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Release_1 2015-11-03
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In order to compile and use tinyREST application, you need the 
following open source libraries:

Apache Commons IO: 
  (referred to as lib/commons-io-1.1.jar in manifest class path)
Apache Commons FileUpload: 
  (referred to as lib/commons-fileupload.jar in manifest class path)
Apache Log4J: 
  (referred to as lib/log4j-1.2.14.jar in manifest class path)
  (referred to as lib/javax.servlet.jar in manifest class path)


To use the REST server without writing your own service class, simply
create a configuration XML file and start the service using the 
latest jar file (tinyREST-1.0.15.jar or later). The jar will 
attempt to automatically detect a configuration file, but you can
force it to use a specific configuration file like this:

  java -jar tinyREST-1.0.15.jar -cfg myConfig.xml

The configuration file should have this format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Service context="service" class="example.GreetHandler2" message="Wow - check this out!">
    <addQuestion question="How high is a mountain?" answer="Very high"/>
    <addQuestion question="What color is the sky?" answer="Light blue"/>
  <Service class="example.GreetHandler2" message="Wow - check this out again!">
    <addQuestion question="How high is a mountain?" answer="Very, very high"/>
    <addQuestion question="What color is the sky?" answer="Clear blue"/>

  <Configuration> - Root element must be <Configuration>
  <Service>       - Each REST service must be defined in a <Service> element. The important
                    attributes are:
                      context - Root context of service 
                         e.g. context="root" will require a URL like this: http://ip-address/root/...
                      class   - The name of the class which implements your REST service
                    You can add more attributes - the parser will map them to parameter 
                    annotations in your constructor. In the example, the constructor takes
                    a parameter called "message" like this:
                      public Greeter2(@Param("message") @Default("Hallo") String message) {}
Elements inside <Service> represent method calls in the service class. In the example, the
REST service class contains a public method called "addQuestion". The definition typically
looks like this:

  public void addMessage(@Param("question") String question, @Param("answer") @Default("test") String answer) {}
The annotations used for constructors and methods in a class (as seen in the configuration above)
is used from the package za.co.softco.reflect and is typically used for accessing constructors
and methods using reflection. REST services can also be defined using annotations, but be sure
to use annotations from the package za.co.softco.rest.model (for example @Parameter("question")
for HTTP query parameters). The Greeter2 example uses annotations and is very easy to understand.
Source: README, updated 2014-11-04