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  Installation Guide

1 Download a LiveCD ISO image.
2 Boot from the LiveCD.
3 Open a terminal.
4 Login as root user:
  $ su -
  The root password is "ramone".
5 Creating the root partition:
  # cfdisk /dev/sda
6 Install system to the root partition:
  If you want to install system on sda1 partition for example, run
  # ram-livecd-to-disk /dev/sda1
  If you don't want to install GRUB, run with --no-grub-install.
  # ram-livecd-to-disk /dev/sda1 --no-grub-install
7 Reboot the system.
8 Post installation:
  8.1 Add a user
  # useradd test
  # passwd test
  # mkdir /home/test
  # chown -R test:test /home/test
  8.2 Add the user to the sudoers file
  # visudo
  8.3 Add a swap partition
  Set up a swap area:
  $ sudo mkswap /dev/sda3
  Add it in /etc/fstab:
  /dev/sda3      swap         swap     pri=1               0     0
  8.4 Replace localtime
  $ sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
  8.5 Update the system
  $ sudo yum makecache
  $ sudo yum update
  8.6 Install some packages
  $ sudo yum install gcc
Source: readme, updated 2013-10-25