Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
traveler- 2012-10-05 68.1 MB
readme.txt 2012-03-10 11.6 kB
traveler- 2012-03-10 62.9 MB
traveler- 2011-09-21 57.7 MB
traveler- 2011-04-08 56.3 MB
traveler- 2011-01-26 54.3 MB
traveler- 2010-12-22 53.7 MB
traveler- 2010-12-09 53.4 MB
Totals: 8 Items   406.6 MB 0
About Traveler

    Traveler is a package of portable AMP stack (Apache + MySQL + PHP), plus 
additional software aimed for web development while you are traveling.

    Apart from the AMP stack, Traveler also included capable programmer editor: 
Notepad++, WebKit-based web browser: QtWeb, and ClamWin Free Antivirus to keep 
you safe from malwares.


    Decompress traveler-*.7z and move all files to your thumb drive, preferably 
to root directory.

    Due to license restriction, Flash plug-in cannot be distributed with QtWeb.  
If you installed Flash plug-in (Non-IE version) in your host, You can copy file 
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll to apps\QtWeb\PlugIns directory 
to enable Flash.


    When you plug the thumb drive, autorun menu should appear.  The menu allow 
you to launch TrayLauncher and Start/Stop web+database servers.

    If the autorun menu does not appear, execute autorun.bat, this will launch 
TrayLauncher, then you can access all features from TrayLauncher's menu in 
system tray icon area.

    To start Apache+PHP+MySQL: use Start Servers in the menu.

    To stop Apache+PHP+MySQL: use Stop Servers in the menu.

    Don't forget to stop servers before unplug your thumb drive.

Where To Install Web Pages

    Place your web pages in directory web, and use http://localhost:8080/ to 
access them.  You can also place cgi-bin files to subdirectory web\cgi-bin, 
although they may be rare these days.

    Alternately, you can put multiple web sites in directory home\<name>\htdocs 
or home\<name>\web, and access them via http://localhost:8080/~<name>/.  See 
more information about this feature in Apache mod_userdir manual.

    The non-standard port number is chosen to avoid possible conflict with host 

How To Connect To Database

    Launch HeidiSQL and connect to MySQL at port 3366.  The default connection 
and authentication information already provided.

    Please note that if you change root password, don't forget to change them 
in etc\config.php, too.  This password is require to take down the server.

    The non-standard port number is chosen to avoid possible conflict with host 

Note About Portability Issues

    Please note that some programs are not perfectly portable.  Which mean they 
can run, but may leave some traces in host computer.  Here is the list:

    - MySQL has a problem when stopping it, in case when host machine has MySQL 
service running.  The problem prevents both versions of MySQL to properly 
stopped.  Suggestion is to manually kill mysqld.exe process after stopped, or 
avoid using both versions together.

    - HeidiSQL uses Windows registry, but cleanup properly.  However, it leave 
empty directory in %APPDATA%\HeidiSQL.

Note About Removed Files

    Please note that Apache, MySQL, and PHP in this package are strip down 
versions.  All non-essential files and non-frequently used extensions are 
removed to save disk space.

    If you want to add some extensions, you can download full package from 
respective web sites and copy them to appropriate folders.  Don't forget to 
update appropriate configuration files in etc directory.  Please note that you 
must edit config file with *.php extension, such as: httpd.conf.php, my.ini.php 
or php.ini.php.

Source Code

    Traveler composed of many open source software.  You can obtained source 
code of them at their respective web sites:

Apache HTTP Server

ClamWin Free Antivirus







7za: taken from 7-Zip: http://7-zip.org/
zip+unzip: http://info-zip.org/
others: http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/

Licensing Information

    Scripts in directory etc are public domain.  other software have their own 
licenses which are all OSI approved.  Here the list:

Apache HTTP Server: The Apache License, Version 2.0

ClamWin Free Antivirus: GNU Public License

HeidiSQL: GNU Public License, version 2

MySQL: GNU Public License, version 2

Notepad++: GNU Public License, version 2

PHP: PHP License, version 3.01

QtWeb: GNU Public License

TrayLauncher: GNU Public License, version 2

Utils package: composed of various licenses:
- 7za: LGPL + unRAR restriction http://www.7-zip.org/license.txt
- unzip, zip: Info-ZIP License http://www.info-zip.org/license.html
- bzip2, diff, gzip, patch, split, tar, touch, wget: GNU GPL

Version Information

Current Version: 1.0.0
Last Updated: 2012-03-10

Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22
ClamWin 0.97.3 (virus definition: 20120310)
MySQL 5.1.50
Notepad++ 5.9.8
PHP 5.3.5
QtWeb 3.7.5
TrayLauncher 2.5.2


- upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.2.22
- upgraded HeidiSQL to
- upgraded Notepad++ to 5.9.8
- upgraded QtWeb to 3.7.5
- upgraded TrayLauncher to 2.5.2
- upgraded ClamWin to 0.97.3
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20120310

- upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.2.20
- upgraded HeidiSQL to 6.0.3947
- upgraded QtWeb to 3.7.3
- upgraded ClamWin to 0.97.2
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20110921

- replaced K-Meleon with QtWeb 3.7.2, this enable support for HTML5/CSS3 testing
- upgraded HeidiSQL to 6.0.3760, this minor update include experimental support for SQL Server
- upgraded ClamWin to 0.97
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20110408

- upgraded PHP to 5.3.5
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20110125

- upgraded Notepad++ to 5.8.6
- upgraded HeidiSQL to
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20101222

- removed non-complaint software (and related files) to match SourceForge upload restriction
- updated scripts in etc to deal with removal of non-complaint tools used
- removed checksum system due to removal of fsum.exe
- replaced PStart with TrayLauncher 2.1.0

- minor tweaked in prepare to release to public.

- upgraded ClamWin to 0.96.5
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20101209

- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20101201
- upgraded Notepad++ to 5.8.5
- upgraded K-Meleon to 1.6.0 Beta

- disabled admin protected directory, remove comments in httpd.conf.php to re-enable
- upgraded ClamWin to 0.96.4
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20101121

- upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.2.16
- upgraded MySQL to 5.1.50
- upgraded PHP to 5.3.3
- upgraded ClamWin to
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20100905

- added and enabled PHP extensions: curl and soap
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20100410

- improved PHP configuration scripts to accommodate PHP 5.3.x series

- improved configuration scripts
- upgraded Apache HTTP Server to 2.2.14
- upgraded MySQL to 5.1.41
- upgraded PHP to 5.3.1
- upgraded Notepad++ to 5.5.1
- upgraded ClamWin to 0.95.3
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20091125

- upgraded K-Meleon to 1.5.3
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20090814

- enable MutiViews option in Apache docroot directory
- enable PHP mbstring extension
- cleanup unused php.ini.php sections
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20090722

- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20090720

- optimize data and log file sizes in MySQL innodb
- minor CSV export option tweak in HeidiSQL
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20090718

- upgraded Utils package
- upgraded Notepad++ to 5.4.3
- upgraded ClamWin to 0.95.2
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20090620
- minor fix in etc/config.php

- upgraded Utils package
- added upx to Utils package
- compressed *.exe in Utils package using upx

- upgraded HeidiSQL to 4.0 revision 2405
- upgraded Pocket K-Meleon to 1.1.3
- updated ClamWin virus definition files to 20090530

- upgraded ClamWin to 0.95.1
- updated ClamWin virus definitions file
- dropped "my" MySQL user account, only "root" available

- changed non-default HTTP port to 8080, same as Apache installer setting
- added $DOCROOT_DIR setting in config.php
- added $USERS_DIR setting in config.php
- updated ClamWin virus definitions file
- upgraded Notepad++ to 5.3.1

- PHP upload_max_filesize setting is now configurable via config.php, the default size was increased to 10M

- reduced MySQL logs and memory usage size

- minor configuration cleanup

- added SUM.MD5 and SUMOFSUM.MD5 to enable quick virus checking

- added MySQL user "my" as generic user for using from web applications

- updated Notepad++ to 5.2
- also reverted Notepad++ configurations to defaults

- minor configuration changes

- added ClamWin 0.94.1

- changed config system to self-bootstrapping, using PHP itself
- changed web server to Apache again, after solved problems
- updated MySQL to 5.1.31
- updated PHP to 5.2.8
- removed Python, good bye T_T, till we meet again :)
- changed SQLyog to HeidiSQL 3.2
- updated Utils package to latest version

- updated Notepad++ configurations

- updated Notepad++ to 5.1.4

- updated MySQL to 5.0.67
- updated Notepad++ to 5.0.3

- updated Notepad++ to 5.0

- updated Notepad++ to 4.9.2

- minor fix in Notepad++ settings

- updated Notepad++ to 4.7.5

- updated Notepad++ to 4.6
- updated PHP to 5.2.5
- updated PStart to 2.11

- updated Abyss Web Server to 2.5
- updated MySQL to 5.0.45
- updated Notepad++ to 4.3
- updated Python to 2.5.1
- removed some rarely use files

- fixed bug in MySQL shutdown script
- various preferences adjusted

- updated Notepad++ to 4.2.2

- removed FreeCommander due to not frequently used
- prepared for publishing into community

- minor program updated, Abyss Web Server to 2.4, Notepad++ to 4.1.2

- a fine version, with almost all configuration scripts rewritten

- reasonable working version, almost all problems fixed

- almost worked, except when put in path with space characters

- fixed of previous version, still not much useful

- concept testing, almost not workable -_-

Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-03-10