Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
v1.6.0 2023-12-13
v1.5.2 2023-03-06
v1.5.1 2023-02-04
translations 2014-03-11
old releases 2013-06-19
phpipam-1.5.tar 2022-05-03 32.1 MB
phpipam-1.4.tar 2019-07-02 34.7 MB
phpipam-1.3.2.tar 2018-06-27 32.2 MB
phpipam-1.3.1.tar 2017-11-15 30.9 MB
phpipam-1.3.tar 2017-06-14 21.6 MB
CHANGELOG 2016-02-13 22.9 kB
phpipam-1.2.1.tar 2016-02-13 9.5 MB
INSTALL.txt 2016-01-29 110 Bytes
README 2016-01-29 2.5 kB
Roadmap 2016-01-29 1.2 kB
UPDATE 2016-01-29 105 Bytes
phpipam-1.2.tar 2016-01-29 9.2 MB
phpipam-1.1.010.tar 2014-12-11 6.2 MB
phpipam-1.1.tar 2014-12-08 6.2 MB
phpipam-1.0.tar 2014-03-13 5.7 MB
phpipam-0.9.tar 2013-10-30 4.9 MB
phpipam-0.8.tar 2013-06-21 4.0 MB
Totals: 22 Items   197.2 MB 255
phpipam is an open-source web IP address management application. Its goal is to provide light and simple IP address management application.
It is ajax-based using jQuery libraries, it uses php scripts and javascript and some HTML5/CSS3 features, so some modern browser is preferred
to be able to display javascript quickly and correctly.

Features and tools:
- Section / Subnet separation
- Subnet nesting
- IPv4/IPv6 support
- Subnet ICMP/telnet scanning and automatic status updates
- Displays free range and number of clients
- Subnet statistics
- User management
- AD/LDAP/OpenLDAP/NetIQ/Radius authentication support (multiple servers)
- E-Mail notification with IP details
- Import IP addresses from XLS / CSV file
- Export IP database to XLS file
- IPv4/IPv6 calculator
- Search IP database
- IP request module
- Custom IP address fields
- and much more...
- PowerDNS integration (3.4+);

phpipam is released under the GPL v3 license, see misc/gpl-3.0.txt.

- Apache2 web server with php and mod_rewrite support
- Mysql server (5.1+)
- PHP version 5.2+ with following modules (On windows php 5.3 is required!)
	+ + pdo, pdo_mysql      : Adds support for mysql connections
    + + session             : Adds persistent session support
    + + gmp                 : Adds support for dev-libs/gmp (GNU MP library) -> to calculate IPv6 networks
    + + ldap                : Adds LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
    + + json				: Adds supports for JSON data-interexchange format
    + + SimpleXML			: Adds SimpleXML support for parsin XML files
    + + gettext				: Add support for gettext translations
- PHP PEAR support (dev-php/pear)

- http://phpipam.net/documents/installation/

API guide
- http://phpipam.net/api-documentation/

- http://phpipam.net/documents/upgrade/

Demo page

Default user
Admin / ipamadmin

Reset admin password
php functions/scripts/reset-admin-password.php


See misc/Roadmap


special thank also to Hosterdam team (http://www.hosterdam.com) for VPS server
that is used for development of phpIPAM and for demo site.

And also to all users that filed a bug report / feature report and helped with feature testing!
Source: README, updated 2016-01-29