Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Manuals 2012-10-24
Resources 2012-10-24
readme.txt 2012-10-31 1.7 kB
Linux_Mint_Sound_Patch_v1.4.2_Final.7z 2012-10-31 2.0 kB
SpoJump_v1.4.2.zip 2012-10-24 73.7 MB
Totals: 5 Items   73.7 MB 1
Readme for SpoJump v1.4.2:

The manuals (german and english) are in the "Docs" folder.

First decompress th content of the zip file, then start the game by
double-clicking at the jar file. You can choose between 5 given resolutions
which should match in most cases. After confirming the game itself starts.

There is a new version (1.4.2) which fixes some litle things.
If you want to know what exactly changed sice the last version look at the chanelog below.

If errors occur or nothing appears execute the batch file "error.bat"
and report the error to jim_java@gmx.de .

I recoginized, that there occurs an error while trying to play the first sound under Linux Mint 13(64Bit).
Now the final patch is released and should work fine.


Version 1.4 (initial public release) -> Version 1.4.1
-Adds the resolution 1600x900
-Completing the last stage is saved now
-You can specify which music file to play in your level
	(if you don't, a standard file will be played; if you write "Music=none" there will be no music played)

Version 1.4.1 -> Version 1.4.2
-Button "Play Music" works now
-Button "Play Sound" is commented out(because it is not necessary for normal users)
-You can now load a saved Game after you won or died
-There can be empty lines before/between a section in a level file
-According to the setup of your operating system the texts are english or german
-Batch file writes errors now in a txt file
-Add a shell script for saving errors in a text file under a unixoid operating system(Linux, Mac OS)
-Error, which lets you go to the next stage by simply touching the soda machine, is removed

Planed for further versions:
-New level(specialy for beginners)
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-10-31