Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
shorewall-4.4.2-4.noarch.rpm 2009-10-23 311.6 kB
shorewall- 2009-10-23 290.4 kB
shorewall- 2009-10-23 222.6 kB
releasenotes.txt 2009-10-23 41.6 kB
changelog.txt 2009-10-17 6.5 kB
shorewall-lite-4.4.2-0base.noarch.rpm 2009-10-02 59.9 kB
shorewall-lite-4.4.2.tgz 2009-10-02 57.2 kB
shorewall-lite-4.4.2.tar.bz2 2009-10-02 49.7 kB
shorewall-docs-xml-4.4.2.tar.bz2 2009-10-02 5.2 MB
shorewall-docs-html-4.4.2.tgz 2009-10-02 3.3 MB
shorewall-docs-html-4.4.2.tar.bz2 2009-10-02 3.1 MB
shorewall6-lite-4.4.2-0base.noarch.rpm 2009-10-02 54.2 kB
shorewall6-lite-4.4.2.tgz 2009-10-02 54.7 kB
shorewall6-lite-4.4.2.tar.bz2 2009-10-02 47.3 kB
shorewall6-4.4.2-0base.noarch.rpm 2009-10-02 149.8 kB
shorewall6-4.4.2.tgz 2009-10-02 126.9 kB
shorewall6-4.4.2.tar.bz2 2009-10-02 96.8 kB
Totals: 17 Items   13.2 MB 0
	             S H O R E W A L L  5 . 2 . 3 . 4
                         A U G U S T  2 5 , 2 0 1 9


  I.  P R O B L E M S   C O R R E C T E D   I N   T H I S  R E L E A S E

1)  If multi-queue NFQUEUE (e.g., NFQUEUE(0:1) ) WAS used as a policy,
    an error such as the following was previously incorrectly raised.

      ERROR: Invalid policy (NFQUEUE(0) /etc/shorewall/policy (line
    That has been corrected such that no error is raised.

2)  If multi-queue NFQUEUE( e.g., NFQUEUE(0:1,bypass) ) was passed to a
    macro, an error such as the following was previously incorrectly

      ERROR: Invalid ACTION (PARAM:1c,bypass)))
             /usr/share/shorewall/macro.BitTorrent (line 12)
	     from /etc/shorewall/rules (line 40)

    Now, the NFQUEUE action is correctly substituted for PARAM in
    the Macro body.

3)  If shorewall[6].conf didn't set AUTOMAKE, the 'update' command
    previously produced a new file with 'AUTOMAKE=Yes'. This resulted
    in an unexpected change of behavior. Now, the new file contains
    'AUTOMAKE=No', which preserves the pre-update behavior.

4)  Shorewall-rules(5) incorrectly stated that the 'bypass' option to
    NFQUEUE causes the rule to be silently bypassed if there is no
    application attached to the queue. The actual behavior is that the
    rule acts like ACCEPT in that case. Shorewall-rules(5) has been

1)  Previously, if an ipset was specified in an SPORT column, the
    compiler would raise an error similar to:

      ERROR: Invalid ipset name () /etc/shorewall/rules (line 44)

    That has been corrected.

1)  Shorewall 5.2 automatically converts and existing 'masq' file to an
    equivalent 'snat' file. Regrettably, Shorewall 5.2.3 broke that
    automatic update, such that the following error message was issued:

       Use of uninitialized value $Shorewall::Nat::raw::currentline in
       pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/shorewall/Shorewall/
       line 511, <$currentfile> line nnn.

    and the generted 'masq' file contains only initial comments.

    That has been corrected.

1)  An issue in the implementation of policy file zone exclusion,
    released in 5.2.3 has been resolved. In the original release,
    if more than one zone was excluded, then the following error was

	ERROR:  'all' is not allowed in a source zone list
	        etc/shorewall/policy (line ...)


1)  To prevent a helper kernel module from being loaded, it was
    previously necessary to list both its current name and its
    pre-kernel-2.6.20 name in the DONT_LOAD option in
    /etc/shorewall[6].conf. For example, to prevent nf_conntrack_sip
    from being loaded, it was necessary to also list ip_conntrack_sip
    in DONT_LOAD. That is no longer necessary.

           I I.  K N O W N   P R O B L E M S   R E M A I N I N G

1)  On systems running Upstart, shorewall-init cannot reliably secure
    the firewall before interfaces are brought up.

2)  The 'enable', 'reenable' and 'disable' commands do not work
    correctly in configurations with USE_DEFAULT_RT=No and optional
    providers listed in the DUPLICATE column.

3)  While the 'ip' utility now accepts IPv6 routes with multiple
    'nexthop' destinations, these routes are not balanced. They are
    rather instantiated as a sequence of single routes with different
    metrics.  Furthermore,  the 'ip route replace' command fails on
    such routes. Beginning with Shorewall6 5.0.15, the generated script
    uses a "delete..add.." sequence on these routes rather than a
    single "replace" command.

      I I I.  N E W   F E A T U R E S   I N   T H I S  R E L E A S E

1)  Zone exclusion (e.g., "all!z2,z2,...") is now supported in the
    policy file.

2)  With the availability of zone exclusion in the rules file, 'all[+]-'
    and 'any[+]-' are equivalent to 'all[+]!$FW' and 'any[+]!$FW'
    respectively. Beginning with this release, the former are
    deprecated in favor of the latter and will result in a warning
    message, if used.

3)  Internal documentaton of the undocumented 'test' parameter to has been added (it is used by the regression test
    library to suppress versions and date/times from the generated

4)  The LOAD_HELPERS_ONLY option has been removed from
    shorewall[6].conf. Hereafter, Shorewall[6] will behave as if
    LOAD_HELPERS_ONLY=Yes had been specified.

                  I V.  M I G R A T I O N   I S S U E S

    If you are migrating from Shorewall 4.6.x or earlier, please see

    Immediately after installing Shorewall 5.2.x, we recommend that you run
    'shorewall[6] update'. This command will handle many of the migration
    issues described here.

    I S S U E S  M I G R A T I N G  T O  S H O R E W A L L  5 . 2
    F R O M  S H O R E W A L L  5 . 0

    If you are migrating from Shorewall 5.0, this section will
    familiarize you with the changes in Shorewall 5.1 that may affect
    your configuration.

1)  Shorewall 5.1 now has a single CLI program, ${SBINDIR}/shorewall
    (normally /sbin/shorewall). This program performs all of the same
    functions previously performed by /sbin/shorewall,
    /sbin/shorewall6, /sbin/shorewall-lite and /sbin/shorewall6-lite
    and is installed as part of the Shorewall-core package. It's
    default 'personality' is determined by the Shorewall packages

    a) If the Shorewall package is installed, then by default,
       /sbin/shorewall behaves as in prior versions.

    b) If the Shorewall package is not installed, but the
       Shorewall-lite package is present, then /sbin/shorewall behaves
       as did /sbin/shorewall-lite in prior versions.

    c) If neither the Shorewall nor Shorewall-lite packages are
       installed, but the Shorewall6-lite package is installed, then
       /sbin/shorewall behaves as did /sbin/shorewall6-lite in prior

    The program's personality can be altered through use of two new

    -6  When specified, changes the personality from Shorewall to
     	Shorewall6 or from Shorewall-lite to Shorewall6-lite.

    -l  When specified, changes the personality from Shorewall to
     	Shorewall-lite or from Shorewall6 to Shorewall6-lite. This
     	option is only required when both the standard package
     	(Shorewall or Shorewall6) and the corresponding -lite package
     	are installed on the system.

    The following is a comparison of Shorewall 5.0 and Shorewall 5.1
    with respect to the CLI invocation:

    	 All four packages installed:

    	 Shorewall 5.0			Shorewall 5.1

	 shorewall 			shorewall
	 shorewall6			shorewall -6
	 shorewall-lite			shorewall -l
	 shorewall6-lite		shorewall -6l

	 Only Shorewall-lite and Shorewall6-lite installed:

	 Shorewall 5.0	     	        Shorewall 5.1

	 shorewall-lite			shorewall
	 shorewall6-lite		shorewall -6

    A single shorewall(8) manpage now describes the CLI.

    The shorewall6(8), shorewall-lite(8) and shorewall6-lite(8)
    manpages are now minimal and refer the reader to shorewall(8).

    For backward compatibility, Shorewall6, Shorewall-lite and
    Shorewall6-lite install symlinks $SBINDIR/shorewall6,
    $SBINDIR/shorewall-lite and
    $SBINDIR/shorewall6-lite respectively. When the shorewall program
    is invoked through one of these symlinks, it adopts the appropriate

2)  The CHAIN_SCRIPTS option in the .conf files has been eliminated,
    and the compiler no longer looks for script files with the same
    name as a chain or action.

    If you are using such files, you will need to convert them into
    equivalent ?begin perl .... ?end perl text or to use the
    IP[6]TABLES target and/or inline matches.

    For the common case where you have an action xxx with an empty file and have perl code in a file named xxx, the
    compiler will now generate a fatal error:

      ERROR: File is empty and file xxx exists - the two
      	     must be combined as described in the Migration
      	     Considerations section of the Shorewall release notes

    For information about resolving this error, see

    This issue is not handled by 'shorewall update' and must be
    corrected manually.

4)  The Netfilter team have removed support for the rawpost table, so
    Shorewall no longer supports features requiring that table
    (stateless netmapping in the netmap file). The good news is that,
    since kernel 3.7, Netfilter supports stateful IPv6 network mapping
    which is now also supported in Shorewall6 (see

    This issue is not handled by 'shorewall update' and must be
    corrected manually.

5)  The (undocumented) Makefiles haven't been maintained for many
    releases and have been removed.

6)  Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.2, The DROP_DEFAULT, REJECT_DEFAULT,
    etc. options may now specify a comma-separated list of actions
    rather than just a single action. The actions are invoked in the
    order in which they are listed and each action may optionally be
    followed by a colon (":") and a log level.  The POLICY column in
    shorewall[6]-policy can now specify a similar list of actions. In
    that file, the list may be preceded by a plus sign ("+"), in which
    case the listed actions will be in addition to those listed in the
    related _DEFAULT setting in shorewall[6].conf.

    With these changes, the Drop and Reject policy actions are now
    deprecated in favor of a list of smaller actions. A warning is
    issued when these deprecated actions are used; the warning refers
    the reader to

    This issue is partially handled by 'shorewall update' - see
    the 5.2 issues below.

7)  Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.2, the allowBcast, dropBcast, and
    Broadcast no longer handle multicast. Multicast is handeled
    separately in actions allowMcast, dropMcast and Multicast. The
    now-deprecated Drop and Reject policy actions have been modified so
    that they continue to silently drop multicast packets.

8)  According to the Netfilter team (see, the --nflog-range option
    of the NFLOG target has never worked correctly, and they have
    deprecated that option in favor of the --nflog-size option.

    To accomodate this change, Shorewall 5.1.5 added an "--nflog-size
    support" (NFLOG_SIZE) Shorewall capability and a USE_NFLOG_SIZE
    option in shorewall[6].conf. If USE_NFLOG_SIZE=Yes, then if the
    capability is present, Shorewall will use '--nflog-size' in place
    of '--nflog-range'. If USE_NFLOG_SIZE=Yes and the capability is not
    present, an error is raised.

    If you don't use NFLOG or if you use NFLOG with omittted second
    parameter or with 0 as the second parameter, and 'shorewall show
    capabilities' indicated that --nflog-size support is present, you
    may safely set USE_NFLOG_SIZE=Yes.

    If you pass a non-zero value as the second parameter to NFLOG and
    the '--nflog-size support' capability is present, you need to
    verify that those NFLOG messages are as you expect with

    This issue is not handled by 'shorewall update' and must be
    corrected manually.

9)  The MODULE_SUFFIX option in shorewall[6].conf was eliminated in
    Shorewall 5.1.7. Shorewall now finds modules, independent of their
    filename suffix.

    'shorewall [-6] update' will automatically remove any MODULE_SUFFIX

10) Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.8, when RESTORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE=Yes the
    default route is only restored when there are no enabled
    'balance/primary' providers and no enabled fallback providers.

    Also beginning with Shorewall 5.1.8, if the default route(s) have
    been restored to the 'main' table, and a fallback provider is
    successfully enabled, the default route(s) are removed from the
    main table.

11) Because restoring default routes to the main routing table can
    break the ability of Foolsm and other link status monitors to
    properly detect non-functioning provider links, a warning message
    is issued when the 'persistent' provider option is specified and

      WARNING: When RESTORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE=Yes, the 'persistent' option
               may not work as expected

    This change was released in Shorewall 5.1.8.

    This issue is not handled by 'shorewall update' and must be
    corrected manually.

12) Most interface OPTIONS have always been ignored when the INTERFACE
    name is '+'. Beginning with the Shorewall 5.1.10 release, a warning
    is issued when an ignored option is specified with interface name '+'.

	Example: The 'sourceroute' option is ignored when used with
		 interface name '+'

    In many cases, this issue can be worked around by a change similar
    to the following:


	net	+		dhcp,routeback,sourceroute=0

    Change to:

	net	all		dhcp,physical=+,routeback,sourceroute=0
		---		     ----------

    As part of this change, interfaces that specify a wildcard physical
    interface name will generate a warning if any of the following
    options are specified:


    When the warning is issued, the specified option is then ignored
    for the interface.


	WARNING: The 'sourceroute' option is ignored when used with a
		 wildcard physical name
		 /etc/shorewall6.universal/interfaces (line 14)

    This issue is not handled by 'shorewall update' and must be
    corrected manually.

13) INLINE_MATCHES=Yes has been documented as deprecated for some
    time, but it has not generated a warning. Beginning with the
    Shorewall 5.1.12 release, a warning is issued:
        WARNING: Option INLINE_MATCHES=Yes is deprecated

    Additionally, each line that requires modification to work with
    INLINE_MATCHES=No is flagged with the warning:

        WARNING: This entry needs to be changed (replace ';' with ';;')
		 before the INLINE_MATCHES option is removed in
		 Shorewall 5.2

    You can eliminate the warnings by setting INLINE_MATCHES=No and
    by replacing the single semicolon (";") separating inline matches
    from the column-oriented part of the rule with two semicolons
    (";;") in each entry flagged by the second warning.

    This issue is mostly handled by 'shorewall update' - see
    the 5.2 issues below.

    I S S U E S  M I G R A T I N G  T O  S H O R E W A L L  5 . 2
    F R O M  S H O R E W A L L  5 . 0  A N D  5 . 1

1)  The MAPOLDACTIONS option in shorewall.conf has been removed. This
    option provided compatibility with releases prior to Shorewall 3.0.
    'shorewall update' will remove the setting of this option from

2)  The INLINE_MATCH option has been removed. Shorewall now behaves as
    if INLINE_MATCH=No had been specified:

    - A single semicolon (';') is used to separate column-oriented
      input from column-name/value input.

    - The preferred method of specifying column-name/value input is to
      enclose such input in curly braces ("{....}").

    - A pair of semicolons (';;') is used to introduce raw IP[6]TABLES
      input. This is true in INLINE and IP[6]TABLES rules as well as
      rules with other targets.

    As part of this change, 'shorewall update' will replace ';' with
    ';;' in INLINE and IP[6]TABLES rules. It will also replace ';' by
    ';;', if ';' is followed by '-m', '-j' or '-g'.

3)  With the wide availability of ipset-based blacklisting, the need
    for the 'refresh' command has been largely eliminated. As a result,
    that command has been removed.

    Some users may have been using 'refresh' as a lightweight form of
    reload. The most common of these uses seem to be for reloading
    traffic shaping after an interface has gone down and come back up.
    The best way to handle this situation under 5.2 is to make the
    interface 'optional' in your /etc/shorewall[6]/interfaces file,
    then either:

    - Install Shorewall-init and enable IFUPDOWN; or
    - Use the 'reenable' command when the interface comes back up
      in place of the 'refresh' command.

4)  The following deprecated macros and actions have been removed:

	Action A_AllowICMPs  - use AllowICMPs(A_ACCEPT)
	Action A_Drop	     - see below
	Action A_Reject	     - see below
	Action Drop	     - see below
	Action Reject	     - see below
	Macro SNMPTrap	     - use SNMPtrap

     The [A_]Drop and [A_]Reject actions are used primarily as policy
     actions. As part of this change, 'shorewall update' will update
     DROP_DEFAULT=[A_]Drop and REJECT_DEFAULT=[A_]Reject as follows:


         DROP_DEFAULT=Drop becomes Broadcast(DROP),Multicast(DROP)
	 DROP_DEFAULT=A_Drop becomes
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=Reject becomes Broadcast(DROP),Multicast(DROP)
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=A_Reject becomes


         DROP_DEFAULT=Drop becomes
	 DROP_DEFAULT=A_Drop becomes
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=Reject becomes
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=A_Reject becomes

    The 'update' commmand will also make similar changes in the policy

    'shorewall update' does not handle invocations of 'Drop' and
    'Reject' within the rules file, or within actions and macros. Those
    instances will generate an error which must be corrected manually.

    It should also be noted that, in prior releases, Drop and Reject
    silently dropped more traffic than their replacements. As a
    consequence, you will see more traffic being logged with Shorewall
    5.2 than you did on earlier releases. The translations performed
    by 'update' can be extended after the update to drop additional
    traffic as desired.

5)  When AUTOMAKE=Yes, each directory in the CONFIG_PATH was originally
    searched recursively for files newer than the compiled script. That
    was changed in Shorewall such that only the listed
    directories themselves were searched. That broke some
    configurations that played tricks with embedded SHELL such as:
       SHELL cat /etc/shorewall/rules.d/loc/*.rules
    Prior to, a change to a file in or adding a file to
    /etc/shorewall/rules.d/loc/ would trigger recompilation. Beginning
    with, such changes would not trigger recompilation.

    Beginning with Shorewall 5.2.0, the pre- behavior can be
    obtained by setting AUTOMAKE=recursive.

    Also beginning with Shorewall 5.2.0, AUTOMAKE may be set to a
    numeric <depth> which specifies how deeply each listed directory is
    to be searched. AUTOMAKE=1 only searches each directory itself and
    is equivalent to AUTOMAKE=Yes. AUTOMAKE=2 will search each
    directory and its immediate sub-directories; AUTOMAKE=3 will search
    each diretory, each of its immediate sub-directories, and each of
    their immediate sub-directories, etc.

6)  Support for the deprecated 'masq' file has been deleted. Any
    existing 'masq' file will automatically be converted to the
    equivalent 'snat' file.

7)  Where two or more providers share a network interface, the
    'optional' interface/provider option has never worked correctly.
    Beginning with Shorewall 5.2.1, the 'optional' option is disallowed
    on such interfaces and providers.

8)  With the availability of zone exclusion in the rules file, 'all[+]-'
    and 'any[+]-' are equivalent to 'all[+]!$FW' and 'any[+]!$FW'
    respectively. Beginning with Shorewall 5.2.3, the former are
    deprecated in favor of the latter and will result in a warning
    message, if used.

9)  Beginning with Shorewall 5.2.3, the LOAD_HELPERS_ONLY option in
    shorewall[6].conf has been removed, and the behavior is as if
    LOAD_HELPERS_ONLY=Yes had been specified. 'shorewall[6] update'
    will remove the option from shorewall[6].conf.

         V.  N O T E S  F R O M  O T H E R  5 . 2  R E L E A S E S
             P R O B L E M S  C O R R E C T E D  I N  5 . 2 . 2

1)  This release includes defect repair through Shorewall

2)  When processing inline matches, the compiler previously inserted
    the matches before the column-generated matches if there was a plus
    sign ("+") anywhere in the matches. Now, it only does so if the
    first non-blank character in the matches is a plus sign.

                   N E W  F E A T U R E S  I N  5 . 2 . 1

1)  New macros have been contributed by Vincas Dargis:


    Additionally, Tuomo Soini has contributed a WUDO (Windows Update
    Delivery Optimization) macro.

2)  The Perl modules have undergone some cleanup/optimization.

3)  Given that recent kernels have dropped ULOG support, use of ULOG in
    Shorewall is now deprecated and results in a warning message. The
    warning can be eliminated by switching to NFLOG and ulogd2.

4)  Shorewall can now detect interface default gateways configured by
    Network Manager.

5)  Inline matches are now supported in the 'conntrack' file.

6)  In the 'accounting' file, Inline matches in an INLINE(...) rule now
    allow a leading '+' to cause the matches to be evaluated before
    those generated by the column specifications.

7)  If view of the fact that some modems take an eternity to recover
    from a power failure, the limit of the 'wait' interface option
    setting has been increased from 120 seconds (2 minutes) to 300
    seconds (5 minutes).

             P R O B L E M S  C O R R E C T E D  I N  5 . 2 . 1

1)  A change in that corrected an ip[6]tables error in the
    UNTRACKED section of the rules file, changed the name of the chain
    used to hold UNTRACKED rules. Previously, the chain was named
    &z1-z2, where 'z1' is the source zone and 'z2' is the
    destination; after the change, the chain was named =z1-z2.
    Unfortunately, some log messages generated out of these chains
    still referred to &z1-z2; that has been corrected.

2)  Some dead/silly code has been removed from two functions in
    the Perl module. The two functions have been combined
    into a single function.

3)  When the RATE column contains both a source and a destination rate,
    it was previously impossible to specifiy a netmask (VLSM) on either
    rate. Attempting to specify a mask would result in:

        ERROR: Invalid rate (...)

    That has been corrected. Note that when specifying a
    netmask, the leading 's' or 'd' may not be omitted.

4)  Several typos in the man pages have been corrected (Roberto

1)  When a configuration had optional interfaces but no providers, the
    'status -i' command previously would fail to show interface status
    for interfaces that had not been disabled or enabled since the
    last start, restart or reload. That has been corrected.

1)  The fix for DOCKER=Yes in inadvertantly results in an
    assertion failure when processing a 'check -r' command when
    DOCKER=Yes. That has been corrected. As part of that change,
    empty 'cat' commands in the generated script were eliminated.

2)  When the HELPER target is used with an empty HELPER column, the
    error message produced previously incorrectly read:

	  ERROR: HELPER require requires that ...

    That has been corrected so that the message now reads:

	  ERROR: HELPER requires that ...

3)  On Centos 7, the following journal message appeared when Shorewall
    attempted to load kernel modules:

      nf_log: can't load ipt_ULOG, conflicting nfnetlink_log already

    To eliminate that message, Shorewall no longer attempts to load
    ipt_ULOG. Note that most current distributions no longer support
    ULOG. Current users of ULOG should convert to using NFLOG at the
    earliest opportunity.

1)  The Perl module versions were not updated for the 5.2.1
    release. That has been corrected.

2)  The lib.common file previously confused Emacs such that editing the
    file in shell mode was awkward. Because lib.common is included in
    compiled scripts, this defect also made editing a compiled script
    awkward. The issue has been resolved, so that the file now renders
    properly in Emacs's shell mode.

3)  Previously, if ip6tables-restore failed during Shorewall6 start,
    restart or reload, the resulting error message indicated that
    iptables-load had failed. That has been corrected.

4)  Setting Docker=Yes did not work correctly with Docker version
    18.03.1-ce. In that version, the DOCKER-ISOLATION chain was
    replaced by a pair of chains: DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1 and
    DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2. That has been corrected. As part of this
    change, Shorewall now correctly handles the DOCKER-USER chain as
    well as the two new isolation chains.

5)  Previously, if there were multiple 'balance' providers and more
    than one of them were experiencing carrier loss, then the 'enable' and
    'disable' operations could fail. That has been corrected.


1)  This release contains defect repair up through Shorewall

2)  Previously, if:

    a) IP[6]TABLES was not set in shorewall[6].conf; and
    b) The ip[6]tables binary was not found on the PATH.

    then a shell 'not found' error on 'fatal-error' was generated. That
    has been corrected (Matt Darfeuille)

3)  A number of files in the Shorewall-common package have had their
    heading version updated to version 5.2 (Matt Darfeuille).

4)  Previously, if statistical load balancing ('load=<load-factor>' in
    provider OPTIONS) was configured on providers that shared an
    interface, then the compiler would die with an assertion
    failure. That has been corrected so that this combination now works
    as expected.

5)  Where two or more providers share a network interface, the
    'optional' interface/provider option has never worked correctly.
    Beginning with this release, the 'optional' option is disallowed
    on such interfaces and providers.

6)  Previously, when rate limiting was applied to a DNAT or
    REDIRECT rule, rate limiting was applied to the accompanying
    ACCEPT rule. Since logging is applied in the DNAT/REDIRECT rule, if
    the connection failed the rate limit then the connection attempt
    could be logged twice - once in the nat table and once when the
    applicable policy was applied. Beginning with this release, rate
    limiting is applied to the DNAT/REDIRECT rule so that no nat-table
    logging occurs if the connection attempt exceeds the rate limit.

7)  Some regular expressions used in Shorewall's Perl code will be
    disallowed by Perl version 5.23. These have been changed to be
    acceptable to that version of Perl.

8)  Previously, if SNAT(detect) was used on an optional interface and
    the resulting ip[6]tables rule was unreachable, then invalid shell
    code similar to the following was generated:

    	 if [ "$SW_PPP1_ADDRESS" != ]; then

    That has been corrected such that the above code is not generated
    and a warning message is issued, indicating that the entry generated
    no ip[6]tables rule.

                   N E W  F E A T U R E S  I N  5 . 2 . 1

1)  A new variable SW_CONFDIR has been added. $SW_CONFDIR evaluates to
    $CONFDIR/shorewall[6] if no directory name is passed to a compile,
    check, start, restart or reload command. If a directory name is
    passed to one of these commands, then $SW_CONFDIR expands to that
    directory name.


1)  New macros for IPFS ( have been contributed by
    Răzvan Sandu.

2)  Several new man pages have been added:

    - shorewall-addresses(5) describes specification of addresses in
      shorewall configuration files.

    - shorewall-files(5) describes the shorewall configuration files
      together with features common to multiple files.

    - shorewall-logging(5) describes shorewall's logging facilities.

    - shorewall-names(5) describes restrictions on names used in
      Shorewall configuration files.

    Additional man pages will be included in future 5.2.1 pre-releases.

3)  In the SOURCE and DEST columns, it is now possible to exclude an
    interface by preceding the interface name with '!'. This is useful
    for excluding the loopback interface (lo).

    Example from the mangle file:

        #ACTION	     	SOURCE          DEST
	DROP:T	!lo

4)  The MARK, CONNMARK, SAVE and RESTORE commands may now be placed in
    the nat table through used of new chain designators in the mangle

        NP - nat table PREROUTING chain
	NI - nat table INPUT chain
	NO - nat table OUTPUT chain
	NT - nat table POSTROUTING chain

5)  When TC_EXPERT=Yes, it is now possible to specify any mark/mask
    values that are displayed by the 'show marks' command, including
    the Exclusion and TPROXY values.

6)  The configure and install scripts now support ALT Linux (Alexey

7)  The verbosity of the 'remote-*' CLI commands has been increased
    (Matt Darfeuille).

8)  You may now specify a VLSM in the RATE columns of the policy and
    rules files, when per-IP limiting is used. This results in one hash
    table entry per subnet rather than one entry per hosts, and applies
    the limit to the subnet. See shorewall-policy(5) and
    shorewall-rules(5) for details. This provides a means for reducing
    the size of the hash tables.

9)  You man now specify the number of hash table buckets and the
    maximum number of hash table entries in the RATE columns of the
    policy and rules files, when per-IP limiting is used. This allows
    you to increase the size of the tables to more fully handle DDOS
    attacks. See shorewall-policy(5) and shorewall-rules(5) for

10) Eric Teeter has contributed a macro for Cockpit.

             P R O B L E M S  C O R R E C T E D  I N  5 . 2 . 0

1)  This release includes defect repair through Shorewall

2)  The getrc and getcaps commands added in 5.2.0 did not read the
    params file. That has been corrected.

3)  A shell syntax error in the code that implements the 'ipdecimal'
    command has been corrected.


1)  This release includes defect repair through Shorewall

2)  Previously, optimize category 8 (combine identical chains) was
    applied before optimize category 16 (eliminate duplicate rules,
    ...).  This could (and has) resulted in uncombined identical chains
    in the final ruleset. Beginning with this release:

    a) Optimize category 16 will be applied before optimize category 8.
    b) If optimize category 8 combined any chains, then optimize
       category 16 will be applied again.

    This change ensures that the final ruleset has no duplicate chains
    and that all combatible adjacent port and state rules are combined.

3)  Previously, use of &lo would result in an error:

       ERROR: Can't determine the IP address of lo: Firewall state not changed

    That problem has been corrected such that &lo always expands to (IPv4) or ::1 (IPv6).

                   N E W  F E A T U R E S  I N  5 . 2 . 0

1)  The MAPOLDACTIONS option in shorewall.conf has been removed. This
    option provided compatibility with releases prior to Shorewall 3.0.
    'shorewall update' will remove the setting of this option from

2)  The INLINE_MATCH option has been removed. Shorewall now behaves as
    if INLINE_MATCH=No had been specified:

    - A single semicolon (';') is used to separate column-oriented
      input from column-name/value input.

    - The preferred method of specifying column-name/value input is to
      enclose such input in curly braces ("{....}").

    - A pair of semicolons (';;') is used to introduce raw IP[6]TABLES
      input. This is true in INLINE and IP[6]TABLES rules as well as
      rules with other targets.

    As part of this change, 'shorewall update' will replace ';' with
    ';;' in INLINE and IP[6]TABLES rules.

3)  With the wide availability of ipset-based blacklisting, the need
    for the 'refresh' command has been largely eliminated. As a result,
    that command has been removed.

    Some users may have been using 'refresh' as a lightweight form of
    reload. The most common of these uses seem to be for reloading
    traffic shaping after an interface has gone down and come back up.
    The best way to handle this situation under 5.2 is to make the
    interface 'optional' in your /etc/shorewall[6]/interfaces file,
    then either:

    - Install Shorewall-init and enable IFUPDOWN; or
    - Use the 'reenable' command when the interface comes back up
      in place of the 'refresh' command.

4)  The following deprecated macros and actions have been removed:

	Action A_AllowICMPs  - use AllowICMPs(A_ACCEPT)
	Action A_Drop	     - see below
	Action A_Reject	     - see below
	Action Drop	     - see below
	Action Reject	     - see below
	Macro SNMPTrap	     - use SNMPtrap

     The [A_]Drop and [A_]Reject actions are used primarily as policy
     actions. As part of this change, 'shorewall update' will update
     DROP_DEFAULT=[A_]Drop and REJECT_DEFAULT=[A_]Reject as follows:


         DROP_DEFAULT=Drop becomes Broadcast(DROP),Multicast(DROP)
	 DROP_DEFAULT=A_Drop becomes
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=Reject becomes Broadcast(DROP),Multicast(DROP)
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=A_Reject becomes


         DROP_DEFAULT=Drop becomes
	 DROP_DEFAULT=A_Drop becomes
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=Reject becomes
	 REJECT_DEFAULT=A_Reject becomes

   See the Migration Issues for additional information.

5) A 'show saves' command has been added to list the snapshots
   created using the 'save' command.


      root@gateway:~# shorewall show saves
      Shorewall 5.2.0 Saves at gateway - Thu Feb 15 11:58:37 PST 2018
      Saved snapshots are:

      Feb 15 10:08 foo
      Feb 14 12:34 restore (default)


    The snapshots are listed by creation time from latest to
    earliest. If the name of one matches the RESTOREFILE setting, that
    snapshot is marked as the default for the 'restore' command.

6)  For installing into a Sandbox, the file shorewallrc.sandbox has
    been added to Shorewall-core. See

7)  The "Use Pkttype Match (USEPKTTYPE)" capability is no longer used
    and has been deleted. This removal has introduced a new
    capabilities version.

8)  When a log message is issued from a chain that relates to a pair of
    zones (e.g, 'fw-net'), the chain name normally appears in the log
    message (unless LOGTAGONLY=Yes and a log tag is specified). This
    can prevent OPTIMIZE category 8 from combining chains which are
    identical except for chain names in logging rules. The new
    LOG_ZONE option in shorewall[6].conf allows for only the source or
    destination zone to appear in the messages by setting LOG_ZONE to
    'src' or 'dst' respectively. If LOG_ZONE=both (the default), then
    the full chain name is included in log messages

    Setting LOG_ZONE=src has been shown to decrease the size of the
    generated ruleset by more than 10 prcent in some cases. Your
    results may vary.

9)  Traditionally, when OPTIMIZE category 8 is enabled, identical
    chains are combined under a name beginning with '~comb' or
    '~blacklist'. Beginning with this release, setting
    RENAME_COMBINED=Yes (the default) in shorewall[6].conf retains that
    behavior. If RENAME_COMBINED=No, identical chains are combined
    under the original name of one of the chains.

10) When AUTOMAKE=Yes, each directory in the CONFIG_PATH was originally
    searched recursively for files newer than the compiled script. That
    was changed in Shorewall such that only the listed
    directories themselves were searched. That broke some
    configurations that played tricks with embedded SHELL such as:
       SHELL cat /etc/shorewall/rules.d/loc/*.rules
    Prior to, a change to a file in or adding a file to
    /etc/shorewall/rules.d/loc/ would trigger recompilation. Beginning
    with, such changes would not trigger

    Beginning with this release, the pre- behavior can be
    obtained by setting AUTOMAKE=recursive.

    Also beginning with this release, AUTOMAKE may be set to a numeric
    <depth> which specifies how deeply each listed directory is to be
    searched. AUTOMAKE=1 only searches each directory itself and is
    equivalent to AUTOMAKE=Yes. AUTOMAKE=2 will search each directory
    and its immediate sub-directories; AUTOMAKE=3 will search each
    diretory, each of its immediate sub-directories, and each of their
    immediate sub-directories, etc.

11) Previously, the maximum depth of INCLUDEs was four (although the
    documentation gave the limit as three). Beginning with this
    release, that limit has been raised to 20.

12) Support for the deprecated 'masq' file has been deleted. Any
    existing 'masq' file will automatically be converted to the
    equivalent 'snat' file.

13) Three new shorewall commands have been implemented:

    a)  show rc

    	Displays the contents of the shorewallrc file

    b)  getcaps

    	Generates a capabilities file on a remote system and copies it
    	to a directory on the local system.

    c)  getrc

        Copies the shorewallrc file from a remote system to a directory
        on the local system.

    See shorewall(8) for details.

    Implemented by Matt Darfeuille
Source: README, updated 2019-10-15