Jonathan - 2013-11-01

Hi, I'm new here so I hope this is being posted correctly.

I thought I would let everyone know about the errors on running the Watin TestRecorder v3.

I have had real problems here and installed on 3 xp machines (x86) and one win7 with no joy.

However I have a win7 (x64) machine and followed some instructions to now have a successful running installation of v3 Test Recorder.

The main problems were my typo errors and just commands not exactly as they need to be.
So lets see if I can break things down.

The commands need to be run from a command type window (DOS) must be 'Run as Administrator'.

1) (Administrator: Developer Command prompt for VS2012)
First one is to run the CorFlags.exe on the TestRecorder.exe
I copied the CorFlags.exe to a easily accessible folder then accessed the folder by the command prompt. So you are now in the folder where the CorFlags.exe file exists.
This is my command and it worked for me. (copy and paste)
CorFlags.exe /32BIT+ "C:\Program Files (x86)\TestRecorder\Test Recorder v3\TestRecorder.exe"

You get a message saying :
{othertext}....CorFlags Conversion Tool ........{othertext}

2) (This next window I ran the cmd.exe in window\system32 as 'Administrator')
Similar to the 1st process
You need to run the regsvr32.exe on the comutilities.dll
So navigate to the folder where the regsvr32.exe is and I typed the below.
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\TestRecorder\Test Recorder v3\comutilities.dll"
I do think I got a confirmation window.

Best of luck