Home / pyWeb-2.2
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README 2010-12-30 2.0 kB
pyweb-2.2.tar.gz 2010-12-30 177.9 kB
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pyWeb 2.2: In Python, Yet Another Literate Programming Tool

Literate programming is an attempt to reconcile the opposing needs
of clear presentation to people with the technical issues of 
creating code that will work with our current set of tools.

Presentation to people requires extensive and sophisticated typesetting
techniques.  Further, the "narrative arc" of a presentation may not 
follow the source code as layed out for the compiler.

pyWeb is a literate programming tool that combines the actions
of weaving a document with tangling source files.
It is independent of any particular document markup or source language.
Is uses a simple set of markup tags to define chunks of code and 

The pyweb.w file is the source for the various pyweb module and script files, plus
the pyweb.html file.  The various source code files are created by applying a 
tangle operation to the .w file.  The final documentation is created by
applying a weave operation to the .w file.



    python setup.py install

This will install the pyweb module.  


The pyweb document describes the simple markup used to define code chunks
and assemble those code chunks into a coherent document as well as working code.

If you're a JEdit user, the <tt>jedit</tt> directory can be used
to configure syntax highlighting that includes PyWeb and RST.


You can then run pyweb with


    python -m pyweb pyweb.w 

This will create the various output files from the source .w file.

-   pyweb.html is the final woven document.

-   pyweb.py, tangle.py, weave.py, readme, setup.py and MANIFEST.in are tangled output files.


The test directory includes pyweb_test.w, which will create a 
complete test suite.

This weaves a pyweb_test.html file.

This tangles several test modules:  test.py, test_tangler.py, test_weaver.py,
test_loader.py and test_unit.py.  Running the test.py module will include and
execute all 71 tests.

Source: README, updated 2010-12-30