Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
org.eventb.emf.persistence_1.1.1.jar 2009-10-14 49.8 kB
org.eventb.emf.formulas_1.0.3.jar 2009-10-14 334.0 kB
org.eventb.emf.core_1.0.5.jar 2009-10-14 199.6 kB
Totals: 3 Items   583.5 kB 0
A framework which provides an EMF representation of Event-B models.\n\

Release history:
### 6.0.0 ### 
  core (5.0.0) - 		upgrade to Java 1.8, 
    					machines may have multiple variants, 
    					change extended attribute to have default false instead of being unsettable, 
    					remove deprecated getURI() method.
  edit (2.0.0) - 		upgrade to Java 1.8, 
    					machines may have multiple variants.
  persistence (3.6.0) - upgrade to Java 1.8, 
  						provide an EMF transactional command for saving resources,
  						adjust dependency for core [5.0.0,6.0.0), add xmb as a content type, 
  						use xmi as default for unknown file extensions,
  						avoid trying to refresh references that are unchangeable or derived.
  formulas (1.5.0) - 	upgrade to Java 1.8.
### 5.4.0 ### 
  persistence (3.5.0) - add Rodin attribute priority; fix incorrect ref in itemRelations; provide 'key' constants for Rodin attributes; add 'EventBEMFUtils' class
### 5.3.1 ### 
  persistence (3.4.1) - unresolve proxies before xmi save; associate .xmb files with emf compare
### 5.3.0 ### 
  core (4.2.1) - deprecate getURI(), use EcoreUtil instead
  persistence (3.4.0) - loadResource(IInternalElement root) changed so that any internal element can be passed, EMFRodinDB no longer a singleton
### 5.2.0 ### 
  core (4.2.0) - npe in getURI(), allow named elements to access internalId
  formulas (1.4.0) - add nodes for extended predicate and expression
  persistence (3.3.0) - EMFRodinDB has editing domain and supports projects and only loads supported Roots
### 5.1.0 ### 
 - remove from feature
  core (4.1.0) - change proxy resolution to support XText proxies
  edit (1.1.0) - fix getText in Variant, correct customised getimage to support overlay
  persistence (3.2.0) - add save method to EMFRodinDB facility
### 5.0.0 ### 
 - remove from feature
  core (4.0.0) - remove edit providers to make this plug-in usable in headless installations
  edit (1.0.0) - new plug-in for edit providers
  formulas (1.3.4) - update dependencies
  persistence (3.1.1) - update dependencies
### 4.1.1 ### 
 - tighten some lower versions of dependencies to make dependencies 'compatible' versions
### 4.1.0 ### 
 -	For Rodin 3.0.
  core (3.1.0)
	update dependencies for Rodin 3.0
  persistence	(3.1.0)
  	update dependencies for Rodin 3.0
  	define Rodin element relations using new extension point
### 4.0.0 ### 
	Changes to the meta-model so that id used in references are properly unique. 
	Edit providers have been improved so that the display of EMF-based editors like Rose is better.
	Persistence now handles extensions so that they are not lost even if the declaring plug-in is
	not installed and it has been made more robust wrt loading projects.
  compare	(1.4.3) relax dependency restriction to work with core 3.0.0
  core (3.0.0)
	improve proxy resolution
	improved providers (text and icon)
	default true -> T
	make reference unique as it is used was an id
	ensure reference has a default value
	add internalID for referencing elements with no name
	Improvements to compile against Rodin 3.0
	nsURI changed due to meta-model changes (breaks old models)
  formulas (1.3.2)
	relax dependency restriction to work with core 3.0.0
  persistence	(3.0.0)
	Handle EMF-side Extensions when extension plug-in is missing
	provide new EMF resource loading facility
	more reliable way to get project from uri
	persist internalId
	Improvements to compile against Rodin 3.0
### 3.8.0 ### 
 - Improvements to persistence
	persistence (2.5.0) - when saving, preserve order and rodin reference names. Persist/restore attributes that Rodin doesn't recognise
### 3.7.2 ### 
 - Interim bug-fix Release
	persistence (2.4.2) - when saving, lock project instead of whole DB, fix exception when rodin name clash
### 3.7.1 ### 
 - Interim bug-fix Release
	core (2.2.5) - predicate default changed from true to T, add some name utils, remove data qualifier
	compare (1.4.2) - remove data qualifier
	formulas (1.3.1) - remove data qualifier
	persistence (2.4.1) - remove data qualifier
### 3.7.0 ### 
 - Interim bug-fix Release
	formulas (1.3.0) - Changed the 'containment' attribute to true for formula elements. Regenerated code from the ecore model.
### 3.6.0 ### 
 - Interim Release
	persistence (2.4.0): disabling of Transactional Change Recorder during save
### 3.5.2 ### 
 - Interim Release
	correction to feature build to remove extensions plug-in properly
### 3.5.1 ### 
 - Interim Release
	(n.b. correction to this history - 3.3.1 changed to 3.4.0)
	core (2.2.3)
		added all contents of model folder (inc. ecore) to build
### 3.5.0 ### 
 - Re-Released for Rodin 2.2.2
	extensions plug-in removed to a separate feature
	compare (1.4.0)
		correction to proxie comparison
		prevent resolving proxies
	core (2.2.2):
		correct default invariant property value
		add ETL cloning script to plugin
### 3.4.0 ### 
 - Re-Released to include new common extensions plug-in
	core (2.2.1):
		added new ETL cloning rules (for ETL users)
		improved error message when constructing proxies
		updated notes
	persistence (2.3.1):
		improve code consistency
	extensions (1.0.0):
		new plug-in for extensions to core that are generally useful
### 3.3.0 ### 
 - Re-Released to support generated elements
	core (2.2.0):
		added new properties to support generated attribute
		support tableLabelProvider in providers
		fix notifications of name changes
	persistence (2.3.0):
		support generated attribute
		add rodin attribute to record plugin id of generator
		bug fix class cast exception
		improve robustness to missing attributes
		bug fix transaction exception
		add Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy to manifest
### 3.2.1 ### 
 - Re-Released for Rodin 2.0
	Add missed bug fix in compare
	Set .xmb encoding to UTF-8 in persistence
### 3.2.0 ### 
 - Re-Released for Rodin 2.0
	Fix bugs in Rodin project creation
	Update dependencies
	Use Java/JVM 1.6
### 3.1.0 ### 
 - Re-Release for Rodin 1.3:
	compare (1.2.0):
		ignore annotations references
		ignore ordering changes to ignored references
		ignore new (unmatched) elements in ignored references
### 3.0.0 ### 
 - Re-Release for Rodin 1.3:
	core (2.0.0): 
		Change base meta-class from EModelElement to EObject
		Add Annotation facility (to replace EAnnotations lost in above)
		Event Item Provider supports ITableItemLabelProvider
		Corrections to set names and add names methods
	formulas (1.1.0): 
		Change to use Annotation in place of EAnnotation
		Regenerated to reflect core model changes
	persistence (2.1.0):
		Change to use Annotation in place of EAnnotation
		Un-resolve any resolved references before saving in xmb format
	compare (1.1.0):
		Ignore ID and XMI ID when comparing (fixes possible id clashes in EMF)
### 2.1.0 ### 
 - Improvements to core:
	core (1.4.0):
		handle dots in names correctly wrt to reference property
		always build proxies wrt project root folder (rather than same folder as referencing component)
### 2.0.0 ### 
 - Release for Rodin 1.3:
	core (1.3.0): no change
	formula (1.0.3): no change
	persistence (2.0.0):
		API made more flexible to allow for emf modelling extensions
		Synchroniser interface changed to accept IRodinElement
		Added support for project level synchronisation
	compare (1.0.0): new - to support compare/merge tools
### 1.3.0 ### 
 - Improvements:
	proxy resolution supports models without an associated resource
	re-use already resolved references
	support serialisation in XMI
### 1.2.1 ### 
 - Improved dependencies list used in installation
### 1.2.0 ### 
 - Re-release for Rodin 1.2 and new versions of EMF and EMF compare:
	reference is now changeable (needed by EMF copy util) but read-only in genmodel-edit
	renamed EOperations to doSet, doGet etc. (generated setters and getters customised to call these)
	changed doGetName to assert instanceof EventBElement instead of conditional
	added an AbstractExtension metaclass (Extension now subclasses this)
	changed genmodel to create Extensible provider factories so that editor automatically caters for extensions
### 1.1.2 ### 
 - Re-release for Rodin 1.1.0, add licence info etc. to build
### 1.1.1 ### 
 - Re-export org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi for clients
### 1.1.0 ### 
 - Provide I/O stream load/save methods in Resource
### 1.0.2 ### 
 - Fixed update site URL, relaxed version numbers
### 1.0.1 ### 
 - Initial Release
Source: readme.txt, updated 2018-11-03