Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
zjail-0.7-port.tar.gz 2013-12-31 1.1 kB
zjail-0.7.tar.gz 2013-11-14 22.5 kB
README 2013-08-31 12.2 kB
zjail.31082013.tar.gz 2013-08-31 23.3 kB
zjail.14052013.tar.gz 2013-05-14 20.7 kB
zjail.15042013.tar.gz 2013-04-15 14.5 kB
zjail.11042013.tar.gz 2013-04-11 13.6 kB
zjail.10042013.tar.gz 2013-04-10 13.5 kB
zjail.22082012.tar.gz 2012-08-22 13.5 kB
zjail.05062012.tar.gz 2012-06-05 13.1 kB
zjail.25052012.tar.gz 2012-06-01 12.7 kB
Totals: 11 Items   160.6 kB 0

Zjail is a management tool intended to ease ZFS jails administration on FreeBSD.

Some of the available features:
          - templating
          - VNET support
          - hot cloning
          - thin & thick creation
          - replication (with helper script and zfsnap)
          - up to 3 vnet (epair) interfaces per jail
          - start and stop (boot/BP) prioritization
          - soft and cold restart
          - binary and source updates
          - resource containers based on rctl
The base concept is to have a completely self contained ZFS jail with
all of its configuration and necessary files stored under one ZFS filesystem
which can be easily replicated over the network, backed up and cloned.
VNET support has been added to take advantage of advanced networking

All jail related configuration parameters are stored as custom ZFS
properties in the jail's top level filesystem in the following format:
For more information on custom ZFS user properties please see zfs manual page.

The filesystem hierarchy is the following:
zfspool/zjails - root filesystem for all zjails related content on the
                 system (everything lives here)

zfspool/zjails/install - downloaded archive files from FTP
                         (required for install) 

zfspool/zjails/jds - filesystem for jail datasets

zfspool/zjails/jds/local - datesets for local jails which are not replicated

zfspool/zjails/jds/remote  - jail datasets which have been received from
                             other jail hosts.

zfspool/zjails/jds/replicated - jail datasets which are being replicated from
                                this system to another

zfspool/zjails/jds/local/jail01 - local jail named jail01
zfspool/zjails/jds/replicated/jail02 - replicated jail named jail02 
zfspool/zjails/jds/local/jail01/root - the root filesystem for jail01

Jails are deployed from a base jail which is a pristine FreeBSD install
created at install time (zjail install).
The base jail is snapshoted at jail creation time and this snapshot is
used with "zfs send and receive" to create our jails. There are two ways
for creating a jail, thick (default) and thin.
A thick creation means that a full zfs send and recive is performed from
the base jail, thin creation however will use the zfs clone function.
Thin creation means the base jail is cloned - this is significantly
faster and consumes a fraction of space.
For maximum flexibility a thick creation is the preferred way.

Zjail allows two kinds of stop or restart actions - soft and cold.

- Soft restart or stop will only stop or restart processes in the jail,
on the other hand:
- Cold restart or stop will completely reinitializes the
whole jail with all its interfaces (just like power cycling a machine).
This is achieved by using the "persist" jail option by default, which 
means that even after all processes stopped in a jail the jail is still up.
A soft restart presents less overhead and possibly less likely to cause
unwanted behaviour in combination with VNET.


NOTE: before first use please edit zjail and modify the "my $pool" variable
     (you need your ZFS pool name here)

Run "zjail" utility as bellow. 

       zjail list [all templates replicated remote]
       zjail show jailname [caps]
       zjail create jailname ip= hostname= [property=value]
       zjail start jailname
       zjail stop [-c] jailname
       zjail restart
       zjail rename jailname newname
       zjail move jailname container=[local replicated]
       zjail clone jailname clonename ip= hostname= [property=value]
       zjail startall
       zjail stopall [-c]
       zjail set [property=value] jailname
       zjail get property jailname
       zjail install
       zjail destroy jailname
       zjail backup jailname
       zjail restore jailname
       zjail console jailname
       zjail take_template jailname templatename
       zjail update [-b -s] jailname
       zjail cap jailname
       zjail uncap jailname
       zjail used jailname
       zjail snaplist jailname
       zjail snapshot jailname
       zjail snapremove snapshotname jailname
       zjail rollback snapshotname jailname
       zjail promote clone-jailname

NOTE: There are some undocumented options and functions which will be
      cleaned up and recorded at a later time.

       - set up zjail environment from scratch
       # zjail install

       - create a jail jail01
       # zjail create ip= hostname=jail01.local \
             defaultroute= netmask=24 jail01

       - clone jail01 to jail02
       # zjail clone jail01 ip= hostname=jail02.local \
             defaultroute= netmask=24 jail02

       - list all jails including base installation
       # zjail list all

       - list only local and replicated jails
       # zjail ls or zjail list

       - drop into jail01
       # zjail co jail01 or zjail console jail01

       - set hostname of jail02
       # zjail set hostname=jail03.local jail02

       - set boot priority to 20 (default is 99, number < 99 means higher
         start, stop and boot priority)
       # zjail set priority=20 jail02

       - turn off boot time start
       # zjail set boot=off jail02

       - turn deduplication on for jail02
       # zjail set dedup=on jail02

       - set notes for jail02
       # zjail set notes="This jail is for temporary use only" jail02

       - show everything about jail02
       # zjail show jail02

       - assign two interfaces - vnet0 vnet1 - to jail02
       # zjail set vnet_if="vnet0 vnet1" jail02

       - connect vnet0 to vswitch1 and vnet1 to vswitch2 on jail02
       # zjail set vnet0=vswitch0 vnet1=vswitch1 jail02

       - destroy jail02
       # zjail destroy jail02

       - soft restart jail01
       # zjail restart jail01
       - cold restart jail01
       # zjail restart -c jail01

       - thin create jail03 from default base template
       # zjail clone base ip= hostname=jail03.local jail03

       - take template jail01-tmp from jail01
       # zjail take_template jail01 jail01-tmp

       - list templates only
       # zjail list templates

       - turn VNET on for jail01
       # zjail set vnet=on jail01

       - binary update jail01
       # zjail update -b jail01

       - source update jail01
       # zjail update -s jail01

       - binary update all jails
       # zjail update -b ALL

       - turn on resource caps
       # zjail set rlimit=on jail01

       - limit memory to 512M but only warn with the log action
       # zjail set memory=512M jail01
       # zjail set memory_act=log jail01
       # zjail cap jail01

       - limit memory to 512M but this time deny process with deny action
       # zjail set memory=512M jail01
       # zjail set memory_act=deny jail01
       # zjail cap jail01

       - resource limit jail
       # zjail cap jail01

       - display used resourced
       # zjail used jail01

       - remove resource limits
       # zjail uncap jail01

       - display configured resource limits
       # zjail show jail01 caps

       - list ZFS snapshots
       # zjail snaplist jail01
       - snapshot jail01
       # zjail snapshot jail01
       - rollback to a snapshot
       # zjail rollback snapshotname jail01

Before setting up any resource limits please make sure you understand man rctl(8)!

-- Pre-installation requirements --

Minimum OS requirements : ZFSv28, FreeBSD 9.1 (amd64),
                          Kernel with VNET support (if VNET is required)
Required Perl modules: POSIX, Getopt::Lucid, Net::FTP, Perl6::Form

-- KERNEL --
Recompile your KERNEL with VNET and if needed with resource containers
add the following lines to your KERNEL config:

options         VIMAGE
options         RACCT                   # Resource containers
options         RCTL                    # same as above

WARNING: - exclude ROUTETABLES options (fibs) from the kernel as this
           will make the system extremely unstable with VNET!
         - don't use PF firewall with VNET as it will crash your box
           sooner or later!
         - don't load any form of wireless or bluetooth kernel modules
           will result in a boot time PANIC!

This is a full pkg list generated from the test machine 
(you dont need to install all, just install the ones stated above) 


Please read carefully rctl(8).

-- RC.CONF --
Add these lines to /etc/rc.conf (customize it to your needs)
---------------------- /etc/rc.conf -----------------------------
cloned_interfaces="bridge0 bridge1 bridge2"
ifconfig_vswitch0="inet netmask up"
ifconfig_vswitch1="inet netmask up"
ifconfig_vswitch2="inet netmask up"



For the replication part to work, please install sysutils/zfsnap and
configure periodic snapshotting for  zfspool/zjails/jds/replicated.

After zfsnap configuration create a cron entry for replicate.sh.

Simple replication script:
-------------------------- replicate.sh -----------------------------

NODE_A=`/sbin/zfs list -Ho name -d1 -t snapshot tank/zjails/jds/replicated | tail -1`
NODE_B=`ssh root@jailhost02 "/sbin/zfs list -Ho name -d1 -t snapshot tank/zjails/jds/remote | tail -1 | sed s/remote/replicated/g"`

if [ -e $LOCK ] ; then
    echo "WARNING: ZFS sync already in progress ...exiting!"
    exit 1

if [ ! -e $LOCK -a "$NODE_A" != "$NODE_B" ] ; then
    touch $LOCK
    /sbin/zfs send -R -I $NODE_B $NODE_A | ssh -C jailhost02 "zfs recv -F tank/zjails/jds/remote"
    rm $LOCK

exit 0
This will replicate all your jails in the replicated zfs filesystem
from node A to node B. Please note, this is not a real time replication
solution, but rather a periodic active->passive type. One could use
HAST to do block level realtime replication.


Jails rc.conf file (taken from ezjail's recommendations)
# Disable rpc

# Prevent jails executing cron jobs at the same time
cron_flags="$cron_flags -J 15"

# Disable network sockets for syslog

# Disable sendmail

Disable adjkerntz in jail's crontab

Email your bug report to zjail@cellcontainer.com.

Write a comprehensive manual page and documentation.
Bugfixes and code cleanup.
Add dynamic reconfiguration option to reflect saved changes on the fly 
without restarting the jail).
Add single jail replication and backup options.
Add import and autoscan functions (to find jails anywhere on the system)
Add resource limiting features using rctl


If you want to get the very latest version of zjail direct from the
source code repository then you can use git:

    git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/zjails/code zjails-code 


Download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/zjails/files/


Zjail may be used, modified and redistributed only under the terms of
the BSD License.
Source: README, updated 2013-08-31