Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
PyLibrary.rar 2012-04-17 21.6 kB
README.txt 2012-04-17 1.0 kB
Totals: 2 Items   22.7 kB 0
Libraries for Python developers. - Chetan Giridhar


    	* Libraries to handle database operations
		** Support for SQLIte db operations
		** Handles MongoDB operations
	* Libraries for web
		** GET/POST requests to a defined URL
		** Rest style GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request handle
		** Pinger to ping a link and all links on a given web page
	* Libraries to support Windows operations
		** Handles Virtual Machine (start/pause/remove)
		** Windows Services (start/stop)
		** Registry operations for Windows (add/retrieve/delete keys)
	* Utility libraries 
		** Works with Date, Time, Calender operations
		** Mathematical operations (lcm, gcd, isPrime, fibonacci...)
		** Convert Rows to Columns
		** Archive operations (zlib)
		** FileSystem Operations

	* Datastructures
		** Stack implementation
		** Queue implementation
		** Linkedlist implementation
		** Priority Queue implementation
	* Security
		** Performs cryptographic operations (md5/sha/hmac signatures)
	* Logging mechanisms
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-04-17