Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme-instructions.txt 2011-01-23 1.6 kB
rssget_xchatwin.pl 2011-01-23 5.9 kB
rssget0_2.pl 2010-08-12 5.5 kB
RSSget.conf 2010-08-12 224 Bytes
rssget_xchat.pl 2010-08-12 6.0 kB
Totals: 5 Items   19.2 kB 0
I failed to mention this earlier, before you begin you must configure the program. 
I left an example file on sourceforge, which has all the data structures needed to run 
the script. 

before that though, it would be best to know where to put that file,
where Is up to you, you can find out where by searching for the lines "settings and history"
on line 44-46

ULTIMATELY, before you can use this, you need to put RSSget.conf where the script expects it

#settings and history
    my $rssconf = $ENV{HOME} . "/.xchat2/RSSget.conf";
    my $history = $ENV{HOME} . "/.xchat2/.RSShistory";


on windows i would use a more direct approach, since im not too aware how perl works 
in windows, I would personally use 

#settings and history
    my $rssconf = "C:\\RSSget.conf"
    my $history = "C:\\RSShistory";

It's a lazy approach, but all you have to do is paste "RSSget.conf" into C:\
once you do that, edit it, add your favourite RSS, and enjoy RSS feeds!


on linux, you dont really have to change anything at all. you can if you like, though
the file will be saved in your home folder, in the hidden .xchat2 folder
which on most all distros should be 


copy the file RSSget.conf to that location, edit it and add RSS feeds.
voila, working rss grabber.

I apologize for the horribly sloppy code, I get better as i go along,
and i built this well early off in my studies.
Source: readme-instructions.txt, updated 2011-01-23