Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2015-01-05 2.9 kB
LEEME.txt 2015-01-05 2.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   5.7 kB 0
# This project is free software. You can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the General Public License
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# Either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# Option) any later version.
# This project is distributed in the hope that it
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the guarantee
# MERCHANTABILITY no guarantee implied or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, see License
# GNU General Public.
# The project has used and modified GNU GPL version 2.0 code
# originally developed for the project DebPBX,
# Developed by Federico Pereira <fpereira@opentecnologic.com>
# Author: Daver Jorge <daverjorge46@gmail.com>
# With the collaboration of Carlos Perez <carlos.perez@uv.es>
# Copyright 2012 Daver Jorge <daverjorge46@gmail.com>
# This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 3.0
Current Version: 2.11.20

This project is designed to install the latest stable version of
certified-asterisk-11.6-current + FreePBX-based system in Debian 7.


+ PBX run on 32-bit architectures (686) and 64-bit (AMD64).

+ Asterisk source code is downloaded from the 11 branch.

+ FreePBX is translated into Spanish (by default) by 97% in addition to English and is
  customized with some modules developed by our team and by changes in style and design.

+ The System installs Postfix and SMTP authentication asking for authentication settings.

+ FAX holder is installed with independent spandsp Avantfax if installed.

+ Install the DNS server dnsmasq is lightweight server, in addition to
  functioning as a DNS server for your local network (by reading the /etc/hosts)

+ Is optionally installed Hylafax-Avantfax-iaxmodem complete solution of the fax server.

Platforms and versions tested:
+ 686 and amd64
+ Debian Wheezy
+ Certified Asterisk 11.6-current - LTS
+ Libpri 1.4-current
+ FreePBX 2.11
+ Avantfax 3.3.3
+ FOP2 2.28
+ Webmin 1.720
+ PHPSysInfo 3.1.16
+ Fail2ban
+ CSF Firewall

# ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
# User
# ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

 This ISO installs Debian Wheezy, Asterisk(r) and Freepbx-GUI.
 Download the ISO from http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/vozbox/vozbox-2.11.$ver.iso

 Method of Use:
 sudo dd if=/home/Download route/vozbox-2.11.$ver.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M where X is the USB drive mounted on your system.

- The installation creates a report file in root named: install-PBX.log

Thank you for using PBX.
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-01-05