Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.md 2022-09-06 4.9 kB
NEWS 2022-09-06 5.1 kB
calipous.png 2022-09-06 13.2 kB
points_forces.20220906.tar.bz2 2022-09-06 361.9 kB
points_forces.20200116.tar.bz2 2020-01-16 288.2 kB
Totals: 5 Items   673.2 kB 0



a list of tools with a short description can be found on: http://smars.yuntech.edu.tw/projects/survey/standalone.php

keywords: total stations, digital photogrammetry, laser scanner, point clouds

background about the developments of the tools can be found in:

You may consider using the docker image absps/points_forces (if you are on Windows, that is certainly easier)


required software/libraries to build and run the project tools:

required software/libraries to build project:

some of the tools offer hooks to:

Note for FreeBSD:

I use the port <math/vtk9>

> cd /usr/ports/devel/cmake; make install clean
> cd /usr/ports/math/vtk9; make install clean
> cd /usr/ports/devel/swig; make install clean

VxL is not in the ports (see below) https://sourceforge.net/projects/vxl/

Note for Debian or Ubuntu:

Take a look at the Dockerfile on github for inspiration if something goes wrong.

> apt-get install cmake cmake-curses-gui
> apt-get install libvtk9-dev libvtk9
> apt-get install swig

I compile VxL from the source (there is a package available but it is not complete)

Notes for Unix-like OS

a. to install VXL

Use git

> git clone https://github.com/vxl/vxl.git
> cd vxl
> ccmake . (answer the questions, see also below)
> make
> make install

b. to install Points&Forces

  • Use GIT (or untar the file but you will often get an old version)
  • Go to the <core> directory [common files used by this and other projects]
  • prepare the Makefile, using cmake: the idea (in two words) is to go to the directory, type:
> ccmake .

press 'c' (configure), answer the questions, possibly press 'c' again, until a 'g' option appears, press 'g' to generate the Makefile.


EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH: keep empty (unless you know what you are doing)

LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH: keep empty (unless you know what you are doing)

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: keep default, most likely /usr/local (unless you know what you are doing)

  • build the <core> library:
> make

(you will need first to copy core/script/man2cxx to /usr/local/bin)

  • install the library (as 'root' if the library is installed in its standard position):
> make install
  • go to the the <survey> directory.
  • do as for <core>
> ccmake .
> make
> make install (as root)
note: core_DIR is the <core> lib directory that you just installed.
  • go to the the <structure> directory (not needed if you are just interested in visualisation and geometrical data manipulation).
  • do as for <core> and <survey>
> ccmake .
> make
> cd scripts
> wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/pointsforces/files/calipous.png/download -O calipous.png
  (or use a browser and save the file in the script directory)
> cd ..
> make install (as root)
again, note: core_DIR is the <core> lib directory that you just installed.
  • insure that tcl can find the 'points & forces' packages: add an environment variable
> export TCLLIBPATH=/usr/local/lib/points_forces 
when CMAKE\_INSTALL\_PREFIX is `/usr/local`

create pkgIndex.tcl in TCLLIBPATH

running `pkg_mkIndex` **as root** in a tcl shell; 
> tclsh
% pkg_mkIndex /usr/local/lib/points_forces 
        the file should be readable by everybody


at this stage, most of the programs have an option '-h' to return some help

> a_program -h

I also started to work on man pages, but there is still a lot to do...

From tcl, it is also possible to get help about some of the classes of the project. 'a_point_help' gives for instance information about the class 'a_point'. Work in progress... Some example files illustrating the use of classes can also be found in the source directories (most start with "test_").

the tools are developed and tested under FreeBSD (13.0) and Debian (bullseye) (both amd64).

Source: README.md, updated 2022-09-06