Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
softsmithy-lib-all-0.5-dist.tar.gz 2015-02-26 2.8 MB
softsmithy-lib-all-0.5-dist.tar.gz.asc 2015-02-26 181 Bytes
README.txt 2015-02-26 22.9 kB
Totals: 3 Items   2.9 MB 0

softsmithy-lib-awt-0.5.jar                        - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - AWT
softsmithy-lib-awt-0.5-sources.jar                - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - AWT source code
softsmithy-lib-beans-0.5.jar                      - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Beans
softsmithy-lib-beans-0.5-sources.jar              - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Beans source code
softsmithy-lib-core-0.5.jar                       - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Core
softsmithy-lib-core-0.5-sources.jar               - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Core source code
softsmithy-lib-persistence-0.5.jar                - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Persistence
softsmithy-lib-persistence-0.5-sources.jar        - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Persistence source code
softsmithy-lib-swing-0.5.jar                      - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Swing
softsmithy-lib-swing-0.5-sources.jar              - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Swing source code
softsmithy-lib-swing-customizer-0.5.jar           - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Swing Customizer
softsmithy-lib-swing-customizer-0.5-sources.jar   - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Swing Customizer source code
softsmithy-lib-time-0.5.jar                       - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Date and Time
softsmithy-lib-time-0.5-sources.jar               - The SoftSmithy Utility Library - Date and Time source code
docs-directory                                    - Contains the Javadoc, a tutorial and samples

Note: This is a pre-alpha version and the API is still subject to change! If you
have any questions or comments feel free to contact me:

The libraries have the following dependency: SLF4J 1.7.6

softsmithy-lib-persistence-0.5.jar has the following dependencies:
- JPA (just the org.softsmithy.lib.persistence package; tested with EclipseLink 2.0)

Have a look at CHANGES.txt for notes about changes.

The contents of the files, which originate from, are subject to 
the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use these files
except in compliance with the License.
(This License has been apporved by OSI.)
You can find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt shipped with this distribution
or at .

The following files from the "Code Syntax Highlighter" used in the tutorial:

origniate from:
Copyright (C) 2004 Alex Gorbatchev.

and are covered by the following license:

"This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General 
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) 
any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied 
warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to 
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"

You can find a copy of this license in docs/LGPL.txt shipped with this distribution.

The newest version can be obtained via Mercurial:

hg clone softsmithy-lib

Oracle JDK 1.8.0_31
Maven 3.0.4
NetBeans IDE 8.0.2



v0.5 (Changeset: 0cb0ccaa7bbe):
            - added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.beans.PropertyChangeUtils added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.lang.reflect.Classes.getTypes(Object) added
            - Moved code: org.softsmithy.lib.util.Positionables -> org.softsmithy.lib.util.Lists
            - Added dependency: SLF4J
            - Small fixes and clean-ups

v0.4 (Changeset: 76d100d0c560):
            - Project migration: migrated to the new Allura based platform
              The SCM and some other links changed.
            - softsmithy-lib-time project added with utility classes for the new Date & Time API (Java SE 8)
              Code moved from Drombler Commons
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.ResourceLoader added
            - Small fixes and clean-ups

v0.3 (Changeset: ecfc90e95ad5):
            - Project migration: Bundle split: softsmithy-lib-awt project added
            - Project migration: Bundle split: softsmithy-lib-beans project added
            - Project migration: Bundle split: softsmithy-lib-swing project added
            - Project migration: Bundle split: softsmithy-lib-swing-customizer project added
            - Several Swing Customizer classes were moved to different packages. 
              All Swing Customizer classes are now in the package or subpackages of
            - Positionable Framework added
            - Small fixes and clean-ups
            - Tutorial fixes
            - NetBeans IDE upgrade: 7.2

v0.2 (Changeset: d198b7dfd05b):
            - Project migration: Java SE 6 -> Java SE 7
            - Project migration: OSGi metadata added
            - Project migration: Maven 2.2.1 -> Maven 3.0.4
            - Project migration: artifactId prefix added: "softsmithy-"
            - Project migration: softsmithy-lib-persistence project added
            - Project migration: org.softsmithy.lib.persistence: moved from softsmithy-lib-core -> softsmithy-lib-persistence
            - Project migration: SoftSmithy Parent 1.2 -> SoftSmithy Parent 2.1
            - org.softsmithy.lib.nio.file.CopyFileVisitor added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.nio.file.PathUtils added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.nio.file.JarFiles added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Comparables.isInRange(T, T, T) added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Comparables.isInRange(T, T, T, Comparator<? super T>) added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.ServiceProvider added + annotation processor registered
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.Parser framework added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.AbstractParser added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.AbstractNumberParser added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.IntegerParser added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.ShortParser added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.ResourceBundleLocalizer added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.Formatter framework added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.AbstractFormatter added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.FormatException added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.FormatFormatter added
            - renamed package to automatically exclude it from OSGi export: 
              org.softsmithy.lib.test -> org.softsmithy.lib.internal
            - removed warnings
            - Javadocs added
            - unit tests added
            - samples: CopyFilesSample added
            - samples: AddZipResourceSample added
            - samples: ExtractJarResourceSample added
            - tutorial: new trail added: NIO File
            - small fixes
            - JUnit upgrade: version 4.10
            - NetBeans IDE upgrade: 7.1.1

v0.1 (Changeset: 677685802ce2):
	    - Project migration: Ant -> Maven
            - Project migration: Subversion -> Mercurial
            - License upgraded: SPL -> CDDL
            - Project versioning aligned with Maven versioning, starting with v0.1
            - Project layout restructured
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.Localizables.LocalizableCollationKey -> org.softsmithy.lib.text.GenericCollationKey
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.LocalizedCollator added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.EqulatiyVerifier framework replaced with -> org.softsmithy.lib.util.Matcher framework
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.TableRowHeaderController framework added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.AbstractRowHeaderTableModel added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.DefaultTableRowHeaderController added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.JRowHeaderTable added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.JRowNumberHeaderTable added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.RowHeaderTableModel added
            -, Writer) added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Lists.getFirst(List) added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Lists.getLast(List) added
            - generified classes
            - removed warnings
            - Javadocs added
            - TableRowHeaderController samples added
            - small fixes
            - changed to NetBeans 6.9.1

v20100524:  - new utility methods
(Rev.: 470) - bug fix
            - org.softsmithy.lib.persistence.AbstractEntity class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.persistence.ExtendedBaseDAO class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.persistence.GenericDAO class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.persistence.ResourceLocalTransactionController class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.LocaleCellRenderer: supports LocaleLocalizer
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.CellRenderer: icon support added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.XDefaultListCellRenderer: icon support added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JFileRootComboBox class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JFileRootList class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.filechooser.FileRootComboBoxModel class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.filechooser.FileRootCellRenderer class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.LocaleLocalizer class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.Localizable class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.Localizables class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.text.Localizer class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Locales: new utility method
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Locales: many methods moved to org.softsmithy.lib.text.Localizables
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.CountryCode class added
            - new dependency added: JPA (just the org.softsmithy.lib.persistence package; tested with EclipseLink 2.0)
            - generified classes
            - removed warnings
            - Javadocs added
            - Project setting changed
            - LocaleSelectionSample
            - FileRootSelectionSample
            - changed to JDK 1.6 -> please report regressions if you find any!
            - changed to NetBeans 6.8

v20070520:  - JButtonCustomizer completed
(Rev.: 337) - a text customizers sample added
            - text customizers tutorial section completed
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Strings: cut added
            - getPathNames added
            - createEntryName added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.Lists class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.EqualityVerifier interface added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.ComparatorEqualityVerifier class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.util.ObjectEqualityVerifier class added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer.AbstractTextCustomizer: 
              String constructor removed
            - small sample updates
            - small documentation updates
            - Javadocs added

v20070304:  - delete recursivly added
(Rev.: 307) - copy streams added
            - class added 
              (extract zip files)
            - Javadoc updates
            - Sample and tutorial trail about the number fields added
            - Syntax highlighting in the tutorial added
              (syntax Highlighter shipped with the tutorial is covered 
               by the LGPL)
            - small tutorial updates

v20061029:  - ShapeIcon respects aspect ratio
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JListBox added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.swing.icon.XIcons added
            - some media information added
            - All jlfgr icons referenced in
            - org.softsmithy.lib.math.Doubles added
            - org.softsmithy.lib.math.Floats added
            - Bug 1581780 fixed
            - commented out system outputs
            - Javadocs added
            - First trails of a tutorial & samples added
            - a copy of the Sun Public License added (SPL.txt)
            - README.txt changed
            - New Ant targets added to the build.xml (e.g. "dist")
            - NetBeans Ant Projectfiles v5.0
            - Dist structure changed a bit
            - properties-files moved: i18n -> src (only one jar)
            - added
            - some minor changes

v20040727:  -Extended Icon Framework added which supports zooming strategies
             for icons. Image and shape icons supported.
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXIconLabel and the 
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.icon package
             ShapeIcon, XIcon and XImageIcon moved from org.softsmithy.lib.swing 
             to org.softsmithy.lib.swing.icon
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JImageCustomizer and
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JShapeCustomizer replaced by
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXIconCustomizer and the 
             Extended Icon Framework
            -improved support for the Java look and feel Graphics Repository:
             Note: the ResourceBundles are updated but not yet complete!
            -AbstractXAction, ActionWrapper, CustomizerActionFactory, 
             CustomizerActionManager, CustomizerItemListenerProvider, IconType, 
             ReflectiveXAction, XAction, XActionDelegator, XActionWrapper 
             and XActions moved from org.softsmithy.lib.swing to 
            -removed methods from org.softsmithy.lib.swing.action.XActions which 
             are now covered by the Java look and feel Graphics Repository
             support factories.
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.action.XActions now supports mnemonic keys
            -"x", "y", "width" and "height" added to the customizable properties
             of org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JCustomizer by default to allow 
             SelectionManager to listen for them
            -org.softsmithy.lib.awt.image.ScalingAlgorithm added
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JTextCustomizer moved to 
            -"showingConstraints" property renamed to "showingLayoutHelp" in
            -updated some Javadocs
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.action.DefaultXAction and
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.action.ReflectiveCustomizerAction added
            -some minor changes
v20031023:  -number fields based on JFormattedTextField for int, long, short, 
             byte, double, float, BigInteger and BigDecimal added
            -TableCellEditors and CellRenderers based on these number 
             fields added
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXTable configured to use these new number
             editors and renderers by default
            -in org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JCustomizerPropertyTable the default 
             editors for the properties x and y have been set to an integer 
             editor with bounds (0, 10000), for width and height to an integer
             editor with bounds (1, 10000) and for thickness to a localized
             float editor with bounds (1, 10000)
            -utility class org.softsmithy.lib.util.Comparables added
            -utility classes BigIntegers and BigDecimals in package
             org.softsmithy.lib.math added
            -the way how changes to "x", "y", "width", "height", "background", 
             "foreground" and "font" in org.softmithy.lib.swing.JCustomizer 
             are handled and propagated has been fixed
            -some minor changes
v20030909:  -org.softsmithy.lib.awt.layout.InfiniteTableLayout bug fixes
            -style specific classes moved from 
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer -> 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXScrollPane with 
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXViewport added with support for view 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXLabel added with support for shapes
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.ColorCellEditor has now 
             an alpha value attribute
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.HorizontalAlignment bug fixes
            -several minor changes
v20030630:  -org.softsmithy.lib.awt.layout.InfiniteTableLayout bug fix with 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.beans.XDefaultPersistenceDelegate work around
             for a bug in java.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate when used eg. 
             with unsigned applets
            -org.softsmithy.lib.beans.XMLEncoderX uses 
             org.softsmithy.lib.beans.XDefaultPersistenceDelegate for Color and
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JMultiSplitPane now supports 
            -some minor changes
v20030616:  -i18n updates
            -some bugs in org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JHtmlCustomizer removed
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.PanelTableCellRenderer and 
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.TextFieldTableCellRenderer added
            -some minor changes
v20030523:  -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JHtmlCustomizer bug fixes for foreground
             and font
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.HorizontalAlignment supports conversions 
             to javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.XActions now sets a transparent icon if 
             icon is null
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXPanel added which has a backgroundPaint
v20030514:  -org.softsmithy.lib.beans.BeanIntrospector now supports 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JCustomizer + 
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer.StateManager +
             support now the border color property
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JCustomizerPane supports now properties
             for its border colors, the default border colors of its customizers
             and the color of the layout help. Additionally it now takes control
             over the activation border itself instead of the 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer.StyleProvider now works on the
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer.StateAdapter ->
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JMultiSplitPane +
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JStyledPanel +  
             org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXSplitPane support the style property 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JPropertyTable now supports editors and
             renderers per property
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.table.PropertyTableModel supports 
            -some minor changes
v20030410:  -org.softsmithy.lib.beans.XMLEncoderX now supports 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.CustomizerActionFactory now has a first 
             simple implementation for alignRight and alignBottom 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JXTree added
v20030319:  -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JPropertyTable added
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JCustomizerPropertyTable added
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.JCustomizerPropertyPane removed
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer.CustomizerPropertyTable removed
            -org.softsmithy.lib.util.ResourceBundleCache removed
            -redraw problem after resizing a JCustomizer solved
            -java.util.Locale support classes:
              -org.softsmithy.lib.util.Locales (added)
            -several convenience constructors for JCustomizer and its subclasses
            -version naming convention changed: ddmmyyyy -> yyyymmdd 
             (better for sorting)
v04032003:  -Fixed some bugs with setting styles
            -Added a property table model for arbitrary beans 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer.SelectionManager listens now 
             for PropertyChangeEvents on the active customizer and updates the 
v17022003:  -Styles (+ support) added 
            -org.softsmithy.lib.beans.XMLEncoder -> 
             org.softsmithy.lib.beans.XMLEncoderX to avoid name clashes with
            -org.softsmithy.lib.beans.XMLEncoderX supports the new marker 
             interface org.softsmithy.lib.util.Singleton
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-02-26