Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Kits 2014-07-15
ReadMe.txt 2014-10-21 6.9 kB
REVEAL_How_To_Take_Photos_for_3d.pdf 2014-02-18 534.9 kB
REVEAL_Analyze_Reference_Manual.pdf 2012-05-23 4.9 MB
REVEAL_Hardware_Requirements.pdf 2012-05-23 371.4 kB
REVEAL_Users_Guide.pdf 2012-05-23 8.5 MB
Totals: 6 Items   14.3 MB 0
	              Release Notes for REVEAL

Reconstruction and Exploratory Visualization: Engineering meets ArchaeoLogy

REVEAL project at the Laboratory for Man/Machine Systems (LEMS) within the 
School of Engineering at Brown University. 

The REVEAL project is supported by National Science Foundation Grant No.0808718, 
III-CXT-Core Computer Vision Research: Promoting Paradigm Shifts in Archaeology.  

REVEAL is free software released under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.  
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  

See  License_GPL.txt and License_lesser_GPL.txt in the REVEAL_Analyze directory, 
or http://www.gnu.org for license details

Developed with assistance from 
 * Andrew Willis, University of North Carolina 
 * Donald Sanders, VIZIN, the Institute for Visualization of History 
 * Oren Tal and the excavation at Apollonia-Arsuf 
 * Aren Maier and the excavation at Tel es-Safi 

New in Release
- WampServer 2.5 and WampServer 2.2 are fully supported.
  Mostly consists of Refactoring mySQL interfaces to be compatible with newer
   mySQL. PHP PDO for mySQL access. 
- Added upload textured models that keeps models with texture files on the server so
  they display properly.

New in Release 1.0.6
- Photo to 3D model now has a third output form which is a textured 3d model.
  This requires a Java runtime and if one is not there it installs Java 7 32 or 64 bit.

- Multiple Sentinal servers now correctly apportion jobs without duplicating work.

- Fixes and updates to Analyzer, highlights include new 2D and 3D alignment code and
  a web-page generator for supporting custom user data.

- Fixes to the Web site.

Release 1.0.5 was a point release for specific users.  
  (now generalized into Release 1.0.6).

New in Release 1.0.4

- Attachments tab Thumbnail viewer for viewing attachments and moving them between 
  objects in the database.
- Data Entry name filter works properly.
- Modifications to support web page generator (for user specific web configuration).
- Internal restructuring to support specific site requirements.
- Reorder Uploads Viewer filter button bar.

- 3D Model Alignment - added ability to apply existing model's parameters to new model
  to use when uploading a modified version of a model.  This only works when the 
  model file has not been moved, rotated, or scaled in any way.
- Web page generator (for user-specific web configuration.
- Various bug fixes.

REVEAL Install
- Backup versions of settings files renamed with .bak extension to prevent them
  being executed.
- Update existing install without affecting existing data (does not change
  change the database or photo or model files).

Release 1.0.3 - intermediate version supporting features for specific sites 
  (now generalized into Release 1.0.4).

New in Release 1.0.2

- Photos, or other files, can only be uploaded to a new form entry after it has 
  been saved.
- When photos or other files are uploaded, they can have a tag associated with 
  them to make the group of files easier to find (for submitting to photo-to-3D, 
  for instance).
- There is a new filter on the Attachments tab to filter by tag or file name.

Point-Cloud-to-Surface functionality
- There is a new job-type that generates a surface model for an ASCII .PLY point 
  cloud model.  This is especially useful if you have a scanner that creates point 
  cloud models and you would like to surface them.  It can also be used to re-run 
  a surface model for a photo-generated point cloud (if you checked the box to 
  upload the photo point cloud).
- If you have point cloud models in some format other than .PLY, you will need to 
  convert them to an ASCII point cloud model with a tool such as MeshLab, from 
- The Photo-to-3D job submit dialog now has a Surface tab to submit 
  point-cloud-to-surface jobs.
- The REVEAL Sentinal now can process point-cloud-to-surface jobs.
- The Photo-to-3D job controller now shows "ssd" point-cloud-to-surface jobs.

- The Windows batch file REVEAL_Dump_Merge.bat is installed in the REVEAL_Analyze 
  directory.  It assists in merging databases from multiple machines.  See the 
  REVEAL_Analyze FAQ's 

REVEAL Analyze
- Internal function to assist with generating custom web site forms.

New in Release 1.0.1c

The REVEAL unified install kit.

- Photo-to-3D job submission
- Photo-to-3D job monitor
- Direct drag-and-drop photos, models, documents onto object Upload tab
- Table tool to add cameras to the database
- Table tool to add entries to the dropdown table lists
- Bug fixes

REVEAL Analyze
- Aligning Plans now uses three points instead of two points and an angle.
- Latitude / Longitude values now supported correctly for plan alignment.
- Latitude / Longitude alignment requires a base Latitude / Longitude in the 
  database meta data file.
- Plan View has a new "scrub" mode that scrolls through the layers.
- Plan layers can have visibility set to hidden, variable transparency, or 
  always visible.
- Plan view supports ctrl-drag to move the viewpoint, as well as dragging the 
- 3D View has three Z Modes - accurate position, scaled vertical position, or 
  separate layers vertically
- 3D View has a copy functon to copy the currently visible view.
- Saved files - layers, windows, applications, exported plans, exported tables 
  now default to the user's Documents or My Documents area.
- The database meta data file supports direct file reads or loading files from 
  a network location.
- Many bug fixes.
- Corrected demo database meta data

- Added an end-to-end user's guide.
- Upgraded the installation guide, 

REVEAL Demo database
- New and improved demo data.  In particular, the dropdown data for attributes.
- New and improved demo files.  In particular, sufficient photos to generate 
  3D models.

Known issues

REVEAL Web Data Entry
- After changing the name of an object, the new name will not appear in the Name
  list until you click to a different table and then click back.

REVEAL Analyze
- If REVEAL Analyze loses connection to the database, it crashes when it next 
  tries to access the database.  Typically this happens when the computer wakes 
  from sleep if REVEAL Analyze was running when the computer was put to sleep.
- On some systems when the 3D window overlaps other windows, it may not correctly redraw when 
  the mouse is moved.  Click on the edge of the window to resize it and it will
  redraw correctly.

REVEAL Analyze not-yet-implemented features
- 3D View export to a file is not yet implemented.
- 3D alignment using latitude / longitude is not yet implemented
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2014-10-21