/.kde/share/config/klipperrc)
    NoActionsForWM_CLASS=nedit,<lots of other apps...>


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