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Styx 2013-03-10
README.txt 2013-03-07 7.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   7.1 kB 2
Mar  3 2013 - release 2.0.1

          + introduction of dynamic tokens to handle context sensitive constructs like C's typedef
          + styx grammar extension in order to solve reduce reduce conflicts explicitely
          + introduction of numbered list productions nil#*, cons#*
          + grammar example for Lua (>= 5.1)
          + justification of pattern token matching
          + documentation complement

Mar 26 2011 - release 1.8.0

          + EBNF rules for lists and options
          + grammar examples for JSON and PHP 5.2
          + corrections/bugfixes regarding gcc 4.x, vs studio 2008
          + documentation complement

Nov  3 2009 - release 1.7.6

          + C# library with Styx runtime scanner
          + corrections/bugfixes regarding gcc 4.x
          + documentation complement

Jan 26 2007 - release 1.7.5

          + finalize C++ library
          + corrections/bugfixes regarding gcc 4.x
          + bugfix parse table export
          + documentation complement

============ release notes 1.2 - 1.7 ==============================================

Jan 10 2001 - initial release (1.2)
Mar  4 2001 - release 1.3
              + fixes panic mode error recovery
              + fixes token buffer restriction. The token length is now of type long.
              + hopefully fixes some configure problems on freeBSD (concerning libdl)
              + adds parsing support for binary files 
May  5 2001 - release 1.4
              + The embedded preprocessing facility is now reentrant.
              + The unicode support has been extended. 
                Now the specification of unicode-keywords should be possible, too.

Mar 11 2002 - release 1.5

              BUG FIXES
              + fixes a bug in the production of the abstract interface. 
                Now the destructor functions for the start productions skip ignore-productions.
              + fixes a bug regarding the early reduction facility which sometimes causes an
                infinite loop.
              + fixes a bug in the preprocessing facility.
                ( an uninitilized variable sometimes causes a segmentation fault )
              + fixes a bug in the function putBString of the module binimg.c.
              + The print/reporting functions in the scan, parse, term and pretty print modules
                has been revised with respect to a more consistent unicode support. 
              + fixes the incomplete generated file Makefile.am in release 1.3 and 1.4
              + Now the COPYING file should contain the correct GPL license.

              + The modules binimg.c and ptm_pp.c (persistence, pretty printing) are now reentrant.
              + The utility programs lim_test, pim_test and stypp has been revised. Now they all
                support preprocessing and unicode as well as dynamic loadable user-defined handlers.
                ( Note: You have to link your handlers with the runtime library libxstyx.so )
              + The term generation module [ptm_gen] has been extended to cope with external scanners
                and parsers.
              + The scanner & parser generation has been revised. In addition to the released runtime 
                library libdstyx.so the new library libxstyx.so also contains the generation functionality.
                Beside an improved modularisation it is now possible to include this functionality in
                other programs. ( Look at styx as an example. )

Nov 30 2002 - release 1.5.1

	      +	Automake conversion such that VPATH builds and dist* targets work.
	      + Avoid duplication of libdstyx in libxstyx.
        + fixes a bug in the function printSymbols of the module symbols.c.
        + fixes a bug in tutorial04. <ctrl>d now aborts the caculator.
Mar 15 2003 - release 1.6

          + fixes a bug in the term generation modul ptm_gen.c. Introduced with the panic mode error 
            recovery, the term construction failed if a syntax error at position 1,1 occured.

          + Starting with this release the Styx parser provides the toggle parameter -shortform
            to enforce the usage of short or long filenames (default: long filenames).

          + introduces dyck tokens to cope with nested comments, for example.
          + introduces (de)indent tokens to support the definition of indended languages.
            (see example06)
          + The scanner now provides more flexibility with the introduction of flex-like scan groups.
            (see example05)
          + This release provides support for embedded languages through the introduction of so-called 
            "embedded language" tokens. 
            (see the XML/DTD language definitions for a demonstration)

          + added a Styx based XML parser (library) 

          Compatibility Note: The formats of the generated scan and parse tables has been changed. They
                              must be re-generated in order to work with the new Styx version.

Dec 09 2003 - release 1.6.1

          + fixes broken windows project files
          + fixes a bug in modul styx_gen.c regarding the parser generation which produced a runtime 
            error in the windows debug version.

Aug 01 2004

          + added bibliography and fixes some typos in the documentation

Aug 10 2004

          + The new program lim2dot converts the scanner tables into a dot file 
            in order to visualize them with graphviz i.e. dotty.

Aug 30 2004

          + The new program pim2dot converts the parse tables into a dot file 
            in order to visualize them with graphviz i.e. dotty.

Oct 30 2004

          + extends the regular expression syntax which now provides limited iteration and pattern as well as
            quotient tokens for the specification of heredoc comments, among others.

Nov 07 2004

          + fixes a bug in the preprocessing modul scn_pre.c regarding the separation of macro parameters.
          + improves the diagnose output during the scanner generation in the modul scn_gen.c.

Nov 21 2004

          + extends the regular expression syntax. Now it is possible to assign a token definition to a list
            of scan groups. Further, the specification of the next scan group to be activated has become more
            flexible and allows to control the group stack of the scanner.

Dec 12 2004 

          + extends the scanner and the corresponding programs for an optional support of n character look-ahead.

Dec 20 2004

          + fixes a bug in the generation modul styx_gen.c regarding the special other token.
          + adds some example grammars, e.g. for the smalltalk80 and PHP programming language.

Dec 23 2004

          + extends the C++ scanner which is now able to handle the above mentioned features, too.

Dec 27 2004 - release 1.7

          Compatibility Note: The formats of the generated scan and parse tables has been changed. They
                              must be re-generated in order to work with the new Styx version.
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-03-07