Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
clip 2014-11-06
clip 1.2 2010-04-12
clip 1.1 2006-07-12
clip-prg-1.1.13-1 2005-02-28
Patches 2002-11-20
packages 2002-11-20
Readme 2002-10-16
clip-prg-0.99.6 2002-10-16
clip-prg_1.2.1.6.cpio.bz2 2017-06-04 4.9 MB
README- 2017-06-04 9.5 kB
clip-prg_1.2.1.5.cpio.bz2 2017-04-07 4.9 MB
README- 2017-04-07 9.3 kB
Totals: 12 Items   9.8 MB 0
	Suite  not compiling on older versions of gcc. Duplicate definitions.
	Bug removed. Files modified are rdd.h, clip/rdd/Makefile. New file
	rdd_inlines.c added in which all inline definitions has been removed.
	1. Accessing string as array added negative index and length as per php
	substring function.

	2. rdd.c line 4344 splint into three lines to remove
	3. _io.c line 1100 commented out to remove Wunused-const-variable=
	4. _string.c modified to remove Wmisleading-indentataion

	5. _date.c modified to remove Wmisleading-indentataion

	6. _integer.c modified to remove Wmisleading-indentataion

	7. pg_clip.c modified to remove Wunused-const-variable

	8. odbc_clip.c modified to remove Wunused-const-variable

	9. gd_png.c modified to rename two calls to png_set_dither to
	Some files modified as the new compiler in Debian Testing complained.

		file added to standardize types.

		_clip_unicode_table and _clip_unicode_table_order variables added.

		in clip directory modified to copy cliptypes.h also

		1. probable memory leak in load_charset_name fixed.

		2. make_unicode_table function to make a unicode table and corresponding
		unicode index table from charset entry. clip_init now calls this function 
		to make the global tables _clip_unicode_table which has 256 entries 
		corresponding to the ASCII input codepage.

		unicode table for Kerala(South Indian State) which speaks
		Malayalam added.

		clip_UNICODE2UTF8 function added
			Argument : unicode value.
			Returns the corresponding UTF8 string.
			Returns null string on error

		clip_ASCII2UTF8 function added
			Argument : index of the character in host charset.
			Returns the corresponding UTF8 string.
			Returns null string on error.

		clip_ASCII2UNICODE function added
			Argument :  index of the character in host charset.
			Returns the corresponding unicode value.
			Returns -1 on error.

		clip_UNICODE2ASCII function added. 
			Argument : unicode value.
			Returns corresponding index as per the host charset.
			Returns -1 on error.

	        CLIP_INT _Utf8LengthFromAscii(CLIP_UCHAR *s, CLIP_UINT len)
			Argument: s ASCII string
				  len of the ascii string.
			Returns: The len of the string if converted to 
				 UTF-8 using the conversion table stored
				 in _clip_unicode_table

			Argument: Ascii string.
			Interface to _Utf8LengthFromAscii above
			Returns 0 on error. Otherwise returns the would be
			UTF-8 string length.

	       CLIP_INT _AsciiStr2Utf8(CLIP_UCHAR *in, CLIP_UCHAR **out, 
	       		CLIP_UINT *len)
			Arguments: input ascii string.
				   pointer to pointer to char. *out will be
				   allocated. Will have to be freed. *out will
				   point to the converted UTF-8 string. It 
				   should be initialized to null before being
				   passed to this function.
				   *len should contain the length of in. It 
				   will be changed to length of the UTF-8 
				   string on successful return.

			Returns: 0 on sucess.
				 1 if length of var in contained in *len is 
				 less than 1 or if _clip_unicode_table is not 
				 2 if *out points to valid memory. I cannot
				 decide in this function either to rewrite or
				 free such memory.

	       		Interface to _AsciiStr2Utf8
			Will return "" on error.

			Argument: hex string with two digit hex code instead of ascii values
			Returns : the ascii string.
			Example : input string "4161" will return the string "Aa"
				  The function expects all hex values to be of two digit hence
				  	the length of string to be even other wise null string
					is returned.
				  To get an actual ascii char into the input string prefix 0
				  input string "0410|61" will return "A|a"

			Argument: Positive number to be represented as readable hex string
			Returns: The human readable hex string of the Positive number
			Caveats: Will return null string if negative or 0 is passed

		1. level 2 log: No of characters of input charset added
		2. level 2 log: No of character of output charset log level 
		changed to 2.
		3. call to make_unicode_table_from_charset added.

		1. In function clip_GTK_STOCKLOOKUP the map was not being 
		updated properly. So modifications had to be done in 
		_stock_item_to_map function in common.c and hence this function
		prototype in clip-gtk2.h also had to be modified along with 
		another call to this function in stock.c

		1. Function clip_GTKFILECHOOSERDIALOGNEW the responses expected
		by gtk2 are integers where as the function attempts to pass 
		strings modified to correct.

		2. The 20 argument array is a hack which is ok. An alternative
		will be to call gtk_dialog_add_button for each action button.
		But this will necessitate an additional function call for each
		argument. May have to use the same hack if the function
		gtk_dialog_add_buttonS(s capitalized show the difference) 
		is used. Is there another way out?

		1. Defenitions of GTK_RESPONSE_... macros modified as they 
		were erroneous.

                2. GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR added(see gtkenums.h)

		1. In _clip_locale_from_utf8 function, fallback added to
		original text if conversion fails

		GTK_TEXTBUFFERGETENDITER uses the global Iter variable, with a
		result that a later call modifies value from earlier call since 
		clip_mclone function cannot duplicate general pointers since the
		corresponding storage size is not known. 
		Hence new function GTK_TEXTBUFFERGETSTARTORENDITER which returns
		the iter in a newly allocated memory alleviating the above issue.
		call with a numeric argument 0 for start iter and 1 for enditer.

		2. The old functions are retained as such so that in case some 
		code already uses them...

		3. New function GTK_TEXTBUFFERGETENTIRETEXT(include-hidden),
		where include-hidden is a logical variable to include hidden
		characters. GTK_TEXTBUFFERGETALLTEXT is an alias to this 
	small change in cliprt.c to avoid a call to free in _clip_eval  
	small change in cliprt.c to avoid a qsort in _clip_store_c_item
	1. A little work has been done so that the suite compiles on 
	Debian testing distribution(both i386, and amd64) as on day. 
	Most of the compiler warnings have been taken care of except for some
	shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts generated by the bison parser

	2. There are some errors in the clip-oasis modules especially with
	regard to missing functions. Not attempted to correct them.
	Have not gone through a cygwin on mingw environment checking.

	3. This is large suit and despite my best efforts I could not 
	fully understand the language modules. UnicodeData-7.0.0.txt has been
	downloaded and included in the distribution so that the .tbl files can
	be created from the .uni files using gen_tbl. So the earlier version
	of the database has been removed for saving space. 

	4. While removing certain compiler warnings from cdx.c it has become
	necessary to redefine some macros. Not sure about the correctness of
	these. Some basic tests passed though.

	5. The following packages had to be additionally installed(on Debian 
	testing that is Debian Jessie as on date) so that most of the modules
	will compile: gcc,flex,bison,libncurses5-dev,gettext,libpth-dev,
	libssl-dev,libglade2-dev,libbz2-dev,libfcgi-dev, libpam0g-dev,
	unixodbc-dev, and firebird-dev. 

	For clip interbase connectivity module,
	libgds also has to be downloaded from libgds.sourceforge.net and
	installed. I do not have an oracle installation so could not make 
	that module compile for want of the API source tree. Also clip-gd module 
	complains of unavailability of libttf.h. This file is not available on 
	Debian so I am skipping it. 
	If on a Debian system one can check if all needed packages have been
	installed by running the provided script
	CheckDebianInstalledPackages.sh. Some of these packages may not be
	necessary if not interested in the corresponding libraries. Most of
	these libraries have not been checked for run time bugs.  

	6. I always go by installation from source(as root cd clip-prg; 
	CLIP_LANG=en_US.cp437 make sytem;) for this suite, and so I am not sure 
	of the build for deb or rpm packages.

	7. Earlier programs using the macro GTK_TYPE_TARGET_LIST in the code 
	had to be changed to GTK_TYPE_TARGET_LST. This has become necessary 
	because of a clashing declaration in one of the included files 
	resulting in duplicate defn.

	8. In most of the places where code has been modified, comments starting
	with strings beginning with PVM has been added for clarification. There 
	could be occasions where this has been missed.  Sincere apologies in 

	9. distclean.sh now cleans the complete system inclusive of the 
	installation directory /usr/local/clip. Use it only with care.

	10.  /tmp directory is used to create some .c files on the fly for 
	determining if certain packages have been installed on the system. 
	This folder has to be cleaned off these .c files manually.

Source: README-, updated 2017-06-04