Home / 2.7
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rpmerizor-2.7-1.src.rpm 2014-01-03 25.9 kB
rpmerizor-2.7-1.noarch.rpm 2014-01-03 25.9 kB
rpmerizor-2.7.tar.gz.sig 2014-01-03 173 Bytes
rpmerizor-2.7.tar.gz 2014-01-03 19.1 kB
rpmerizor.sig 2014-01-03 173 Bytes
rpmerizor 2014-01-03 22.6 kB
Totals: 6 Items   93.8 kB 0
    rpmerizor - build an rpm package from installed files


    Rpmerizor is a script that allows you to create an RPM package from
    installed files. You simply have to specify files on the command line
    and answering a few interactive questions to fill rpm meta-data (package
    name, version ...). You can also use it in batch mode with command line
    options for meta-data.

    to build an rpm from installed files :

    rpmerizor {options} file|dir [file|dir [file|dir]]

    to build an rpm from a chrooted directory which contain only the
    software you want to package

    rpmerizor --rootdir directory

      Files and directories to include in rpm package
      Files are included as they are on their current filesystem.
      Only include dirs that should be _owned_ by the package.

      Since 2.2 version, giving a directory means giving all
      files under it : this is recursive

       --help : show short help text
       --man : show full help text
       --Version : display rpmerizor version and exit
       --verbose : better rpm build diagnostics
       --buildall : build also src.rpm package
       --edit_spec : build spec file and edit it using EDITOR variable
       --spec_only : build spec file and exit
       --sign : sign rpm package with your gpg key
       --list_group : display the list of available rpm groups
       --exclude 'foo[|bar]: give a pattern to exclude some files
       --rootdir dir : include all files as chrooted to dir directory. In this
            case, name and version meta-data are guessed from directory name
       --compat : build rpm package with compatibility with old rpm release (md5)
       --default : fill release and group with default values
       --stdin : read file list from stdin. in this case, you have to give all
            meta-data from command line.

    meta-informations for batch use

       --name pack_name: package name
       --version number : package version
       --release number : package release
       --group rpm_group : package group (use --list_group to list all values)
       --summary "package summary": short one line description
       --description "package description": multi-line description
       --buildarch arch : (optionnal) should be one of noarch/i386/i586/x86_64/...
       --url http://website : (optionnal) url of project
       --packager "your name" : (optionnal) name of rpm packager

    rpm, perl

      initial author : Paul Miller
      current maintener :  Eric Gerbier
      url : http://freshmeat.net/projects/rpmerizor

      Copyright (C) 2001 by Paul Miller

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.

      rpmerizor /opt/software /etc/software.conf
      will ask for meta informations and build rpm

      rpmerizor -buildall /opt/software /etc/software.conf
      will ask for meta informations and build rpm and src.rpm

      rpmerizor -e /opt/software /etc/software.conf
      will ask for meta informations, edit specfile and build rpm

      rpmerizor -name software -version 1.0 -release 1 -group rpmerizor \
       -summary "software is ..." -description "software is ... " /opt/software /etc/software.conf
      will build rpm without any question (batch mode)

      rpmerizor -name software -version 1.0 -default \
       -summary "software is ..." -description "software is ... " /opt/software /etc/software.conf
      will build rpm without any question (batch mode), release and group use default value

      rpmerizor --spec_only /opt/software /etc/software.conf 
      rpmbuild -bb --buildroot=/tmp/rpmerizor_buildroot software.spec
      will first build the specfile, then build rpm package from specfile

      rpmerizor --exclude 'foo|bar' /opt/software
      will package files under /opt/software and exclude all files/directories
      which contain 'foo' or 'bar'

      rpmerizor --rootdir /tmp/foo-2.0/
      will build a package with all files under /tmp/foo-2.0/, but remove 
      '/tmp/foo-2.0/' from path
      if /tmp/foo-2.0 looks like :
      |-- etc
      |   `-- foo.conf
      `-- usr
          `-- local
              |-- bin
              |   `-- foo.bin
              `-- lib
                   `-- foo.so
      the rpm package will be named foo, will be version 2.0, release 1
      and will contain the files:

      rpmerizor --rootdir /tmp/foo-2.0/ --compat
      build on fedora 14 (for example) for redhat/centos compatibility

      cat list | rpmerizor --stdin --default -name foo --version 1.2b --summary foo --description "toto"
      get list of directories/file from a pipe

    rpmerizor uses the prefix WARNING and ERROR for diagnostics

    0 if all is OK

    >= 1 if the script detect a problem

    no configuration file yet

    it is designed to work with rpm version 4 and greater

      you can send your bug reports to gerbier@users.sourceforge.net

    to edit the specfile, the code use EDITOR if exists. Else, it use the vi

    if you want to build an rpm package from a tar file, which contain a
    makefile, you should use checkinstall

Source: Readme, updated 2011-04-08