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Documents 2012-09-18
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README.txt 2012-09-16 1.9 kB
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16th September 2012.

The Documents folder contains an introduction to tuple spaces, tuplespace.pdf. It's not finished but is a good start point.
There is also a zip file containing the JavaDocs for the tuple space. The Releases folder contains  spaces.zip. This is a fully functioning space that its accessible over a network. From a terminology perspective call this the space server. Unzip it then run the space server using 

java -jar tupleSpaces.jar

when run it looks for 


This properties file sets the renderer for the space. The purpose of the renderer is to give some feedback as to what is actually in the space (or spaces, there can be more that one space). There are currently two options for renderers

js.co.uk.tuplespace.remote.ConsoleSpaceRenderer - simple  logging type renderer.
js.co.uk.tuplespace.remote.GraphSpaceRenderer - graphical display, looks nice but has a couple of minor bugs - sometimes the display isn't cleared correctly.

When it is running it listens, on the port specified in the spaces.properties file by the key 'jetty.port' (defaults to 8080 if not specified) , for a request, from a client, to create  a named space. 

Once the space server is running the next thing is to use it from a client's perspective. Do this by first creating, in a client application, a   LocalSpaceCreator with the URL of the space server. i.e.

 LocalSpaceCreator localSpaceCreator  = new HessianLocalSpaceCreator("http://<space_server_host>:<jetty.port>");

then to create a space in the client 

 Space space = localSpaceCreator.createSpace( "<name_for_the_space>");

at this point the newly created space is ready for use.

See the (embryonic) Wiki or look at the test code in the repository for how to proceed from here. 

Examples will follow…

Any questions try 
mike_k_houghton@yahoo.co.uk or mikekh@users.sourceforge.net 
or the Tuple Spaces Wiki on SourceForge.


Source: README.txt, updated 2012-09-16